


I wish hydorah would wax poetic about my third world streets like he did the Midwest

Should I do a walking tour or invite him over

I will buy him a GFE hooker like here’s 500 bucks do that thing you do to white guys to my machete looking fren over there

“A the brown pussy here… *french noises* “
Boots On The Ground line dance is so much fun to learn

Libras just seem easier to date for now so agreeable 😅🤷‍♂️
My temper violatile, grew up a violent child
I'll never get over grabbing a woman by her hair during sex, and making her feel like a complete object. Then transition into lightly embracing her face, and softly kiss her neck like she's the most important thing on the face of the planet. They type of sex hits different.
Gonna go get my hair chopped off tomorrow. It has gotten way too long and hard to manage/ style .
Image about Mah-jongg


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Current Date and Time: 2025-03-29 09:30 UTC

The Zodiac Signs