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Apr 15, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 425 · Topics: 46
Sinds my 14 i met this aqua guy and we have been best friends sinds then.
Same visions , always talking for hours , making music , doing the craziest shit...
( i'm a libra guy by the way )
We were really really close as friends.
On his 18 birthday i dragged him on my shoulder for like 5.5km on footh to his house cause he was sooo wasted he couldn't do shit anymore..
He was there for me when it went wrong with my girlfriend who i dated for 3 years..
But sinds this year we haven't seen eachother no more..
Well we talked and laughed trough msn , really the wierdest conversations..
Cause we go to another college etc... and his girlfriend lives in chile (we live in Belgium).
I was wondering if an aqua friendship goes as deep as that of a libra..
Cause aqua are so independant.
I could tell him stuff other people would think WTF IS HE SAYING ???
I really miss my buddy..
Signed Up:
Apr 15, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 425 · Topics: 46
Thx for replying all , did good to read everything.