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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
I think if an aqua (well, any guy for that matter) is into you, you will know it. I would quit worrying about him and look elsewhere. I'm sure you didn't want to hear that. Sorry. Stay busy, live your life. If he misses you, he will contact you.
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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
This is really boring and you are really creepy even I can see its never gonna happen between the two of you...
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
Freye when you said he made plans for 'us' was the other girl there? When he came and visited your home town was the other girl there? More to the fact regardless of connection has he ever tried to be more romantic or was it just platonic?
I say this because these are your questions, if you can remove your emotions for a second and really listen to your own story it really sounds like he likes the other girl a lot more.
They came back after you talked to them, even if he made the decision did he tell you it was because of you? I'm asking you this because I believe most aquas hate it when people assume how we think. We are people of the moment, I've felt a genuine connection with people before but never kept in contact the harshness of the reality is that I feel like I don't need to stay in contact. He might have some pressing issues in his life right now but just because you told him he can count on you it doesn't mean he'll do it. I have a Sag friend that loves pulling that line out and the more she does it the less I tell her about things, I share when I want to that is the end of that.
Look this is me trying to give you a reality check in the softest way possible. Your story to me seems like he's spent way more time with the other girl than you. Yes bonds can be formed through college but I think your romanticism is clouding your judgement.
What has stopped you from telling him how you feel about him? If it's just shyness then bite the bullet and tell him if you truly believe there's a connection. If you've always had this feeling he was never really that into you then just let go of the torment and move on. Either way the only solution is to tell him, hope for the best prepare for the worst.
Thank you, this was great advice, I'll think on those questions. You may be right, I just needed someone to give me the reality check so I can move on.
And no, the other girl wasn't there at those times, but I'm still gonna think it all over and just try to get a clear view. He always made the plans for just the two of us, and about the trip: was coincidence that they had to go together. There are some things that could be misunderstood from my text, but that doesn't actually matter, because I just started to see other sides of the story. So, thanks again, if he wants to, hell contact me, if not, well, I'll just stop thinking so much about it.
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
okay well now that you say that I'll give you a better idea of how I acted when I was younger compared to now. This is just me and my chart may differ to his.
When I was younger I was actually afraid to like someone. I'd be the really open person but completely freeze up when I find out I have feelings for a friend I would go from being completely open to closed up because I feel what I say may end up working against me in fear the other person won't like me.
Being a bit older now but none the wiser. I tend to speak my heart more often, I'm just now more generally guarded but become an open book to the person I like. I still love to retreat into my brain and think over a lot of things but when it comes down to it I always say what I feel because I never want to regret my choices or dwell on the what ifs.
If your young aqua is anything like me there can be hope. If you want to wait, then go ahead wait a few more weeks, busy yourself but perhaps I can rub some wisdom of my own onto you? Speak from the heart and speak genuinely with him. You won't have nothing to regret, there might be heartache but it generally doesn't stay too long once you've said all that you wanted to say.
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
^won't have anything to regret lol. not nothing >