Any other Aquarius gets overwhelmed and overthink when someone you like cuts you off?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Onimusha01 on Friday, February 1, 2019 and has 78 replies.
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When someone I like / care about either a friendship or a relationship I tend to think to much and study scenarios in my head of what could of happen or how can I fix the situation, and It takes me mad long to get that person off my head.

Anybody else struggles?
Depends, if I was cut off for stupid ass shit, then no. I am sad for a bit then move on with my life.

If its been a long time investment by both sides, then yes I analyze and try to sort out my part in the demise of the friendship/ won't stop thinking about it. I will even attempt to reach out to try to see if it can be worked on/fixed. If the other person still 1. doesn't own up to their part in shit and 2. is unwilling to continue being friends, I walk away.

I will never force a friendship, either we are or we aren't, period.
Posted by aPiscesPrincess2

Yes, the Aquas I've known do that. Kind of obsess about the situation for awhile.

Its really annoying while it lasts.
Posted by justagirl

Depends, if I was cut off for stupid ass shit, then no. I am sad for a bit then move on with my life.

If its been a long time investment by both sides, then yes I analyze and try to sort out my part in the demise of the friendship/ won't stop thinking about it. I will even attempt to reach out to try to see if it can be worked on/fixed. If the other person still 1. doesn't own up to their part in shit and 2. is unwilling to continue being friends, I walk away.

I will never force a friendship, either we are or we aren't, period.
For me it was stupid butter... I do want to reach out in a while ... (one week feels like eternity) .. But I dont like forcing interactions...

I'd rather have someone insulting me for what I did to them bc at least I know how they feel, But other ppl just leave you on the LIMBO. And I hate it.
Posted by aPiscesPrincess2

Posted by Onimusha01

Posted by aPiscesPrincess2

Yes, the Aquas I've known do that. Kind of obsess about the situation for awhile.

Its really annoying while it lasts.
Yes. I know the ones I've known don't like when they're going through that. It seems very stressful.
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It is really stressful, bc its like stuck in my head and I cant do nothing to change the situation anyway. Like yeah, I be fine, not the first time it happens, you get over it... but hell, it takes me quiet some time to get there.

The funny part is that once we get over it... and we think about it.. we ask ourselves, why the heck we created such a drama? lol
It’s interesting to see an aqua struggling with this. Usually it’s the person dating the aqua that struggles with this.
Posted by pinkbird03

It’s interesting to see an aqua struggling with this. Usually it’s the person dating the aqua that struggles with this.
I believe her Cancer moon is the culprit
Is there such a thing as giving in Aquarius too much space? Because what if they’re really just giving you space and you have assumed that they cut you off . Then you never reach out so they never reach out and you both are thinking that neither one of you want to deal with each other?
Posted by ladylibra21

Is there such a thing as giving in Aquarius too much space? Because what if they’re really just giving you space and you have assumed that they cut you off . Then you never reach out so they never reach out and you both are thinking that neither one of you want to deal with each other?
Idk about other Aquas, but for me it's out of sight, out of mind
At least no one knows and you suffer in silence.

I usually cut someone off when I’m hurt and then expect them to come running to find me lol. Just dumb.

But when they don’t and if I care enough, I will always tuck my tail and try again.

This is only in love relationships though. Friends don’t get a second look.

I did this about 3 times to the Aqua I was interested in a couple of years ago. He finally had enough of my shit and got serious with someone else. I’m happy for him though. He was so sweet.
I invest all the time possible, that’s my way of showing I care and I like you . ( I don’t know how to express my feelings w words) more if it’s a relationship. I will be there anytime you want me too. Bc that’s my way of showing you are important to me. My saggy was very needy he asked to see me every single day. For almost the whole entire day sometimes. When it was possible. I will never get tired of seeing you 24/7 if I’m really attracted to u ( here for other signs to take notes lol) but saggys apparently don’t give a shit to cut I off. I barely express how I feel but when I do I say exactly what it is. I don’t know how to sugarcoat. And a lot of ppl get offended. And cut me off... like can we just talk it out and keep going?! How a relationship with a saggy get stronger if they run away as soon as they can’t handle the truth?! Isn’t honesty part of saggys worlds?!
Posted by saggurl88

At least no one knows and you suffer in silence.

I usually cut someone off when I’m hurt and then expect them to come running to find me lol. Just dumb.

But when they don’t and if I care enough, I will always tuck my tail and try again.

This is only in love relationships though. Friends don’t get a second look.

I did this about 3 times to the Aqua I was interested in a couple of years ago. He finally had enough of my shit and got serious with someone else. I’m happy for him though. He was so sweet.
if u made it to the stage of friendship where I do anything for you. I still fight for you.

I don’t have a problem reaching out if I care, specially if I feel I might of make u feel bad, I would like to make it up to you... Same in a relationship. Once I invested my time, u become my issue. 😝 but I’ll walk away if I feel I’m begging or bothering you.

Posted by Onimusha01

Posted by saggurl88

At least no one knows and you suffer in silence.

I usually cut someone off when I’m hurt and then expect them to come running to find me lol. Just dumb.

But when they don’t and if I care enough, I will always tuck my tail and try again.

This is only in love relationships though. Friends don’t get a second look.

I did this about 3 times to the Aqua I was interested in a couple of years ago. He finally had enough of my shit and got serious with someone else. I’m happy for him though. He was so sweet.
if u made it to the stage of friendship where I do anything for you. I still fight for you.

I don’t have a problem reaching out if I care, specially if I feel I might of make u feel bad, I would like to make it up to you... Same in a relationship. Once I invested my time, u become my issue. 😝 but I’ll walk away if I feel I’m begging or bothering you.

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That's cause your a fixed sign. This is actually the big problem between Sag and Aquas. Communication.

"but I’ll walk away if I feel I’m begging or bothering you"

I as a Sag, feel like this all the time. This is the reason I hate reaching out. I think that if I give you enough space, you will come back, whether it was my fault or not.

I come back eventually but its super slow and after months. I annoy myself with it.

It only happens when I love the person or know I will love them. My communication gets horrible. It's like I don't know how to act normal. I overthink and then just do nothing instead. Its a super slow process with me and the ones that stick with me are the ones that I keep around. I end up getting to know them better like that anyways.
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Onimusha01

Posted by saggurl88

At least no one knows and you suffer in silence.

I usually cut someone off when I’m hurt and then expect them to come running to find me lol. Just dumb.

But when they don’t and if I care enough, I will always tuck my tail and try again.

This is only in love relationships though. Friends don’t get a second look.

I did this about 3 times to the Aqua I was interested in a couple of years ago. He finally had enough of my shit and got serious with someone else. I’m happy for him though. He was so sweet.
if u made it to the stage of friendship where I do anything for you. I still fight for you.

I don’t have a problem reaching out if I care, specially if I feel I might of make u feel bad, I would like to make it up to you... Same in a relationship. Once I invested my time, u become my issue. 😝 but I’ll walk away if I feel I’m begging or bothering you.

That's cause your a fixed sign. This is actually the big problem between Sag and Aquas. Communication.

"but I’ll walk away if I feel I’m begging or bothering you"

I as a Sag, feel like this all the time. This is the reason I hate reaching out. I think that if I give you enough space, you will come back, whether it was my fault or not.

I come back eventually but its super slow and after months. I annoy myself with it.

It only happens when I love the person or know I will love them. My communication gets horrible. It's like I don't know how to act normal. I overthink and then just do nothing instead. Its a super slow process with me and the ones that stick with me are the ones that I keep around. I end up getting to know them better like that anyways.
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So it’s like we both feel the same way and want the same things, but the timing is different?!

For me a week it’s an eternity, without reaching out... I heard for saggys a week is nothing. How do u communicate effectively w u sag after u cut me off?
Posted by Onimusha01

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Onimusha01

Posted by saggurl88

At least no one knows and you suffer in silence.

I usually cut someone off when I’m hurt and then expect them to come running to find me lol. Just dumb.

But when they don’t and if I care enough, I will always tuck my tail and try again.

This is only in love relationships though. Friends don’t get a second look.

I did this about 3 times to the Aqua I was interested in a couple of years ago. He finally had enough of my shit and got serious with someone else. I’m happy for him though. He was so sweet.
if u made it to the stage of friendship where I do anything for you. I still fight for you.

I don’t have a problem reaching out if I care, specially if I feel I might of make u feel bad, I would like to make it up to you... Same in a relationship. Once I invested my time, u become my issue. 😝 but I’ll walk away if I feel I’m begging or bothering you.

That's cause your a fixed sign. This is actually the big problem between Sag and Aquas. Communication.

"but I’ll walk away if I feel I’m begging or bothering you"

I as a Sag, feel like this all the time. This is the reason I hate reaching out. I think that if I give you enough space, you will come back, whether it was my fault or not.

I come back eventually but its super slow and after months. I annoy myself with it.

It only happens when I love the person or know I will love them. My communication gets horrible. It's like I don't know how to act normal. I overthink and then just do nothing instead. Its a super slow process with me and the ones that stick with me are the ones that I keep around. I end up getting to know them better like that anyways.
So it’s like we both feel the same way and want the same things, but the timing is different?!

For me a week it’s an eternity, without reaching out... I heard for saggys a week is nothing. How do u communicate effectively w u sag?!
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I think we think a lot a like when we actually get to know each other, the friends first part works for Aquas, but not so much for Sag until we get to know you. We rush in, then freak out and pull back, all the while not knowing that Aquas actually like fast moving. You guys stay pretty stone cold and don't admit much.

You have a cancer moon, so that may not be the case for you.

And a week is nothing to us. I used to not reach out to an Aqua I was in love with for months at a time cause I was scared Sad No wonder he didn't stick around.

Sag don't know that you guys need constant communication. We aren't really like that, so space is fine with us. Aquas give an illusion that they are independent but you guys actually love hearing from and connecting with a person of interest.

The issue with both of us is the waiting in the mean time. Aquas feelings get hurt when their love interest doesn't message them. Sag aren't even aware cause you guys say nothing to us and we just assume you've been busy and we don't want to bug you. You will show us by ignoring calls and messages, but we get confused and think it means you don't like us so we start giving up.

There needs to be a better balance. Its hard because as communicative as Aquas are, you don't say when your feelings are hurt and Sag need to know so we can fix it. We are oblivious and just start overthinking and thinking the worst.

Having us reach out more is a simple request and just open, honest communication and for some reason Aquas seem to think it's just "common sense" and its not needed to say. But everyone communicates differently and mutables will adapt to your needs but we need to be aware of them. Cancers and Pisces work well with Aquas because they are extreme chasers and will not let up. Sag give up when we think their is no interest.

We like people who like us. If it's a waste and we feel like you don't like us after we chase a little, we will move on. We don't move on as fast as Aquas, but we will still hurt internally and fill a void with new people so we can move on.

If your missing your Sag, you should reach out and try and have an open line of communication. Be as blunt as possible, he may not know what your feeling at all and is in the mourning stages and then he won't reach out until its too late.

The Aquas saying your Cancer moon is too much is actually a good thing for us. We need to know how you feel.

Both of us hide our emotions well and we both play the nonchalant card well. It sucks.
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Onimusha01

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Onimusha01

Posted by saggurl88

At least no one knows and you suffer in silence.

I usually cut someone off when I’m hurt and then expect them to come running to find me lol. Just dumb.

But when they don’t and if I care enough, I will always tuck my tail and try again.

This is only in love relationships though. Friends don’t get a second look.

I did this about 3 times to the Aqua I was interested in a couple of years ago. He finally had enough of my shit and got serious with someone else. I’m happy for him though. He was so sweet.
if u made it to the stage of friendship where I do anything for you. I still fight for you.

I don’t have a problem reaching out if I care, specially if I feel I might of make u feel bad, I would like to make it up to you... Same in a relationship. Once I invested my time, u become my issue. 😝 but I’ll walk away if I feel I’m begging or bothering you.

That's cause your a fixed sign. This is actually the big problem between Sag and Aquas. Communication.

"but I’ll walk away if I feel I’m begging or bothering you"

I as a Sag, feel like this all the time. This is the reason I hate reaching out. I think that if I give you enough space, you will come back, whether it was my fault or not.

I come back eventually but its super slow and after months. I annoy myself with it.

It only happens when I love the person or know I will love them. My communication gets horrible. It's like I don't know how to act normal. I overthink and then just do nothing instead. Its a super slow process with me and the ones that stick with me are the ones that I keep around. I end up getting to know them better like that anyways.
So it’s like we both feel the same way and want the same things, but the timing is different?!

For me a week it’s an eternity, without reaching out... I heard for saggys a week is nothing. How do u communicate effectively w u sag?!
I think we think a lot a like when we actually get to know each other, the friends first part works for Aquas, but not so much for Sag until we get to know you. We rush in, then freak out and pull back, all the while not knowing that Aquas actually like fast moving. You guys stay pretty stone cold and don't admit much.

You have a cancer moon, so that may not be the case for you.

And a week is nothing to us. I used to not reach out to an Aqua I was in love with for months at a time cause I was scared Sad No wonder he didn't stick around.

Sag don't know that you guys need constant communication. We aren't really like that, so space is fine with us. Aquas give an illusion that they are independent but you guys actually love hearing from and connecting with a person of interest.

The issue with both of us is the waiting in the mean time. Aquas feelings get hurt when their love interest doesn't message them. Sag aren't even aware cause you guys say nothing to us and we just assume you've been busy and we don't want to bug you. You will show us by ignoring calls and messages, but we get confused and think it means you don't like us so we start giving up.

There needs to be a better balance. Its hard because as communicative as Aquas are, you don't say when your feelings are hurt and Sag need to know so we can fix it. We are oblivious and just start overthinking and thinking the worst.

Having us reach out more is a simple request and just open, honest communication and for some reason Aquas seem to think it's just "common sense" and its not needed to say. But everyone communicates differently and mutables will adapt to your needs but we need to be aware of them. Cancers and Pisces work well with Aquas because they are extreme chasers and will not let up. Sag give up when we think their is no interest.

We like people who like us. If it's a waste and we feel like you don't like us after we chase a little, we will move on. We don't move on as fast as Aquas, but we will still hurt internally and fill a void with new people so we can move on.

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You are completely right w all this, but how can I tell u how I feel if the last time I did u felt offended and u cut me off and never talked to me again. How will I know what u want if u don’t express it to me or open to talk it out. ?! How do I know when it’s a good time for me to reach out to you or if what we had meant something to you?! I know w u guys just asking for something is cool, That’s how I used to do w my saggy, I would ask him, do u think u can let me know how ur doctor went, he used to answer, yes, I can do that.

So I assume we had a good communication, so why not tell me If I made u feel bad w something I said?!
I advise against what my girl @saggurl88 suggested.

He specifically told you he wanted to be friends. Whether it's because you hurt his feelings or didnt, doesn't matter.

You were honest with him about the discomfort you felt, during sex. It's your right not to want to feel disrespected and to speak up, if so.

You've apologized for hurting his feelings, but needn't beat yourself up for speaking the truth.

If you chase after him like you're a man, you'll lose your dignity. Besides, you'll further annoy him and he'll continue to push you away.

Let it alone, cut your loses and move on to someone who'll be happy to make you happy.
Posted by Onimusha01

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Onimusha01

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Onimusha01

Posted by saggurl88

At least no one knows and you suffer in silence.

I usually cut someone off when I’m hurt and then expect them to come running to find me lol. Just dumb.

But when they don’t and if I care enough, I will always tuck my tail and try again.

This is only in love relationships though. Friends don’t get a second look.

I did this about 3 times to the Aqua I was interested in a couple of years ago. He finally had enough of my shit and got serious with someone else. I’m happy for him though. He was so sweet.
if u made it to the stage of friendship where I do anything for you. I still fight for you.

I don’t have a problem reaching out if I care, specially if I feel I might of make u feel bad, I would like to make it up to you... Same in a relationship. Once I invested my time, u become my issue. 😝 but I’ll walk away if I feel I’m begging or bothering you.

That's cause your a fixed sign. This is actually the big problem between Sag and Aquas. Communication.

"but I’ll walk away if I feel I’m begging or bothering you"

I as a Sag, feel like this all the time. This is the reason I hate reaching out. I think that if I give you enough space, you will come back, whether it was my fault or not.

I come back eventually but its super slow and after months. I annoy myself with it.

It only happens when I love the person or know I will love them. My communication gets horrible. It's like I don't know how to act normal. I overthink and then just do nothing instead. Its a super slow process with me and the ones that stick with me are the ones that I keep around. I end up getting to know them better like that anyways.
So it’s like we both feel the same way and want the same things, but the timing is different?!

For me a week it’s an eternity, without reaching out... I heard for saggys a week is nothing. How do u communicate effectively w u sag?!
I think we think a lot a like when we actually get to know each other, the friends first part works for Aquas, but not so much for Sag until we get to know you. We rush in, then freak out and pull back, all the while not knowing that Aquas actually like fast moving. You guys stay pretty stone cold and don't admit much.

You have a cancer moon, so that may not be the case for you.

And a week is nothing to us. I used to not reach out to an Aqua I was in love with for months at a time cause I was scared Sad No wonder he didn't stick around.

Sag don't know that you guys need constant communication. We aren't really like that, so space is fine with us. Aquas give an illusion that they are independent but you guys actually love hearing from and connecting with a person of interest.

The issue with both of us is the waiting in the mean time. Aquas feelings get hurt when their love interest doesn't message them. Sag aren't even aware cause you guys say nothing to us and we just assume you've been busy and we don't want to bug you. You will show us by ignoring calls and messages, but we get confused and think it means you don't like us so we start giving up.

There needs to be a better balance. Its hard because as communicative as Aquas are, you don't say when your feelings are hurt and Sag need to know so we can fix it. We are oblivious and just start overthinking and thinking the worst.

Having us reach out more is a simple request and just open, honest communication and for some reason Aquas seem to think it's just "common sense" and its not needed to say. But everyone communicates differently and mutables will adapt to your needs but we need to be aware of them. Cancers and Pisces work well with Aquas because they are extreme chasers and will not let up. Sag give up when we think their is no interest.

We like people who like us. If it's a waste and we feel like you don't like us after we chase a little, we will move on. We don't move on as fast as Aquas, but we will still hurt internally and fill a void with new people so we can move on.

You are completely right w all this, but how can I tell u how I feel if the last time I did u felt offended and u cut me off and never talked to me again. How will I know what u want if u don’t express it to me or open to talk it out. ?! How do I know when it’s a good time for me to reach out to you or if what we had meant something to you?! I know w u guys just asking for something is cool, That’s how I used to do w my saggy, I would ask him, do u think u can let me know how ur doctor went, he used to answer, yes, I can do that.

So I assume we had a good communication, so why not tell me If I made u feel bad w something I said?!
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I used to get this all messed up with my Aqua too. I almost used to think he didn't want to know that type of info, well not necessarily a doctors visit, but just random daily happenings.

He had an Aries moon, right? He will be over dramatic but still expect you to come back. We blow up but don't hold on to anger, just like you guys. But we will give space just in case we said something that did damage and wait it out, which isn't good for you fixed signs.

Sending him a message about missing him and wanting sex is what will usually do it. Sag don't need a lot of talking like you guys, we don't need mental stimulation, we need physical stimulation.

So sending a message getting straight to the point and saying something like "hey I was just thinking about that one time I orgasmed when you did this and I miss you", should pretty much do it if he likes/liked you.

Sag men are easy to please because sag is such a sexual sign. We can talk about sex all day.

I don't think I remember what happened when you went over there after you said what you said to him.

Or even inviting him somewhere, saying Hey I want to go out, are you busy? he will jump at the chance if he likes you. Aquas suck at that too, you guys hint or do things kind of last minute then overthink and end up pretending to cancel but the other person takes it as a cancellation.

He is Aries moon will want to move quickly so if you invite him somewhere and he says yeah let's go, take his word for it and actually go.
Posted by STILL

I advise against what my girl @saggurl88 suggested.

He specifically told you he wanted to be friends. Whether it's because you hurt his feelings or didnt, doesn't matter.

You were honest with him about the discomfort you felt, during sex. It's your right not to want to feel disrespected and to speak up, if so.

You've apologized for hurting his feelings, but needn't beat yourself up for speaking the truth.

If you chase after him like you're a man, you'll lose your dignity. Besides, you'll further annoy him and he'll continue to push you away.

Let it alone, cut your loses and move on to someone who'll be happy to make you happy.
Oh did he say that? That doesn't mean anything to me. He said it BECAUSE his feelings were hurt. She hurt his pride. I will tell someone that too or even agree to be friends and then proceed to chase and do what I want.

The best thing she can do is either give him space and wait for him to come back once his pride subsides or send him a message to meet up as a friend

She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua.

If this guy liked her then she will be allowed to come back however many times she wants, He won't be annoyed, he will take her more seriously. You guys think this way and move on so quick. We can barely figure out our feelings before you guys are gone.

He has fixed love signs, the same as mine. He will get over it and at last be her friend or want to be with her again if he really did care. She should at least try the friends approach first, then in person see how he looks at her. If he is still sexually attracted to her, she can start from scratch and keep moving forward with him and get back into a regular routine.

You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle.
Yes but thats only so we can conclude the narrative in our heads and move on. Aquas are great at moving on lol
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

I advise against what my girl @saggurl88 suggested.

He specifically told you he wanted to be friends. Whether it's because you hurt his feelings or didnt, doesn't matter.

You were honest with him about the discomfort you felt, during sex. It's your right not to want to feel disrespected and to speak up, if so.

You've apologized for hurting his feelings, but needn't beat yourself up for speaking the truth.

If you chase after him like you're a man, you'll lose your dignity. Besides, you'll further annoy him and he'll continue to push you away.

Let it alone, cut your loses and move on to someone who'll be happy to make you happy.
Oh did he say that? That doesn't mean anything to me. He said it BECAUSE his feelings were hurt. She hurt his pride. I will tell someone that too or even agree to be friends and then proceed to chase and do what I want.

The best thing she can do is either give him space and wait for him to come back once his pride subsides or send him a message to meet up as a friend

She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua.

If this guy liked her then she will be allowed to come back however many times she wants, He won't be annoyed, he will take her more seriously. You guys think this way and move on so quick. We can barely figure out our feelings before you guys are gone.

He has fixed love signs, the same as mine. He will get over it and at last be her friend or want to be with her again if he really did care. She should at least try the friends approach first, then in person see how he looks at her. If he is still sexually attracted to her, she can start from scratch and keep moving forward with him and get back into a regular routine.

You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle.
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She went over there to get her things and his stance remained.

She reached out a few times via text and he was not interested

As I said before Cancer moons do not work well on Aquas. It seems to make them a little too aggressive in love. It contradicts the the laid back, take it or leave it feeling Aquas have.

When your actions are not in harmony, men don't take you seriously. He'll think it's ok to offend her and not apologize. He may repeat other offensive behavior, as well. She needs to stand her ground with what she said about sex and about being friends.

Also, she already tried all that you suggested and it didn't work out. She definitely shouldn't make another attempt.

To address 2 of your statements

"She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua."

In response to this, alot of Aquas, including myself, are more prideful than Leos about most things. I've noticed that the men are less so.

"You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle."

We always mean what we say, just not they way we say it. I.e. "Your sex is whack" or "That was the worse...." as oppose to "I'd prefer that next time, you'd do it like ...."

Not me. I couldn’t care less about anyone but people in my inner circle. This Aqua must be a water or earth insecure moon.
Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

I advise against what my girl @saggurl88 suggested.

He specifically told you he wanted to be friends. Whether it's because you hurt his feelings or didnt, doesn't matter.

You were honest with him about the discomfort you felt, during sex. It's your right not to want to feel disrespected and to speak up, if so.

You've apologized for hurting his feelings, but needn't beat yourself up for speaking the truth.

If you chase after him like you're a man, you'll lose your dignity. Besides, you'll further annoy him and he'll continue to push you away.

Let it alone, cut your loses and move on to someone who'll be happy to make you happy.
Oh did he say that? That doesn't mean anything to me. He said it BECAUSE his feelings were hurt. She hurt his pride. I will tell someone that too or even agree to be friends and then proceed to chase and do what I want.

The best thing she can do is either give him space and wait for him to come back once his pride subsides or send him a message to meet up as a friend

She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua.

If this guy liked her then she will be allowed to come back however many times she wants, He won't be annoyed, he will take her more seriously. You guys think this way and move on so quick. We can barely figure out our feelings before you guys are gone.

He has fixed love signs, the same as mine. He will get over it and at last be her friend or want to be with her again if he really did care. She should at least try the friends approach first, then in person see how he looks at her. If he is still sexually attracted to her, she can start from scratch and keep moving forward with him and get back into a regular routine.

You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle.

She went over there to get her things and his stance remained.

She reached out a few times via text and he was not interested

As I said before Cancer moons do not work well on Aquas. It seems to make them a little too aggressive in love. It contradicts the the laid back, take it or leave it feeling Aquas have.

When your actions are not in harmony, men don't take you seriously. He'll think it's ok to offend her and not apologize. He may repeat other offensive behavior, as well. She needs to stand her ground with what she said about sex and about being friends.

Also, she already tried all that you suggested and it didn't work out. She definitely shouldn't make another attempt.

To address 2 of your statements

"She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua."

In response to this, alot of Aquas, including myself, are more prideful than Leos about most things. I've noticed that the men are less so.

"You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle."

We always mean what we say, just not they way we say it. I.e. "Your sex is whack" or "That was the worse...." as oppose to "I'd prefer that next time, you'd do it like ...."

click to expand
I’m confused about what actually happened and who said they were just gonna be friends

But yes I agree with Cancers Moons moving fast but it’s fine if the Sag likes her. He is double fire.

They need to work this out. I see your points but honestly we are the same. She will only know if he was actually interested later if he comes back and after she has moved on.

This is what is wrong with our sign and why other chasing signs work better. Both of us give up too easily.

I need someone to chase me just as much as Aquas need it.

But I agree. I didn’t realize she had reached out a lot. Sag don’t want someone to keep trying if we don’t like you anymore. But there’s no way of knowing how much she’s reached out. If it’s excessively and he keeps ignoring it then he’s done. If only once or twice, he still may be hurt. There’s just no way of knowing.

This is the communication part that we are horrible at. No one really knows what’s really going on. I always say things I don’t mean or agree with a persons comment if that’s what they want. Sag are people pleasers.

And I’ve dealt with 2 Aqua men that denied they liked me until AFTER I messed it all up and they had moved on. So when I try to believe what they say and give them space, it back fires on me. One came back 10 years later saying he loved me. Really???!!!! Smh

Neither sign is a consistent chaser.

Posted by aquarius09

Not me. I couldn’t care less about anyone but people in my inner circle. This Aqua must be a water or earth insecure moon.
Yeah I wasn’t talking about your monsoon of air you have. 🌪 That’s a ton! Do you even like long relationships?
yes, after I told him sex was bad. Then he decided to ask me to be friends that way he don’t need to be judge by me. If I didn’t say that, we would still be seeing each other.. That’s how I see it based on what happened. And this is why I know he said it out of anger and pride. If someone said that to me, I would not walk out but I’d feel some type of way too. I would also think they don’t like it. Which I think it’s what really went through his mind. So he said he was feeling stressed out, but when I asked him if I cause him any stress he didn’t answer, I’m not sure yet what to think. First time he told me through text msg. Then he said he wanted to be friends while walking away from sitting right in front of me. When someone really feels he wants to be friends they tell u in ur face so u know they really mean it. That’s what I think. 🤔
Posted by aquarius09

Not me. I couldn’t care less about anyone but people in my inner circle. This Aqua must be a water or earth insecure moon.
That’s the case I’m talking about, he seemed to care about me. I really wouldn’t give one fk if it was just an aquaintance. When someone show me they don’t care I really don’t care either. Not really the situation here.
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by aquarius09

Not me. I couldn’t care less about anyone but people in my inner circle. This Aqua must be a water or earth insecure moon.
Yeah I wasn’t talking about your monsoon of air you have. 🌪 That’s a ton! Do you even like long relationships?
click to expand
Nope, I can’t have a long distance relationship, I need sex as much as I need food 🤣 just talk don’t work for me.
Posted by Onimusha01

yes, after I told him sex was bad. Then he decided to ask me to be friends that way he don’t need to be judge by me. If I didn’t say that, we would still be seeing each other.. That’s how I see it based on what happened. And this is why I know he said it out of anger and pride. If someone said that to me, I would not walk out but I’d feel some type of way too. I would also think they don’t like it. Which I think it’s what really went through his mind. So he said he was feeling stressed out, but when I asked him if I cause him any stress he didn’t answer, I’m not sure yet what to think. First time he told me through text msg. Then he said he wanted to be friends while walking away from sitting right in front of me. When someone really feels he wants to be friends they tell u in ur face so u know they really mean it. That’s what I think. 🤔
I don’t think you should give up so soon. Me being a Sag and having the same fixed love signs as him can understand.

How many times have you reached out though? Have you sent a simple hey want to meet for coffee type thing? Or was it just trying to check in with him?

Cause checking in doesn’t work for us. We will ignore it if our feelings are hurt. You need to see him in person. It won’t be hard if you ask to see him and actually mean it. We need time with the person. We could care less about texts or phone calls. It just annoys us more. What’s the point of all the texting if you aren’t planning on seeing the person. Hash it out in person where there’s no where to hide and intentions and body language is crystal clear.
Posted by Onimusha01

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by aquarius09

Not me. I couldn’t care less about anyone but people in my inner circle. This Aqua must be a water or earth insecure moon.
Yeah I wasn’t talking about your monsoon of air you have. 🌪 That’s a ton! Do you even like long relationships?
Nope, I can’t have a long distance relationship, I need sex as much as I need food 🤣 just talk don’t work for me.
click to expand
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

I advise against what my girl @saggurl88 suggested.

He specifically told you he wanted to be friends. Whether it's because you hurt his feelings or didnt, doesn't matter.

You were honest with him about the discomfort you felt, during sex. It's your right not to want to feel disrespected and to speak up, if so.

You've apologized for hurting his feelings, but needn't beat yourself up for speaking the truth.

If you chase after him like you're a man, you'll lose your dignity. Besides, you'll further annoy him and he'll continue to push you away.

Let it alone, cut your loses and move on to someone who'll be happy to make you happy.
Oh did he say that? That doesn't mean anything to me. He said it BECAUSE his feelings were hurt. She hurt his pride. I will tell someone that too or even agree to be friends and then proceed to chase and do what I want.

The best thing she can do is either give him space and wait for him to come back once his pride subsides or send him a message to meet up as a friend

She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua.

If this guy liked her then she will be allowed to come back however many times she wants, He won't be annoyed, he will take her more seriously. You guys think this way and move on so quick. We can barely figure out our feelings before you guys are gone.

He has fixed love signs, the same as mine. He will get over it and at last be her friend or want to be with her again if he really did care. She should at least try the friends approach first, then in person see how he looks at her. If he is still sexually attracted to her, she can start from scratch and keep moving forward with him and get back into a regular routine.

You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle.

She went over there to get her things and his stance remained.

She reached out a few times via text and he was not interested

As I said before Cancer moons do not work well on Aquas. It seems to make them a little too aggressive in love. It contradicts the the laid back, take it or leave it feeling Aquas have.

When your actions are not in harmony, men don't take you seriously. He'll think it's ok to offend her and not apologize. He may repeat other offensive behavior, as well. She needs to stand her ground with what she said about sex and about being friends.

Also, she already tried all that you suggested and it didn't work out. She definitely shouldn't make another attempt.

To address 2 of your statements

"She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua."

In response to this, alot of Aquas, including myself, are more prideful than Leos about most things. I've noticed that the men are less so.

"You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle."

We always mean what we say, just not they way we say it. I.e. "Your sex is whack" or "That was the worse...." as oppose to "I'd prefer that next time, you'd do it like ...."

I’m confused about what actually happened and who said they were just gonna be friends

But yes I agree with Cancers Moons moving fast but it’s fine if the Sag likes her. He is double fire.

They need to work this out. I see your points but honestly we are the same. She will only know if he was actually interested later if he comes back and after she has moved on.

This is what is wrong with our sign and why other chasing signs work better. Both of us give up too easily.

I need someone to chase me just as much as Aquas need it.

But I agree. I didn’t realize she had reached out a lot. Sag don’t want someone to keep trying if we don’t like you anymore. But there’s no way of knowing how much she’s reached out. If it’s excessively and he keeps ignoring it then he’s done. If only once or twice, he still may be hurt. There’s just no way of knowing.

This is the communication part that we are horrible at. No one really knows what’s really going on. I always say things I don’t mean or agree with a persons comment if that’s what they want. Sag are people pleasers.

And I’ve dealt with 2 Aqua men that denied they liked me until AFTER I messed it all up and they had moved on. So when I try to believe what they say and give them space, it back fires on me. One came back 10 years later saying he loved me. Really???!!!! Smh

Neither sign is a consistent chaser.

click to expand
One thing about me is I'll read everything before I answer. I like to have my facts straight before I do. That's one of the many reasons why I don't post alot. Im not on here much and don't have time to read and then answer.

I especially read hers because she's an Aqua.

I have a friend that's about twenty something years older than me and I watch that Cancer moon mess her up everytime. I also pay attention to the other Aquas with water moons or other water placements, on here and they're the most different from me.

We have some of the same quirks, but handle things differently and also feel differently.

You are correct.....From what I hear, Sags and Aquas are alike in a lot of ways. From I've observed on Dxp is that they miscommunicate or don't communicate at all, quite often.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, she needs to go about her business. If she does anything more she'd be considered a desperate pest. If he comes back once she's moved on, his loss.

IMO, if she wouldn've chilled in the beginning (like she said was during the realationship), he'd already be back.

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Onimusha01

yes, after I told him sex was bad. Then he decided to ask me to be friends that way he don’t need to be judge by me. If I didn’t say that, we would still be seeing each other.. That’s how I see it based on what happened. And this is why I know he said it out of anger and pride. If someone said that to me, I would not walk out but I’d feel some type of way too. I would also think they don’t like it. Which I think it’s what really went through his mind. So he said he was feeling stressed out, but when I asked him if I cause him any stress he didn’t answer, I’m not sure yet what to think. First time he told me through text msg. Then he said he wanted to be friends while walking away from sitting right in front of me. When someone really feels he wants to be friends they tell u in ur face so u know they really mean it. That’s what I think. 🤔
I don’t think you should give up so soon. Me being a Sag and having the same fixed love signs as him can understand.

How many times have you reached out though? Have you sent a simple hey want to meet for coffee type thing? Or was it just trying to check in with him?

Cause checking in doesn’t work for us. We will ignore it if our feelings are hurt. You need to see him in person. It won’t be hard if you ask to see him and actually mean it. We need time with the person. We could care less about texts or phone calls. It just annoys us more. What’s the point of all the texting if you aren’t planning on seeing the person. Hash it out in person where there’s no where to hide and intentions and body language is crystal clear.
click to expand
@still said , yes, I reached out to him, one week to put my feelings in check after he asked me to be friends, Yes, after I disappeared for a week I believe it was my turn to reach out. I called to check up on him,. ( he kind of ignored me sometimes, other times he answered at his own pace)Then he asked me if I wanted him to drop off some belongings, I said I will pick them up on my day off and we could hangout if he wanted too. ( this was me looking to see him and apologize in person for what I said about the sex) he agreed, this night we still talk normal about other things not related to the situation. He started walking around while telling me he wanted to be friends, he never looked at me in my face while talking about it. And for fact I know when someone can’t look at you straight it means they hiding what it really is. After that time I haven’t reach out to him though. Even tho I didn’t believe him, I told him I was respecting his decision.
Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

I advise against what my girl @saggurl88 suggested.

He specifically told you he wanted to be friends. Whether it's because you hurt his feelings or didnt, doesn't matter.

You were honest with him about the discomfort you felt, during sex. It's your right not to want to feel disrespected and to speak up, if so.

You've apologized for hurting his feelings, but needn't beat yourself up for speaking the truth.

If you chase after him like you're a man, you'll lose your dignity. Besides, you'll further annoy him and he'll continue to push you away.

Let it alone, cut your loses and move on to someone who'll be happy to make you happy.
Oh did he say that? That doesn't mean anything to me. He said it BECAUSE his feelings were hurt. She hurt his pride. I will tell someone that too or even agree to be friends and then proceed to chase and do what I want.

The best thing she can do is either give him space and wait for him to come back once his pride subsides or send him a message to meet up as a friend

She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua.

If this guy liked her then she will be allowed to come back however many times she wants, He won't be annoyed, he will take her more seriously. You guys think this way and move on so quick. We can barely figure out our feelings before you guys are gone.

He has fixed love signs, the same as mine. He will get over it and at last be her friend or want to be with her again if he really did care. She should at least try the friends approach first, then in person see how he looks at her. If he is still sexually attracted to her, she can start from scratch and keep moving forward with him and get back into a regular routine.

You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle.

She went over there to get her things and his stance remained.

She reached out a few times via text and he was not interested

As I said before Cancer moons do not work well on Aquas. It seems to make them a little too aggressive in love. It contradicts the the laid back, take it or leave it feeling Aquas have.

When your actions are not in harmony, men don't take you seriously. He'll think it's ok to offend her and not apologize. He may repeat other offensive behavior, as well. She needs to stand her ground with what she said about sex and about being friends.

Also, she already tried all that you suggested and it didn't work out. She definitely shouldn't make another attempt.

To address 2 of your statements

"She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua."

In response to this, alot of Aquas, including myself, are more prideful than Leos about most things. I've noticed that the men are less so.

"You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle."

We always mean what we say, just not they way we say it. I.e. "Your sex is whack" or "That was the worse...." as oppose to "I'd prefer that next time, you'd do it like ...."

I’m confused about what actually happened and who said they were just gonna be friends

But yes I agree with Cancers Moons moving fast but it’s fine if the Sag likes her. He is double fire.

They need to work this out. I see your points but honestly we are the same. She will only know if he was actually interested later if he comes back and after she has moved on.

This is what is wrong with our sign and why other chasing signs work better. Both of us give up too easily.

I need someone to chase me just as much as Aquas need it.

But I agree. I didn’t realize she had reached out a lot. Sag don’t want someone to keep trying if we don’t like you anymore. But there’s no way of knowing how much she’s reached out. If it’s excessively and he keeps ignoring it then he’s done. If only once or twice, he still may be hurt. There’s just no way of knowing.

This is the communication part that we are horrible at. No one really knows what’s really going on. I always say things I don’t mean or agree with a persons comment if that’s what they want. Sag are people pleasers.

And I’ve dealt with 2 Aqua men that denied they liked me until AFTER I messed it all up and they had moved on. So when I try to believe what they say and give them space, it back fires on me. One came back 10 years later saying he loved me. Really???!!!! Smh

Neither sign is a consistent chaser.

One thing about me is I'll read everything before I answer. I like to have my facts straight before I do. That's one of the many reasons why I don't post alot. Im not on here much and don't have time to read and then answer.

I especially read hers because she's an Aqua.

I have a friend that's about twenty something years older than me and I watch that Cancer moon mess her up everytime. I also pay attention to the other Aquas with water moons or other water placements, on here and they're the most different from me.

We have some of the same quirks, but handle things differently and also feel differently.

You are correct.....From what I hear, Sags and Aquas are alike in a lot of ways. From I've observed on Dxp is that they miscommunicate or don't communicate at all, quite often.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, she needs to go about her business. If she does anything more she'd be considered a desperate pest. If he comes back once she's moved on, his loss.

IMO, if she wouldn've chilled in the beginning (like she said was during the realationship), he'd already be back.

click to expand
You Aquas!!! I could just strangle you with love! Every Aquas advice is always just to give up. Lol

But if the shoe was on the other foot, you would wonder why they didn’t chase you down and run you over to prove they loved you. All the while, ignoring their efforts until they tried super hard and you were convinced.

This is why we can’t come together! :’(

Once the communication gets messed up between our signs it’s like a crash and burn of no one giving a fucc, even though we really do.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t have as much pride that I do. I make efforts but not as much or as quickly as I’m supposed to.
Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

I advise against what my girl @saggurl88 suggested.

He specifically told you he wanted to be friends. Whether it's because you hurt his feelings or didnt, doesn't matter.

You were honest with him about the discomfort you felt, during sex. It's your right not to want to feel disrespected and to speak up, if so.

You've apologized for hurting his feelings, but needn't beat yourself up for speaking the truth.

If you chase after him like you're a man, you'll lose your dignity. Besides, you'll further annoy him and he'll continue to push you away.

Let it alone, cut your loses and move on to someone who'll be happy to make you happy.
Oh did he say that? That doesn't mean anything to me. He said it BECAUSE his feelings were hurt. She hurt his pride. I will tell someone that too or even agree to be friends and then proceed to chase and do what I want.

The best thing she can do is either give him space and wait for him to come back once his pride subsides or send him a message to meet up as a friend

She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua.

If this guy liked her then she will be allowed to come back however many times she wants, He won't be annoyed, he will take her more seriously. You guys think this way and move on so quick. We can barely figure out our feelings before you guys are gone.

He has fixed love signs, the same as mine. He will get over it and at last be her friend or want to be with her again if he really did care. She should at least try the friends approach first, then in person see how he looks at her. If he is still sexually attracted to her, she can start from scratch and keep moving forward with him and get back into a regular routine.

You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle.

She went over there to get her things and his stance remained.

She reached out a few times via text and he was not interested

As I said before Cancer moons do not work well on Aquas. It seems to make them a little too aggressive in love. It contradicts the the laid back, take it or leave it feeling Aquas have.

When your actions are not in harmony, men don't take you seriously. He'll think it's ok to offend her and not apologize. He may repeat other offensive behavior, as well. She needs to stand her ground with what she said about sex and about being friends.

Also, she already tried all that you suggested and it didn't work out. She definitely shouldn't make another attempt.

To address 2 of your statements

"She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua."

In response to this, alot of Aquas, including myself, are more prideful than Leos about most things. I've noticed that the men are less so.

"You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle."

We always mean what we say, just not they way we say it. I.e. "Your sex is whack" or "That was the worse...." as oppose to "I'd prefer that next time, you'd do it like ...."

I’m confused about what actually happened and who said they were just gonna be friends

But yes I agree with Cancers Moons moving fast but it’s fine if the Sag likes her. He is double fire.

They need to work this out. I see your points but honestly we are the same. She will only know if he was actually interested later if he comes back and after she has moved on.

This is what is wrong with our sign and why other chasing signs work better. Both of us give up too easily.

I need someone to chase me just as much as Aquas need it.

But I agree. I didn’t realize she had reached out a lot. Sag don’t want someone to keep trying if we don’t like you anymore. But there’s no way of knowing how much she’s reached out. If it’s excessively and he keeps ignoring it then he’s done. If only once or twice, he still may be hurt. There’s just no way of knowing.

This is the communication part that we are horrible at. No one really knows what’s really going on. I always say things I don’t mean or agree with a persons comment if that’s what they want. Sag are people pleasers.

And I’ve dealt with 2 Aqua men that denied they liked me until AFTER I messed it all up and they had moved on. So when I try to believe what they say and give them space, it back fires on me. One came back 10 years later saying he loved me. Really???!!!! Smh

Neither sign is a consistent chaser.

One thing about me is I'll read everything before I answer. I like to have my facts straight before I do. That's one of the many reasons why I don't post alot. Im not on here much and don't have time to read and then answer.

I especially read hers because she's an Aqua.

I have a friend that's about twenty something years older than me and I watch that Cancer moon mess her up everytime. I also pay attention to the other Aquas with water moons or other water placements, on here and they're the most different from me.

We have some of the same quirks, but handle things differently and also feel differently.

You are correct.....From what I hear, Sags and Aquas are alike in a lot of ways. From I've observed on Dxp is that they miscommunicate or don't communicate at all, quite often.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, she needs to go about her business. If she does anything more she'd be considered a desperate pest. If he comes back once she's moved on, his loss.

IMO, if she wouldn've chilled in the beginning (like she said was during the realationship), he'd already be back.

click to expand
I don’t get what you are saying. Sorry. The time I reached out to him was after I walked away from him for a whole week. So I literally took and gave him space. I don’t get what u mean I should of chilled..
Posted by Onimusha01

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Onimusha01

yes, after I told him sex was bad. Then he decided to ask me to be friends that way he don’t need to be judge by me. If I didn’t say that, we would still be seeing each other.. That’s how I see it based on what happened. And this is why I know he said it out of anger and pride. If someone said that to me, I would not walk out but I’d feel some type of way too. I would also think they don’t like it. Which I think it’s what really went through his mind. So he said he was feeling stressed out, but when I asked him if I cause him any stress he didn’t answer, I’m not sure yet what to think. First time he told me through text msg. Then he said he wanted to be friends while walking away from sitting right in front of me. When someone really feels he wants to be friends they tell u in ur face so u know they really mean it. That’s what I think. 🤔
I don’t think you should give up so soon. Me being a Sag and having the same fixed love signs as him can understand.

How many times have you reached out though? Have you sent a simple hey want to meet for coffee type thing? Or was it just trying to check in with him?

Cause checking in doesn’t work for us. We will ignore it if our feelings are hurt. You need to see him in person. It won’t be hard if you ask to see him and actually mean it. We need time with the person. We could care less about texts or phone calls. It just annoys us more. What’s the point of all the texting if you aren’t planning on seeing the person. Hash it out in person where there’s no where to hide and intentions and body language is crystal clear.
@still said , yes, I reached out to him, one week to put my feelings in check after he asked me to be friends, Yes, after I disappeared for a week I believe it was my turn to reach out. I called to check up on him,. ( he kind of ignored me sometimes, other times he answered at his own pace)Then he asked me if I wanted him to drop off some belongings, I said I will pick them up on my day off and we could hangout if he wanted too. ( this was me looking to see him and apologize in person for what I said about the sex) he agreed, this night we still talk normal about other things not related to the situation. He started walking around while telling me he wanted to be friends, he never looked at me in my face while talking about it. And for fact I know when someone can’t look at you straight it means they hiding what it really is. After that time I haven’t reach out to him though. Even tho I didn’t believe him, I told him I was respecting his decision.
click to expand

Posted by Onimusha01

yes, after I told him sex was bad. Then he decided to ask me to be friends that way he don’t need to be judge by me. If I didn’t say that, we would still be seeing each other.. That’s how I see it based on what happened. And this is why I know he said it out of anger and pride. If someone said that to me, I would not walk out but I’d feel some type of way too. I would also think they don’t like it. Which I think it’s what really went through his mind. So he said he was feeling stressed out, but when I asked him if I cause him any stress he didn’t answer, I’m not sure yet what to think. First time he told me through text msg. Then he said he wanted to be friends while walking away from sitting right in front of me. When someone really feels he wants to be friends they tell u in ur face so u know they really mean it. That’s what I think. 🤔
"If I didn’t say that, we would still be seeing each other..."

but there was a reason why you said it, he didnt have sex with you for a while thats why you stressed over it and made a comment

its not like you said the sex comment out of nowhere, you said yourself that the kissing and cuddling and sex stopped altogether, then you made a comment about the lucky couple in tv to have sex, then he tried to please you without kissing and then you said it was bad...

I know our cancer moon tries to blame ourselves and overcompensate later, we hate to hurt someones feelings, because we know very well how it feels

maybe he was walking around when telling you about being friends because he didnt want to hurt you and felt guilty of offering friendship only when he knew you were interested in him?

I think that he will be back tho, its not the end of it

just make sure you dont overcompensate and overapologize for your one comment (which was justified) and be cool.... you didnt do anything wrong

I dont know, if to reach out or not, if its better to leave it some space (like a month or two) and then try something?
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

I advise against what my girl @saggurl88 suggested.

He specifically told you he wanted to be friends. Whether it's because you hurt his feelings or didnt, doesn't matter.

You were honest with him about the discomfort you felt, during sex. It's your right not to want to feel disrespected and to speak up, if so.

You've apologized for hurting his feelings, but needn't beat yourself up for speaking the truth.

If you chase after him like you're a man, you'll lose your dignity. Besides, you'll further annoy him and he'll continue to push you away.

Let it alone, cut your loses and move on to someone who'll be happy to make you happy.
Oh did he say that? That doesn't mean anything to me. He said it BECAUSE his feelings were hurt. She hurt his pride. I will tell someone that too or even agree to be friends and then proceed to chase and do what I want.

The best thing she can do is either give him space and wait for him to come back once his pride subsides or send him a message to meet up as a friend

She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua.

If this guy liked her then she will be allowed to come back however many times she wants, He won't be annoyed, he will take her more seriously. You guys think this way and move on so quick. We can barely figure out our feelings before you guys are gone.

He has fixed love signs, the same as mine. He will get over it and at last be her friend or want to be with her again if he really did care. She should at least try the friends approach first, then in person see how he looks at her. If he is still sexually attracted to her, she can start from scratch and keep moving forward with him and get back into a regular routine.

You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle.

She went over there to get her things and his stance remained.

She reached out a few times via text and he was not interested

As I said before Cancer moons do not work well on Aquas. It seems to make them a little too aggressive in love. It contradicts the the laid back, take it or leave it feeling Aquas have.

When your actions are not in harmony, men don't take you seriously. He'll think it's ok to offend her and not apologize. He may repeat other offensive behavior, as well. She needs to stand her ground with what she said about sex and about being friends.

Also, she already tried all that you suggested and it didn't work out. She definitely shouldn't make another attempt.

To address 2 of your statements

"She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua."

In response to this, alot of Aquas, including myself, are more prideful than Leos about most things. I've noticed that the men are less so.

"You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle."

We always mean what we say, just not they way we say it. I.e. "Your sex is whack" or "That was the worse...." as oppose to "I'd prefer that next time, you'd do it like ...."

I’m confused about what actually happened and who said they were just gonna be friends

But yes I agree with Cancers Moons moving fast but it’s fine if the Sag likes her. He is double fire.

They need to work this out. I see your points but honestly we are the same. She will only know if he was actually interested later if he comes back and after she has moved on.

This is what is wrong with our sign and why other chasing signs work better. Both of us give up too easily.

I need someone to chase me just as much as Aquas need it.

But I agree. I didn’t realize she had reached out a lot. Sag don’t want someone to keep trying if we don’t like you anymore. But there’s no way of knowing how much she’s reached out. If it’s excessively and he keeps ignoring it then he’s done. If only once or twice, he still may be hurt. There’s just no way of knowing.

This is the communication part that we are horrible at. No one really knows what’s really going on. I always say things I don’t mean or agree with a persons comment if that’s what they want. Sag are people pleasers.

And I’ve dealt with 2 Aqua men that denied they liked me until AFTER I messed it all up and they had moved on. So when I try to believe what they say and give them space, it back fires on me. One came back 10 years later saying he loved me. Really???!!!! Smh

Neither sign is a consistent chaser.

One thing about me is I'll read everything before I answer. I like to have my facts straight before I do. That's one of the many reasons why I don't post alot. Im not on here much and don't have time to read and then answer.

I especially read hers because she's an Aqua.

I have a friend that's about twenty something years older than me and I watch that Cancer moon mess her up everytime. I also pay attention to the other Aquas with water moons or other water placements, on here and they're the most different from me.

We have some of the same quirks, but handle things differently and also feel differently.

You are correct.....From what I hear, Sags and Aquas are alike in a lot of ways. From I've observed on Dxp is that they miscommunicate or don't communicate at all, quite often.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, she needs to go about her business. If she does anything more she'd be considered a desperate pest. If he comes back once she's moved on, his loss.

IMO, if she wouldn've chilled in the beginning (like she said was during the realationship), he'd already be back.

You Aquas!!! I could just strangle you with love! Every Aquas advice is always just to give up. Lol

But if the shoe was on the other foot, you would wonder why they didn’t chase you down and run you over to prove they loved you. All the while, ignoring their efforts until they tried super hard and you were convinced.

This is why we can’t come together! :’(

Once the communication gets messed up between our signs it’s like a crash and burn of no one giving a fucc, even though we really do.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t have as much pride that I do. I make efforts but not as much or as quickly as I’m supposed to.
click to expand
Lol Gotta cut your loses and keep moving.

"But if the shoe was on the other foot, you would wonder why they didn’t chase you down and run you over to prove they loved you. All the while, ignoring their efforts until they tried super hard and you were convinced."

Lol You almost summed it up perfectly. I don't think I'd wonder why. Id come to the conclusion that they just are not that into me. No problem. There are always fans in the stands. Tongue
Posted by Onimusha01

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

I advise against what my girl @saggurl88 suggested.

He specifically told you he wanted to be friends. Whether it's because you hurt his feelings or didnt, doesn't matter.

You were honest with him about the discomfort you felt, during sex. It's your right not to want to feel disrespected and to speak up, if so.

You've apologized for hurting his feelings, but needn't beat yourself up for speaking the truth.

If you chase after him like you're a man, you'll lose your dignity. Besides, you'll further annoy him and he'll continue to push you away.

Let it alone, cut your loses and move on to someone who'll be happy to make you happy.
Oh did he say that? That doesn't mean anything to me. He said it BECAUSE his feelings were hurt. She hurt his pride. I will tell someone that too or even agree to be friends and then proceed to chase and do what I want.

The best thing she can do is either give him space and wait for him to come back once his pride subsides or send him a message to meet up as a friend

She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua.

If this guy liked her then she will be allowed to come back however many times she wants, He won't be annoyed, he will take her more seriously. You guys think this way and move on so quick. We can barely figure out our feelings before you guys are gone.

He has fixed love signs, the same as mine. He will get over it and at last be her friend or want to be with her again if he really did care. She should at least try the friends approach first, then in person see how he looks at her. If he is still sexually attracted to her, she can start from scratch and keep moving forward with him and get back into a regular routine.

You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle.

She went over there to get her things and his stance remained.

She reached out a few times via text and he was not interested

As I said before Cancer moons do not work well on Aquas. It seems to make them a little too aggressive in love. It contradicts the the laid back, take it or leave it feeling Aquas have.

When your actions are not in harmony, men don't take you seriously. He'll think it's ok to offend her and not apologize. He may repeat other offensive behavior, as well. She needs to stand her ground with what she said about sex and about being friends.

Also, she already tried all that you suggested and it didn't work out. She definitely shouldn't make another attempt.

To address 2 of your statements

"She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua."

In response to this, alot of Aquas, including myself, are more prideful than Leos about most things. I've noticed that the men are less so.

"You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle."

We always mean what we say, just not they way we say it. I.e. "Your sex is whack" or "That was the worse...." as oppose to "I'd prefer that next time, you'd do it like ...."

I’m confused about what actually happened and who said they were just gonna be friends

But yes I agree with Cancers Moons moving fast but it’s fine if the Sag likes her. He is double fire.

They need to work this out. I see your points but honestly we are the same. She will only know if he was actually interested later if he comes back and after she has moved on.

This is what is wrong with our sign and why other chasing signs work better. Both of us give up too easily.

I need someone to chase me just as much as Aquas need it.

But I agree. I didn’t realize she had reached out a lot. Sag don’t want someone to keep trying if we don’t like you anymore. But there’s no way of knowing how much she’s reached out. If it’s excessively and he keeps ignoring it then he’s done. If only once or twice, he still may be hurt. There’s just no way of knowing.

This is the communication part that we are horrible at. No one really knows what’s really going on. I always say things I don’t mean or agree with a persons comment if that’s what they want. Sag are people pleasers.

And I’ve dealt with 2 Aqua men that denied they liked me until AFTER I messed it all up and they had moved on. So when I try to believe what they say and give them space, it back fires on me. One came back 10 years later saying he loved me. Really???!!!! Smh

Neither sign is a consistent chaser.

One thing about me is I'll read everything before I answer. I like to have my facts straight before I do. That's one of the many reasons why I don't post alot. Im not on here much and don't have time to read and then answer.

I especially read hers because she's an Aqua.

I have a friend that's about twenty something years older than me and I watch that Cancer moon mess her up everytime. I also pay attention to the other Aquas with water moons or other water placements, on here and they're the most different from me.

We have some of the same quirks, but handle things differently and also feel differently.

You are correct.....From what I hear, Sags and Aquas are alike in a lot of ways. From I've observed on Dxp is that they miscommunicate or don't communicate at all, quite often.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, she needs to go about her business. If she does anything more she'd be considered a desperate pest. If he comes back once she's moved on, his loss.

IMO, if she wouldn've chilled in the beginning (like she said was during the realationship), he'd already be back.

I don’t get what you are saying. Sorry. The time I reached out to him was after I walked away from him for a whole week. So I literally took and gave him space. I don’t get what u mean I should of chilled..
click to expand
Once you say something, you have to stick with it. Don't say things in haste. You're Cancer Moon, got all emotional and told him you couldn't be friends and disappeared, then came back.

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

I advise against what my girl @saggurl88 suggested.

He specifically told you he wanted to be friends. Whether it's because you hurt his feelings or didnt, doesn't matter.

You were honest with him about the discomfort you felt, during sex. It's your right not to want to feel disrespected and to speak up, if so.

You've apologized for hurting his feelings, but needn't beat yourself up for speaking the truth.

If you chase after him like you're a man, you'll lose your dignity. Besides, you'll further annoy him and he'll continue to push you away.

Let it alone, cut your loses and move on to someone who'll be happy to make you happy.
Oh did he say that? That doesn't mean anything to me. He said it BECAUSE his feelings were hurt. She hurt his pride. I will tell someone that too or even agree to be friends and then proceed to chase and do what I want.

The best thing she can do is either give him space and wait for him to come back once his pride subsides or send him a message to meet up as a friend

She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua.

If this guy liked her then she will be allowed to come back however many times she wants, He won't be annoyed, he will take her more seriously. You guys think this way and move on so quick. We can barely figure out our feelings before you guys are gone.

He has fixed love signs, the same as mine. He will get over it and at last be her friend or want to be with her again if he really did care. She should at least try the friends approach first, then in person see how he looks at her. If he is still sexually attracted to her, she can start from scratch and keep moving forward with him and get back into a regular routine.

You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle.

She went over there to get her things and his stance remained.

She reached out a few times via text and he was not interested

As I said before Cancer moons do not work well on Aquas. It seems to make them a little too aggressive in love. It contradicts the the laid back, take it or leave it feeling Aquas have.

When your actions are not in harmony, men don't take you seriously. He'll think it's ok to offend her and not apologize. He may repeat other offensive behavior, as well. She needs to stand her ground with what she said about sex and about being friends.

Also, she already tried all that you suggested and it didn't work out. She definitely shouldn't make another attempt.

To address 2 of your statements

"She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua."

In response to this, alot of Aquas, including myself, are more prideful than Leos about most things. I've noticed that the men are less so.

"You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle."

We always mean what we say, just not they way we say it. I.e. "Your sex is whack" or "That was the worse...." as oppose to "I'd prefer that next time, you'd do it like ...."

I’m confused about what actually happened and who said they were just gonna be friends

But yes I agree with Cancers Moons moving fast but it’s fine if the Sag likes her. He is double fire.

They need to work this out. I see your points but honestly we are the same. She will only know if he was actually interested later if he comes back and after she has moved on.

This is what is wrong with our sign and why other chasing signs work better. Both of us give up too easily.

I need someone to chase me just as much as Aquas need it.

But I agree. I didn’t realize she had reached out a lot. Sag don’t want someone to keep trying if we don’t like you anymore. But there’s no way of knowing how much she’s reached out. If it’s excessively and he keeps ignoring it then he’s done. If only once or twice, he still may be hurt. There’s just no way of knowing.

This is the communication part that we are horrible at. No one really knows what’s really going on. I always say things I don’t mean or agree with a persons comment if that’s what they want. Sag are people pleasers.

And I’ve dealt with 2 Aqua men that denied they liked me until AFTER I messed it all up and they had moved on. So when I try to believe what they say and give them space, it back fires on me. One came back 10 years later saying he loved me. Really???!!!! Smh

Neither sign is a consistent chaser.

One thing about me is I'll read everything before I answer. I like to have my facts straight before I do. That's one of the many reasons why I don't post alot. Im not on here much and don't have time to read and then answer.

I especially read hers because she's an Aqua.

I have a friend that's about twenty something years older than me and I watch that Cancer moon mess her up everytime. I also pay attention to the other Aquas with water moons or other water placements, on here and they're the most different from me.

We have some of the same quirks, but handle things differently and also feel differently.

You are correct.....From what I hear, Sags and Aquas are alike in a lot of ways. From I've observed on Dxp is that they miscommunicate or don't communicate at all, quite often.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, she needs to go about her business. If she does anything more she'd be considered a desperate pest. If he comes back once she's moved on, his loss.

IMO, if she wouldn've chilled in the beginning (like she said was during the realationship), he'd already be back.

You Aquas!!! I could just strangle you with love! Every Aquas advice is always just to give up. Lol

But if the shoe was on the other foot, you would wonder why they didn’t chase you down and run you over to prove they loved you. All the while, ignoring their efforts until they tried super hard and you were convinced.

This is why we can’t come together! :’(

Once the communication gets messed up between our signs it’s like a crash and burn of no one giving a fucc, even though we really do.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t have as much pride that I do. I make efforts but not as much or as quickly as I’m supposed to.
Lol Gotta cut your loses and keep moving.

"But if the shoe was on the other foot, you would wonder why they didn’t chase you down and run you over to prove they loved you. All the while, ignoring their efforts until they tried super hard and you were convinced."

Lol You almost summed it up perfectly. I don't think I'd wonder why. Id come to the conclusion that they just are not that into me. No problem. There are always fans in the stands. Tongue
click to expand
And that’s the issue. Sag are not those types of chasers. We try and then give up and then try and then give up. We are super inconsistent with it.

I wish I could say to hell with it and do that type of stuff but I would never be able to and do I probably would never be able to have an Aqua. I’m not kissing ass just cause I’ve hurt someone’s feelings. I’ll say sorry and expect to get back on track and move forward. You guys practically want people graveling at your feet and running bath water at the same time! 🤣🤣🤣❤️

As a Sag we just like things simple for you to mean what you say and then show it. We don’t need you jumping through hoops. We just need some alone time to fix it! 👉🏽👌🏽

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

I advise against what my girl @saggurl88 suggested.

He specifically told you he wanted to be friends. Whether it's because you hurt his feelings or didnt, doesn't matter.

You were honest with him about the discomfort you felt, during sex. It's your right not to want to feel disrespected and to speak up, if so.

You've apologized for hurting his feelings, but needn't beat yourself up for speaking the truth.

If you chase after him like you're a man, you'll lose your dignity. Besides, you'll further annoy him and he'll continue to push you away.

Let it alone, cut your loses and move on to someone who'll be happy to make you happy.
Oh did he say that? That doesn't mean anything to me. He said it BECAUSE his feelings were hurt. She hurt his pride. I will tell someone that too or even agree to be friends and then proceed to chase and do what I want.

The best thing she can do is either give him space and wait for him to come back once his pride subsides or send him a message to meet up as a friend

She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua.

If this guy liked her then she will be allowed to come back however many times she wants, He won't be annoyed, he will take her more seriously. You guys think this way and move on so quick. We can barely figure out our feelings before you guys are gone.

He has fixed love signs, the same as mine. He will get over it and at last be her friend or want to be with her again if he really did care. She should at least try the friends approach first, then in person see how he looks at her. If he is still sexually attracted to her, she can start from scratch and keep moving forward with him and get back into a regular routine.

You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle.

She went over there to get her things and his stance remained.

She reached out a few times via text and he was not interested

As I said before Cancer moons do not work well on Aquas. It seems to make them a little too aggressive in love. It contradicts the the laid back, take it or leave it feeling Aquas have.

When your actions are not in harmony, men don't take you seriously. He'll think it's ok to offend her and not apologize. He may repeat other offensive behavior, as well. She needs to stand her ground with what she said about sex and about being friends.

Also, she already tried all that you suggested and it didn't work out. She definitely shouldn't make another attempt.

To address 2 of your statements

"She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua."

In response to this, alot of Aquas, including myself, are more prideful than Leos about most things. I've noticed that the men are less so.

"You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle."

We always mean what we say, just not they way we say it. I.e. "Your sex is whack" or "That was the worse...." as oppose to "I'd prefer that next time, you'd do it like ...."

I’m confused about what actually happened and who said they were just gonna be friends

But yes I agree with Cancers Moons moving fast but it’s fine if the Sag likes her. He is double fire.

They need to work this out. I see your points but honestly we are the same. She will only know if he was actually interested later if he comes back and after she has moved on.

This is what is wrong with our sign and why other chasing signs work better. Both of us give up too easily.

I need someone to chase me just as much as Aquas need it.

But I agree. I didn’t realize she had reached out a lot. Sag don’t want someone to keep trying if we don’t like you anymore. But there’s no way of knowing how much she’s reached out. If it’s excessively and he keeps ignoring it then he’s done. If only once or twice, he still may be hurt. There’s just no way of knowing.

This is the communication part that we are horrible at. No one really knows what’s really going on. I always say things I don’t mean or agree with a persons comment if that’s what they want. Sag are people pleasers.

And I’ve dealt with 2 Aqua men that denied they liked me until AFTER I messed it all up and they had moved on. So when I try to believe what they say and give them space, it back fires on me. One came back 10 years later saying he loved me. Really???!!!! Smh

Neither sign is a consistent chaser.

One thing about me is I'll read everything before I answer. I like to have my facts straight before I do. That's one of the many reasons why I don't post alot. Im not on here much and don't have time to read and then answer.

I especially read hers because she's an Aqua.

I have a friend that's about twenty something years older than me and I watch that Cancer moon mess her up everytime. I also pay attention to the other Aquas with water moons or other water placements, on here and they're the most different from me.

We have some of the same quirks, but handle things differently and also feel differently.

You are correct.....From what I hear, Sags and Aquas are alike in a lot of ways. From I've observed on Dxp is that they miscommunicate or don't communicate at all, quite often.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, she needs to go about her business. If she does anything more she'd be considered a desperate pest. If he comes back once she's moved on, his loss.

IMO, if she wouldn've chilled in the beginning (like she said was during the realationship), he'd already be back.

You Aquas!!! I could just strangle you with love! Every Aquas advice is always just to give up. Lol

But if the shoe was on the other foot, you would wonder why they didn’t chase you down and run you over to prove they loved you. All the while, ignoring their efforts until they tried super hard and you were convinced.

This is why we can’t come together! :’(

Once the communication gets messed up between our signs it’s like a crash and burn of no one giving a fucc, even though we really do.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t have as much pride that I do. I make efforts but not as much or as quickly as I’m supposed to.
Lol Gotta cut your loses and keep moving.

"But if the shoe was on the other foot, you would wonder why they didn’t chase you down and run you over to prove they loved you. All the while, ignoring their efforts until they tried super hard and you were convinced."

Lol You almost summed it up perfectly. I don't think I'd wonder why. Id come to the conclusion that they just are not that into me. No problem. There are always fans in the stands. Tongue
And that’s the issue. Sag are not those types of chasers. We try and then give up and then try and then give up. We are super inconsistent with it.

I wish I could say to hell with it and do that type of stuff but I would never be able to and do I probably would never be able to have an Aqua. I’m not kissing ass just cause I’ve hurt someone’s feelings. I’ll say sorry and expect to get back on track and move forward. You guys practically want people graveling at your feet and running bath water at the same time! 🤣🤣🤣❤️

As a Sag we just like things simple for you to mean what you say and then show it. We don’t need you jumping through hoops. We just need some alone time to fix it! 👉🏽👌🏽

click to expand
Sag men will chase though.

I believe you and I both don't want to chase because we're females.
Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

I advise against what my girl @saggurl88 suggested.

He specifically told you he wanted to be friends. Whether it's because you hurt his feelings or didnt, doesn't matter.

You were honest with him about the discomfort you felt, during sex. It's your right not to want to feel disrespected and to speak up, if so.

You've apologized for hurting his feelings, but needn't beat yourself up for speaking the truth.

If you chase after him like you're a man, you'll lose your dignity. Besides, you'll further annoy him and he'll continue to push you away.

Let it alone, cut your loses and move on to someone who'll be happy to make you happy.
Oh did he say that? That doesn't mean anything to me. He said it BECAUSE his feelings were hurt. She hurt his pride. I will tell someone that too or even agree to be friends and then proceed to chase and do what I want.

The best thing she can do is either give him space and wait for him to come back once his pride subsides or send him a message to meet up as a friend

She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua.

If this guy liked her then she will be allowed to come back however many times she wants, He won't be annoyed, he will take her more seriously. You guys think this way and move on so quick. We can barely figure out our feelings before you guys are gone.

He has fixed love signs, the same as mine. He will get over it and at last be her friend or want to be with her again if he really did care. She should at least try the friends approach first, then in person see how he looks at her. If he is still sexually attracted to her, she can start from scratch and keep moving forward with him and get back into a regular routine.

You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle.

She went over there to get her things and his stance remained.

She reached out a few times via text and he was not interested

As I said before Cancer moons do not work well on Aquas. It seems to make them a little too aggressive in love. It contradicts the the laid back, take it or leave it feeling Aquas have.

When your actions are not in harmony, men don't take you seriously. He'll think it's ok to offend her and not apologize. He may repeat other offensive behavior, as well. She needs to stand her ground with what she said about sex and about being friends.

Also, she already tried all that you suggested and it didn't work out. She definitely shouldn't make another attempt.

To address 2 of your statements

"She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua."

In response to this, alot of Aquas, including myself, are more prideful than Leos about most things. I've noticed that the men are less so.

"You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle."

We always mean what we say, just not they way we say it. I.e. "Your sex is whack" or "That was the worse...." as oppose to "I'd prefer that next time, you'd do it like ...."

I’m confused about what actually happened and who said they were just gonna be friends

But yes I agree with Cancers Moons moving fast but it’s fine if the Sag likes her. He is double fire.

They need to work this out. I see your points but honestly we are the same. She will only know if he was actually interested later if he comes back and after she has moved on.

This is what is wrong with our sign and why other chasing signs work better. Both of us give up too easily.

I need someone to chase me just as much as Aquas need it.

But I agree. I didn’t realize she had reached out a lot. Sag don’t want someone to keep trying if we don’t like you anymore. But there’s no way of knowing how much she’s reached out. If it’s excessively and he keeps ignoring it then he’s done. If only once or twice, he still may be hurt. There’s just no way of knowing.

This is the communication part that we are horrible at. No one really knows what’s really going on. I always say things I don’t mean or agree with a persons comment if that’s what they want. Sag are people pleasers.

And I’ve dealt with 2 Aqua men that denied they liked me until AFTER I messed it all up and they had moved on. So when I try to believe what they say and give them space, it back fires on me. One came back 10 years later saying he loved me. Really???!!!! Smh

Neither sign is a consistent chaser.

One thing about me is I'll read everything before I answer. I like to have my facts straight before I do. That's one of the many reasons why I don't post alot. Im not on here much and don't have time to read and then answer.

I especially read hers because she's an Aqua.

I have a friend that's about twenty something years older than me and I watch that Cancer moon mess her up everytime. I also pay attention to the other Aquas with water moons or other water placements, on here and they're the most different from me.

We have some of the same quirks, but handle things differently and also feel differently.

You are correct.....From what I hear, Sags and Aquas are alike in a lot of ways. From I've observed on Dxp is that they miscommunicate or don't communicate at all, quite often.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, she needs to go about her business. If she does anything more she'd be considered a desperate pest. If he comes back once she's moved on, his loss.

IMO, if she wouldn've chilled in the beginning (like she said was during the realationship), he'd already be back.

You Aquas!!! I could just strangle you with love! Every Aquas advice is always just to give up. Lol

But if the shoe was on the other foot, you would wonder why they didn’t chase you down and run you over to prove they loved you. All the while, ignoring their efforts until they tried super hard and you were convinced.

This is why we can’t come together! :’(

Once the communication gets messed up between our signs it’s like a crash and burn of no one giving a fucc, even though we really do.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t have as much pride that I do. I make efforts but not as much or as quickly as I’m supposed to.
Lol Gotta cut your loses and keep moving.

"But if the shoe was on the other foot, you would wonder why they didn’t chase you down and run you over to prove they loved you. All the while, ignoring their efforts until they tried super hard and you were convinced."

Lol You almost summed it up perfectly. I don't think I'd wonder why. Id come to the conclusion that they just are not that into me. No problem. There are always fans in the stands. Tongue
And that’s the issue. Sag are not those types of chasers. We try and then give up and then try and then give up. We are super inconsistent with it.

I wish I could say to hell with it and do that type of stuff but I would never be able to and do I probably would never be able to have an Aqua. I’m not kissing ass just cause I’ve hurt someone’s feelings. I’ll say sorry and expect to get back on track and move forward. You guys practically want people graveling at your feet and running bath water at the same time! 🤣🤣🤣❤️

As a Sag we just like things simple for you to mean what you say and then show it. We don’t need you jumping through hoops. We just need some alone time to fix it! 👉🏽👌🏽

Sag men will chase though.

I believe you and I both don't want to chase because we're females.
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They will, I agree. I chase. But we won’t go overboard with it when we’ve had an argument and it was your fault.

Look how I play around and chase my virtual hubby here. I don’t mind it. In person though, I would freak the hell out especially with some of the stuff he used to say 🤣🤣🤣

Things just take time for a Sag. His love signs are fixed. In love, he’s gonna need patience, persistence and acceptance.

Her man was hurt. He’s not gonna chase her down to fix it. She needs to go to him and make things right. Talking with him while she’s picking up all her stuff and leaving him isn’t going to fix anything. In my opinion.

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

I advise against what my girl @saggurl88 suggested.

He specifically told you he wanted to be friends. Whether it's because you hurt his feelings or didnt, doesn't matter.

You were honest with him about the discomfort you felt, during sex. It's your right not to want to feel disrespected and to speak up, if so.

You've apologized for hurting his feelings, but needn't beat yourself up for speaking the truth.

If you chase after him like you're a man, you'll lose your dignity. Besides, you'll further annoy him and he'll continue to push you away.

Let it alone, cut your loses and move on to someone who'll be happy to make you happy.
Oh did he say that? That doesn't mean anything to me. He said it BECAUSE his feelings were hurt. She hurt his pride. I will tell someone that too or even agree to be friends and then proceed to chase and do what I want.

The best thing she can do is either give him space and wait for him to come back once his pride subsides or send him a message to meet up as a friend

She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua.

If this guy liked her then she will be allowed to come back however many times she wants, He won't be annoyed, he will take her more seriously. You guys think this way and move on so quick. We can barely figure out our feelings before you guys are gone.

He has fixed love signs, the same as mine. He will get over it and at last be her friend or want to be with her again if he really did care. She should at least try the friends approach first, then in person see how he looks at her. If he is still sexually attracted to her, she can start from scratch and keep moving forward with him and get back into a regular routine.

You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle.

She went over there to get her things and his stance remained.

She reached out a few times via text and he was not interested

As I said before Cancer moons do not work well on Aquas. It seems to make them a little too aggressive in love. It contradicts the the laid back, take it or leave it feeling Aquas have.

When your actions are not in harmony, men don't take you seriously. He'll think it's ok to offend her and not apologize. He may repeat other offensive behavior, as well. She needs to stand her ground with what she said about sex and about being friends.

Also, she already tried all that you suggested and it didn't work out. She definitely shouldn't make another attempt.

To address 2 of your statements

"She won't lose no dignity, This is why you guys think Sag move too fast. We don't give a crap about dignity. We have the same pride as an Aqua."

In response to this, alot of Aquas, including myself, are more prideful than Leos about most things. I've noticed that the men are less so.

"You aquas are quick to say things you don't mean and so are we. It's a real shyt show until we finally meet in the middle."

We always mean what we say, just not they way we say it. I.e. "Your sex is whack" or "That was the worse...." as oppose to "I'd prefer that next time, you'd do it like ...."

I’m confused about what actually happened and who said they were just gonna be friends

But yes I agree with Cancers Moons moving fast but it’s fine if the Sag likes her. He is double fire.

They need to work this out. I see your points but honestly we are the same. She will only know if he was actually interested later if he comes back and after she has moved on.

This is what is wrong with our sign and why other chasing signs work better. Both of us give up too easily.

I need someone to chase me just as much as Aquas need it.

But I agree. I didn’t realize she had reached out a lot. Sag don’t want someone to keep trying if we don’t like you anymore. But there’s no way of knowing how much she’s reached out. If it’s excessively and he keeps ignoring it then he’s done. If only once or twice, he still may be hurt. There’s just no way of knowing.

This is the communication part that we are horrible at. No one really knows what’s really going on. I always say things I don’t mean or agree with a persons comment if that’s what they want. Sag are people pleasers.

And I’ve dealt with 2 Aqua men that denied they liked me until AFTER I messed it all up and they had moved on. So when I try to believe what they say and give them space, it back fires on me. One came back 10 years later saying he loved me. Really???!!!! Smh

Neither sign is a consistent chaser.

One thing about me is I'll read everything before I answer. I like to have my facts straight before I do. That's one of the many reasons why I don't post alot. Im not on here much and don't have time to read and then answer.

I especially read hers because she's an Aqua.

I have a friend that's about twenty something years older than me and I watch that Cancer moon mess her up everytime. I also pay attention to the other Aquas with water moons or other water placements, on here and they're the most different from me.

We have some of the same quirks, but handle things differently and also feel differently.

You are correct.....From what I hear, Sags and Aquas are alike in a lot of ways. From I've observed on Dxp is that they miscommunicate or don't communicate at all, quite often.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, she needs to go about her business. If she does anything more she'd be considered a desperate pest. If he comes back once she's moved on, his loss.

IMO, if she wouldn've chilled in the beginning (like she said was during the realationship), he'd already be back.

You Aquas!!! I could just strangle you with love! Every Aquas advice is always just to give up. Lol

But if the shoe was on the other foot, you would wonder why they didn’t chase you down and run you over to prove they loved you. All the while, ignoring their efforts until they tried super hard and you were convinced.

This is why we can’t come together! :’(

Once the communication gets messed up between our signs it’s like a crash and burn of no one giving a fucc, even though we really do.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t have as much pride that I do. I make efforts but not as much or as quickly as I’m supposed to.
Lol Gotta cut your loses and keep moving.

"But if the shoe was on the other foot, you would wonder why they didn’t chase you down and run you over to prove they loved you. All the while, ignoring their efforts until they tried super hard and you were convinced."

Lol You almost summed it up perfectly. I don't think I'd wonder why. Id come to the conclusion that they just are not that into me. No problem. There are always fans in the stands. Tongue
And that’s the issue. Sag are not those types of chasers. We try and then give up and then try and then give up. We are super inconsistent with it.

I wish I could say to hell with it and do that type of stuff but I would never be able to and do I probably would never be able to have an Aqua. I’m not kissing ass just cause I’ve hurt someone’s feelings. I’ll say sorry and expect to get back on track and move forward. You guys practically want people graveling at your feet and running bath water at the same time! 🤣🤣🤣❤️

As a Sag we just like things simple for you to mean what you say and then show it. We don’t need you jumping through hoops. We just need some alone time to fix it! 👉🏽👌🏽

Sag men will chase though.

I believe you and I both don't want to chase because we're females.
They will, I agree. I chase. But we won’t go overboard with it when we’ve had an argument and it was your fault.

Look how I play around and chase my virtual hubby here. I don’t mind it. In person though, I would freak the hell out especially with some of the stuff he used to say 🤣🤣🤣

Things just take time for a Sag. His love signs are fixed. In love, he’s gonna need patience, persistence and acceptance.

Her man was hurt. He’s not gonna chase her down to fix it. She needs to go to him and make things right. Talking with him while she’s picking up all her stuff and leaving him isn’t going to fix anything. In my opinion.

click to expand
She wasn't in the wrong, but she still apologized.

Yeah her man was hurt, but she was hurt first. She felt disrespected and did the right thing, by speaking up.

I wouldn't even want him after all of this. First offense, he treating her less than during sexual. Second offense, he let his ego override her freakin feelings. Third offense, he took it further and didn't come back in time.

Also, I wouldn't trust him if he did come back. Personally men try to seek emotional revenge on me. Lol They fail cause I see it coming. I would just move on, with someone I could start clean with.

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by aquarius09

Not me. I couldn’t care less about anyone but people in my inner circle. This Aqua must be a water or earth insecure moon.
Yeah I wasn’t talking about your monsoon of air you have. 🌪 That’s a ton! Do you even like long relationships?
click to expand
Correct! I don’t like long relationships. I don’t think people are even cut out for that biologically speaking so why delude yourself thinking there is happily ever after with one dude. The only time it can work though is if there is a lotttt of absences involved because absence makes the heart grow fonder for me.

Edit: wait, do you mean long term or long distance? I took that as long term. Also, I wouldn’t do long distance relationship. I don’t even entertain anyone outside of my district.

Sag aren’t malicious signs, just like Aquas.

Their situation is such an easy fix and it could be a really great relationship and friendship.

Sag aren’t quick to be bored with Aquas, we just like spending time with the person, no matter where. And we will plan vacations and drag you with us on adventures.

You Aquas are sometimes quick to try and settle with fast moving chasers (Pisces and Gemini) and then they get bored of your ways. The same quickness it took to get you, is the same way they leave once things get steady or stale.

I really am optimistic that if they can get over this hump things can work.
Posted by aquarius09

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by aquarius09

Not me. I couldn’t care less about anyone but people in my inner circle. This Aqua must be a water or earth insecure moon.
Yeah I wasn’t talking about your monsoon of air you have. 🌪 That’s a ton! Do you even like long relationships?
Correct! I don’t like long relationships. I don’t think people are even cut out for that biologically speaking so why delude yourself thinking there is happily ever after with one dude. The only time it can work though is if there is a lotttt of absences involved because absence makes the heart grow fonder for me.

Edit: wait, do you mean long term or long distance? I took that as long term. Also, I wouldn’t do long distance relationship. I don’t even entertain anyone outside of my district.
click to expand
You answered me, I meant long relationships because of your placements. Op misunderstood and I was just too lazy to correct her. smile
Posted by saggurl88


Sag aren’t malicious signs, just like Aquas.

Their situation is such an easy fix and it could be a really great relationship and friendship.

Sag aren’t quick to be bored with Aquas, we just like spending time with the person, no matter where. And we will plan vacations and drag you with us on adventures.

You Aquas are sometimes quick to try and settle with fast moving chasers (Pisces and Gemini) and then they get bored of your ways. The same quickness it took to get you, is the same way they leave once things get steady or stale.

I really am optimistic that if they can get over this hump things can work.
Lol I think Sag female and Aqua male could have a long term meaningful relationship. Not so for the other way around.

Once Aqua women mature, we don't have time for Sag men. From what I've read on your bff Sag's posts on here, it seems like a no go.

He seems to care for her alot, but will not allow himself to love her, because he's scared of her. He even said he feels sorry for all the girls her treated the way she treats him. Smh

As far as Pisces and Gem, once again all of the Aqua chicks that post those stories on Dxp have water drowning them. I don't have the same experiences. Trust me. I have traumatized 2 Gems before I realized that I just don't like them. Now I just shoot them down at initiatal contact. Years have passed and those 2 Gems are still trying to get me back. They are gd to me, but so much about makes my skin crawl. Pisces, I attract them, but im usually not interested.

Posted by Gobby

Usually, Aquas bring it upon themselves...


Put a sock in it! 😝
Posted by Gobby

Usually, Aquas bring it upon themselves...


But she didn't.
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by aquarius09

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by aquarius09

Not me. I couldn’t care less about anyone but people in my inner circle. This Aqua must be a water or earth insecure moon.
Yeah I wasn’t talking about your monsoon of air you have. 🌪 That’s a ton! Do you even like long relationships?
Correct! I don’t like long relationships. I don’t think people are even cut out for that biologically speaking so why delude yourself thinking there is happily ever after with one dude. The only time it can work though is if there is a lotttt of absences involved because absence makes the heart grow fonder for me.

Edit: wait, do you mean long term or long distance? I took that as long term. Also, I wouldn’t do long distance relationship. I don’t even entertain anyone outside of my district.
You answered me, I meant long relationships because of your placements. Op misunderstood and I was just too lazy to correct her. smile
click to expand
Yes, lol I do like long term relationships. Got u!
Posted by Onimusha01

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by aquarius09

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by aquarius09

Not me. I couldn’t care less about anyone but people in my inner circle. This Aqua must be a water or earth insecure moon.
Yeah I wasn’t talking about your monsoon of air you have. 🌪 That’s a ton! Do you even like long relationships?
Correct! I don’t like long relationships. I don’t think people are even cut out for that biologically speaking so why delude yourself thinking there is happily ever after with one dude. The only time it can work though is if there is a lotttt of absences involved because absence makes the heart grow fonder for me.

Edit: wait, do you mean long term or long distance? I took that as long term. Also, I wouldn’t do long distance relationship. I don’t even entertain anyone outside of my district.
You answered me, I meant long relationships because of your placements. Op misunderstood and I was just too lazy to correct her. smile
Yes, lol I do like long term relationships. Got u!
click to expand
😘 your moon is made for relationships and family. I had no doubts ❤️