After a long isolation time you get in touch with old friends?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by 4fresh on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 and has 4 replies.
I have a situation with an aqua girl and I hope i can find a good advice here... We met in a summer camp and between us was a perfect chemestry that ended up in a 10 days summer romance... Things got deep at an emotional level because we opened up so easy talking about our past and stuff one to another (we haved an unbelivlebe level of comunications because we could literally talk for days and never end at all... I an an aries with a mind always full of crazy ideas and projects that i like to tell that is a epic paradise for a curious aquarius ) and it seems that we are simply made for eachother. The strange thing is that aquarius dont usually do that, but the click was so strong that she ended up falling asleep in my arms. We decided to keep in touch even if we are 2 hours apart planning to be togheter when I will move to her city for collage in 2 years *silly plans* But we talked for a month in a regular phase and managed to met after a month in her city for a day and it was total chemistry again. Is a damn strange feeling that we are ment to be togheter that we both know and is strange. At least I felt like home around her and (for what I readed about aquarius in love) she droped all the possible hints that she liked me in our date... We ended up shopping while holding hands like a regular couple.
After that the school begun and this and the long disstance putted a lot of pressure on us. I haved a hard depression time for a month because of busy schedule and stress and she got trough a similar thing. We both tried to mantain a comunication but as the things progressed the situation becomed tensionate and at least I felt that i needed a damn pause in all this but i was to afraid to tell her so all ended up in a small fight on chat after I apologised in the next morning.
After that she started to ignore my weekly attempts to contact her that i stoped right away. I know she is in a probably some monthly long isolation time and I'm ok with it. My only question is: should I expect a call or she will just move on?

P.S: She have a leo moon that makes her very atached emotionally but her aquarius sun makes her keep that all for herself.
And I met her mom an I maked a very good impresion on her... She allready knowed about me because we talked so much on the phone... She invited me at her apartment that day when I visited her and she maked me the best coffe I ever drinked. I miss her... But in the time we were both stressed things have gone pretty bad... After she ends her long aloof time (because school will pressure her *an is pressuring me too* for a while... She have an important exam this year too) would she call me again or she will simply prefer not to make the effort because i was an emotional impulsive wreck (she was mean to me to and kind of hurt me in that time we cool off the communication and that attitude setted me on fire). Aquarius are logic creatures... She will understand the whole picture because after a month of thinking I understanded things from her perspective and she is right to act like this.
I'm an Aqua sun/Leo moon. I don't think you should expect any contact from her since school and other things are a priority for her... Patching things up with you anytime soon is likely not a concern for her since you two are distanced, it wouldn't make a difference to anything. If you really miss her, you can attempt to contact her during a break (Thanksgiving or winter) as she might not be too overwhelmed with life then and could respond.
Well, about sticking to the subject... I'm a constant guy... Since I met her I told her i like her. But she doesnt seem to understand that, and from the beginining she allways questioned me how I can like a person that much before I even know her. I explained that I feel that she wort my trust and I see no reason not to trust her. Aries sun, aries moon. I allways have been constant with my feelings but she just felt the urge to ignore me or to make me jealous just "to keep me intrested". At the beginning she ignored me on purpose a thing that shaked my confidence badly, and she just started to tell me about a friend of her she observed I didn't like and actually started to keep contact with him a lot allways telling me about him in a slightly obviuos way.
On my inside I was raging hard, but I just tried not to show it... After weeks of this attitude I just started to fell really insecure even if it seems that she is the underdog in this relationship at least at the beginning. I told her many times to stop this (not in a direct way) but she keept doing it because I think she expected something.
I didn't know what, because in my head I was already commited but I couldnt show that to her because of distance. Her game on my emotions was starting to make me feel really bad and that added to school stress get me into that 1 month depression that I now recover from. I acted very stupid but in a logic way in the situation I have been trough now that I look back. Searching for her after 2-3 months of silence could prove her something?