I've been having crazy dreams about music my whole life. Like entire songs with lyrics and everything. The craziest happened last night. I was dreaming I was laying in bed dreaming about a song. So a literal dream within a dream. I could hear every single word, and even remember they rhymed and made sense. There was a male, and female singer. Then inside the dream I woke up and realized I was wearing headphones. When I went to the computer to see what the band was, the dream slowly started to change to something else like they normally do. The. I eventually woke up in real life, or what ever you want to call this state of being, and can't remember a single word or the beat of that song. I remember every single detail though. I find that crazy.
How can a person hold sentimental value to money is beyond me? Like what, now you'll hold it until you die so that someone who inherits it can spend it right away? I don't get it. I understand objects hold sentimental value but money - never
$ 100 on a fish hook π π π π π