Hi All
I have a question to ask u all about my aquarious guy.
He was supposed to call me about a week and half ago, he didn't .....I sent him a message, he read it but didn't reply. He's done this before where he is supposed to contact me but didn't, (and no apologies or I forgot) but i would let it go, and contact him a day to a couple of days later. Anyways I decided to let him be give him his space. So it's been just over a week and a half and yesterday night he was online changing his profile picture, online on what's app but didn't text/talk to me. My question, is this one of their tests? I was going to "like" his profile picture but thought against it.
Some positive replies please, thanks
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
I'm an Aquarius. When I don't want to be bothered I just don't. I don't believe this is a test persay, more so about how emotionally evolved your Aqua man is which includes being Independent.
I believe he's being rude. Yes we Aqua's can be that way when we prioritize ourselves over others and this can be said for just about any astrological sign but I know many moons ago I just didn't care too much about love, relationships, being in love etc.
I thoroughly ENJOYED my inner world. I loved being immersed in my thoughts and even in my emotional hardships, they came first way way many moons ago. I'm married now but yeah I've been very aloof towards people as well.
I must be MENTALLY stimulated in all areas of my mind or I lose interest for awhile but if I like the person I'll come back around eventually.
This is just me. For the most part you've set the standard of communication by accepting his poor behavior.
He know you're sitting there waiting and that does not give him any incentive to reach out to you nor compel him to want to communicate with you b/c you are way too available.
I suggest the next time he come around you take as many days to answer back. You have to STIMULATE his mind or he will lose interest.
You're not ignoring him. You're basically feeding him a dose of his own behavior and the UPSIDE to that is he'll learn quickly that he can't go days/weeks without communication and still have you be available to him.
He will not resent you for doing essentially what he's doing. He'll actually see you in a less negative way, negative being too available and feel more compelled to reach out and keep in touch with you once he recognize he does not have you.
You may want him but he has to want you more or he will ignore you, not deem you as part of his life and this can be said for a lot of men.
If you can hide him on your social networks then do it. Hiding him will help you focus on yourself and the moment you do that he will NOTICE it and reach out but don't be so eager to answer him back, WAIT AND WAIT AND WAIT, we Aquas hate waiting so make him wait.
Why wait? The more he waits, the longer HIS MIND WILL FEEL STIMULATED, the more stimulated he feels mentally he will see you as someone he wants to be with, communicate with b/c you provide something important, mental stimulation.
I can almost guarantee you that this will work. I can't 100% guarantee it but I can say it's a tried and true method.
Thank you =Metaphysicalreciprocity and tiki 33 _??_
It was going fine till I saw his picture on fb. That's when I was kinda upset.
This morning just to confirm, I wanted to ask on here. Thanks again!!!!!!
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
this is consistent with alot of aquarius men in "general"...
if you are a SMART woman, it doesn't matter what sign you are. Obviously.
You are pretty much in. The problem is,is...if you can DEAL with them emotionally. If he's got water placements, he's going to be good for you but if he's mostly air and fire, it will be very trying. Especially air. Especially Aqua venus/moon/mars combo because by that time, you are dealing with a man who is probably more interested in politics and global stuff and something that will keep him occupied on a worldly basis, and not all about you.
A political man for example is just that, but it is not impossible. As Nancy Reagan who is a Cancer Sun supported and loved Ronald Reagan (Aqua) and Mr. Reagan's career was a DISTANT one because he was always "AWAY"....and busy. This is the problem for many women who want to make sure their man is always there at home after work. IN that case, the woman will have to deal with the fact that her man is in the office all the time or conversing with other political parties. Although always GONE, he is loyal to you, but will always be away. That is the DISTANT love.
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Obviously this doesn't apply to ALL aquarius men, but also this can apply to alot of men under various signs. It just seems much more prominent for women who desire a DISTANT kind of relationship....where her man is always "AWAY".
Loads of political men under different sun signs of course. Just giving an example of distant love.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Two weeks, in my opinion is unacceptable. Aqua or not.
He's still on all my social networks, I am so close to deleting him!
What u all think?
So I'm seriously thinking of deleting/blocking him off my social networks. One I don't want him to think I'm here in hopes of one day he will contact me. Second maybe he doesn't want to continue with our relationship.
What do u all think?
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
If you delete him you can't stalk him. Just kidding!
Don't be hasty is all I'm saying.
*puts duct tape across scorp venus' s mouth*
Lmao .....yeah true but I really don't care at this point
Thank you so much =Metaphysicalreciprocity .....I am confused, of what I should do?
I've blocked him before and after a couple of days I get a call from him.
In These 2 weeks, I have thought alot about us, and really if u can be online changing your profile picture on fb, responding to a comment, have time to go on what's app etc .....and no time for me......
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Do what you feel comfortable with. Just don't let it become a game to get his attention. If you delete him, you need to mean it.
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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
Barring some kind of extreme work commitment, if a man isn't consistently making the effort to be with you, he's just not that into you. A man who really digs you, doesn't act this way. Let this one go and wait for someone whose got more to offer you.
Thanks again, for the last couple of days it was a huge debate in my head. I was going to delete my fb but when I saw his update "like" this and that but no contact with me. I was like to hell with it! Make it simpler for him.
Maybe he's having a tough time telling me his opinion for our relationship or he's just having that aqua aloof time. Anyways feeling sad but I'm not chasing anyone!
Thanks Metaphysicalreciprocity ....yes I'll try that
Signed Up:
Jan 19, 2012Comments: 6 · Posts: 702 · Topics: 39
Hi Keesha,
I'm jumping in late. But it's not a test, they just have their own inner world like someone above said. They also befriend everyone on the planet and can be easily distracted by everyone else's lives so he's probably distracted not only by his friends' lives but also what he thinks is a current priority in his head. They can be fickle in that respect.
But they mostly learn by behavior so he will come around...it'll probably take a while, best thing to do is to live your own life...not pay attention to him at all, don't delete him don't block him..because to him that means you noticed...they like independent people if you continu8e being independent he'll come back and be like "wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere were you?!?!!?!?!" kind of thing not even acknowledging they were the one that was gone longer
So live your life...he'll pop in and he'll learn eventually that good behavior brings good behavior.