


somone lost (things) i lose all my so they feel better
I went on a couple dates with a Taurus man back around Christmas. Dates were fine but he tried to smash too soon and did the slow fade when I wasn’t down. Now he is texting me hateful messages months later. Any insight into this strange male behavior? I’m amused, but don’t respond. Which seems to make him angrier 😆
I’m down to host a dxp dating game if the masculine signs are down to fight for $ 100 bucks
On today’s episode of Love is Bald

$ 100 on a fish hook 😅😅😅😅😅
Staind was enjoyable for like 5 mins 😅
Decided to order Japanese noodles to celebrate me passing my first driving license test smile
Image about Decided to order Japanese noodles to celebrate me passing my first driving license test :)
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I've been having crazy dreams about music my whole life. Like entire songs with lyrics and everything. The craziest happened last night. I was dreaming I was laying in bed dreaming about a song. So a literal dream within a dream. I could hear every single word, and even remember they rhymed and made sense. There was a male, and female singer. Then inside the dream I woke up and realized I was wearing headphones. When I went to the computer to see what the band was, the dream slowly started to change to something else like they normally do. The. I eventually woke up in real life, or what ever you want to call this state of being, and can't remember a single word or the beat of that song. I remember every single detail though. I find that crazy.
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Current Date and Time: 2025-03-20 22:35 UTC

The Zodiac Signs