Aquarius ex girlfriend

This topic was created in the Aquarius and Pisces Compatibility forum by Poisonivyxx on Saturday, August 7, 2021 and has 1 replies.

Im a pisces girl and i ended things with aqua girl after 6 months because we had some troubles. She was really hurt and she didn't want anything to do with me. After like 4 months i tried to contact her and be friend but she told me she has a new girlfriend and she know i talk to her so i should let her.

Now after 8 months she texted me if i didn’t manifest her because she had dream about me

and i respond with no, why

and she was like “i didn’t think of you at all and now i had a dream you probably thinking about me!”

( later she told me it was sexual dream)

then we talking with each other she was very curious about my life and we came across our relationships. She told me she is still with the girl she told me about earlier. I told her i have girlfriend almost a year and she was really surprised and she started asking me to show her because she “want to make sure my gf is not her aliexpress version” and i told her she is her own aliexpress version because she changed her hair color since we breakup. She told me im still not funny. It was always our way of flirting when we insult each other. Next day she called me but i wasn’t on my phone and I wrote her whats up. And she told me she want to know what was the vine we was drinking together. I told her she can’t call me just like that because I didn't tell my girlfriend we are talking. She apologized for not realizing it and told me her girlfriend would be mad if she knew about us too. We kept writing about normal stuff and she told me she has a problem with one subject and thats bad because she will graduate from it. I told her i could help her because i graduate from it ( and she know it). And she told me she was thinking about asking me but she is scared what can happen between us ( u know what) and i told her i only want to help her. We were cool she said “okay”. Then after 3 days I had time so i wrote her if she wants to meet and look at school and she started “and what about our girlfriends? I dont think my would like it and same for your girl.” and im like??? Like we both keep our “friendship” as a secret because we were talking about each other to our new girlfriends and i know her girlfriend wouldn't let her talk to me + she is the one who contacted the other so she wouldn’t even explain it.

I really don’t know what does it mean, why she added me, why she contacted me, like WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

is it worth trying to be friends with her?