Aqua Break-ups

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by LiBrat on Friday, February 17, 2006 and has 5 replies.
Hi, before I get to my question I just want to say that this forum is excellent. I've read a lot of previous posts and you guys seem really interesting; you seem to have a good mix of personalities.
My question: generally speaking generally speaking
I've noticed that many Aquas at times "escape" from their relationships from time to time for some "space." Usually, they come back. But my question is that how does one know when it's indeed over?
I have a strange relationship with an Aqua, can't really get in to the details but every once in a while he goes away and then comes back. The problem is that I don't know what to do about it.
When he returns, we continue as usual. I don't bug him or ask questions as I see this sort of behavior is just in his nature. But you know, during the wait for him to return...I really don't know if he's coming back or not each time. I don't know whether to start thinking it's over and go my own way or stick around and wait. It's kind of frustrating at times.
Can you guys tell me if the vast majority of you TELL the person you are seeing that you are wanting to end it or do most of you just NOT come back. Are you up front? Or do you just let it fade away?

Thanks for the replies.
I understand the need for space.
However, when Aquas take time off, doesn't it ever cross your mind that the person may not be there when you decide to go back?
I mean, the way I see it, there's a certain "risk" involved.
Any comments?
As primegen said time to "recharge". What my scorpio friend doesnt understand is that when i've had this time to myself i come back to him with new and differnet ideas, i can pick up Exactly where we left off,.my Gemini friend is cool with this. Its all about communication (aquaaqi)tell him how u feel in such a way that it doesnt seems like ur pressing him to change. He'll listen. If your still not getting what you want then its decision time.
correction in my post, reply was to LiBrat not aquaaqi,.Its been a very long day: )
Hi All,
What happens is this..All will be normal, we talk everyday then all of a sudden no calls, nothing for a few days. SO I deal with it and when he comes around again we pick off where we left off. I don't ask questions, I just accept it. WHere have all of you heard that before???? OLD news huh?
He travels alot and I've noticed that when he goes out of town he misses me so I get lots of emails...This is the norm. But every once in a while I'll get a curve ball and just won't hear from him or he will send me an email full of questions and when I reply he won't answer back. Stuff like that.
I have to agree though, that I do fancy the breaks, Sort-Of. I see how it keeps things interesting. Occassionally I'll give him a little taste of his own medicine and dissapear on him. He gets his feathers ruffled a bit when I do this. And then HE'S the one who asks why I wasn't around, etc.
Look, we've been at this for over a year. We have never even HELD HANDS. He knows how much I care for him and he has told me that he feels the same. We had a few steamy chats once, very VERY intense (we were both out of town), and then he disappeared immediately afterwards, no emails, texts, nothing for almost 2 months (aside from communications related to business which were very brief and to the point). That freaked me out because I thought I had turned him off or something. Now he's coming around again but no mention of the steamy chats. But he still flirts. I think he's baiting me.
We have a business relationship so there are times when we absolutely have to talk. I made it clear that whatever happens, or doesn't happen, the contact has to continue for our own bebefit because we work together. (I have a business that supplies his business.) So we started off as friends. But I'll tell you, he's not much to look at but the first time I met him I was floored by the magnetism. It freaked me out. The next time I had to meet with him I took someone with me because I was too nervous to be alone with him again. That has never happened to me and believe me, I'm usually really composed.
Have any of you had a relationship where you feel like this person was SUPPOSED to be in your life? I hate to sound like a fatalist because I 100% believe in free will. It just that we "click" (there u go, another cliche).