Aqua man and Cancer lady - Relationship BROKE UP!

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by sweetbabes on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 and has 66 replies.
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Need Help...only for 2months my relation with Aquariusman..and suddently he became distant to me..i just found out that he is getting married to a girl that he impregnated..We've talk and i ask him, so what about me? he said, he still want to continue if i am willing. i answered him, that i will think about it. But after 30-minutes of our talking. I decide to cut off the relationship, so send him a message, like thanking you for everything and for our time together. and informing him that i wanted to finished our relationship immediately, and i told him that i don't have to know or wait for his answer, i will find my own happiness too. He did not reply. I accept everything now, and i want to move on..what i advise that i need...if anyone has experienced a broke-up relationship with aquariusman...and if there's any actions i can take, in order to torture his mind of thinking or to suffered..the way i do...Please help...Sad
I just need some help tactics of what i must do to make sufferred the way i do, or to let him feel, that its his lose not mine.
I know, we cannot be to gether anymore, if he is taking seriously about his plan of getting married. and btw, he is not married now, but soon to be, so before he is going to get married, atleast i make his mind bothered. And not concentrating into his married thing..(Just for the information- The lady, he got impregnated was only his fling).
1-"Okay, but ever consider the fact that you are asking him to betray his potential wife. Seem like you are only thinking of yourself"
First and foremost, i don't ever have any intention or plan asking him to betray his wife to be!
2-And because he said that, he probably feels he can tell you anything, and you'd just agree to it. This means, that he really don't give a butter about you, and never have.
2nd thing, what he, expect me to do? to fight for him? for what? Its seems, before he confessed to me about this thing, he think about it already...And think how unconsiderate he is to me, he just informed me by PHONE! not even seeing me in person.
Branh0913 - Ok, whatever is your opinion i will not negate with you. But my final answer is, i don't want to continue our relationship. since, he still wants and until now i got no answer from him. Its means, he feels something for me (whatever it is!).
Now, i came to ask advises...of what i must do to hurt his feelings too. For him to realize, that i am worth. And to be clear, i'm not dreaming anymore to come back to him, i just want him to suffer too.
And by the way, additional information, his brother (closest to him) is the boyfriend of my best friend. We always hang-out all together, so this time if my friend and his brother meet, its like missing me. Coz, his brother always with him.
Brahn0973 -maybe you are right and maybe you are wrong, who knows? But i know him, before 1 year, we were friends. He got a relationship before and the lady left him, and he sufferred almost to death, killing himself by drinking.
I know, someday somehow we will be friends back..but not now,
unusualcancer - thanks for the advise,it's just hard to accept the fact, but it happens and this is life. As a cancerian, i just have this feeling that i want revenge...Anyhow, it ends already.
sweetbabes, I perfectly understand your wish to make him suffer.
Unfortunately, thinking that way will only increase your own suffering. Right now, instead of thinking about how to make him suffer, wouldn't you agree that it would be a happier and much more fulfilling choice to do the things that make you happy and be the kind of person who deserves the absolute best?
I know how it feels to want revenge on someone because they tore your heart out. I was involved with someone as well for almost a year, then in the blink of an eye it was all gone. I was angry, frustrated and wished horrible pain upon that person. But I realized over time that thinking that way was only poisoning my own happiness.
Yes, it looks like this guy was only using you. But, atleast it ended now, instead of a year or more down the line when you had more emotional investment in it. Yeah, it ended, yeah, he probably was no good and yeah, it sucks. But more than that, what can you do to make yourself happy right now?
The best possible "revenge" you could have on him, is to be happy and fulfilled in life without him.
Oops, didn't see the latest reply, looks like you already gave up that idea. Oh well, haha.
I don't think its immature traits..for me, its jus a typical human being reaction...when you feel hurt and betrayed.
Thanks starfish225.
I've got information, that today is the wedding day! HURT! Sad , my friend (boyfriend is the brother of him) suggest to me, to give flowers and a letter of how i feel, i told her no need. Just let it be that way.
strange...that's all i can say
My Ex Aqua, after two weeks of silence. He text me today early morning before i go to my work saying " I miss you". And today, he just started working, i just send him a congratulation and goodluck message.
Note: A friend of mind who got the information about him that " He did not yet get married, only engaged...and its not true that he got impregnated the the girl.
Oh sweetbabes, what i can say here is stop communicating with him. Stay away from him. Im a cancerian too. And i experienced that also in a different way. I was with two different awauarian guys on different times. I got hurt by them. I forgave them already anyway.
Try to forget him . Move on. Dont reply to him anymore. He will hurt you more in the future. And it will happen if you will allow him. He is just playing with you. He sent you a text to test if you are willing to give another go. And if you do, good for him again. So stop asking about him or stay away from things that will remind u of him. We deserve to be happy!!!
I knew a married Aqua once (something he denied consistantly). He still says he misses me and stuff, but i just said that there was no way i could continue. They have no shame, they take what they need and then leave.
I want bothered really, because you have to understand their logic. Sure, i was shocked, but he wasnt married to me, so it was easy for me to leave. The aqua in this case is looking for a woman who will appease the thoughts he?s having about his forthcoming wedding, and all that this will involve. Personally, i dont think Aqua?s should ever marry as its not suited to their nature. Ask him to marry you instead, get all heavy and emtional, then he?ll run from you for sure!! That?s what i did.
Thanks to you moirah and Sola...Anyhow, i told him that i have only given him my friendship...I did not call and talk to him. And so far, he did not yet called me. So, i just leave as it is, go on with my life.
Another one bites the dust. Cancer and aqua is second to the worst compatibility matchup second to taurus and aqua, according to many astrologers.
there is hope though...ronald and nancy reagan are a great example of a beautiful aqua/cancer relationship...but they were also older when they met. that may have a lot to do with it.
Cancer, bad people.
Ok let's not jump into conclusions in here, it's not an all zodiac issue. We don't know the whole marriage story and its parameters, we don't even know if its true.
I can only talk about the distant attitude of you aqua sweetbabe, I can imagine myself there and I don't like it. Because this attitude would confuse you and make you wanna leave him with a bitter taste although his intentions might be the best.
And about the revenge thing, I also know it from my Cancer, moonchild knows ... I know how you feel but believe me aqua's intentions are always the best though not carefully expressed. Well for my case, my cancer's revenge I guess was to reject me because I really fell for her. But this is because I tried to be a different aqua by compromising in a few things so that to fit into her shoes (and she did the same).
That's why moonchild I still believe I had something perfect (in my eyes, though not objectively perfect) because if there's mutual understanding in an aqua-cancer couple then those are one of the strongest matches.
PS In my eyes, it can be fairly easy to torture an aqua in a relationship-breakup situation, simply because aqua value the chose of friends-relationships in a "digital" way ie either 1 or 0. 0 being someone they just know so won't hurt much to loose one day and 1 being "the good one" either friend or relationship. Recently I had to loose a friend from the category 1 that I've known for just 1 year and put me into deep thoughts. As for my cancer lady, I'm thinking of her day and knight, she's my point of reference now for any future choises, although I still hope...
us cancers are NOT bad people...ok!!! i am so tired of everyone trashing on cancers...
"because if there's mutual understanding in an aqua-cancer couple then those are one of the strongest matches."
-TAS, i absolutely agree with this statement!!! it is true that aquas and cancers are from two very different worlds, and it does take a long time and a lot of understanding on both ends to make it work. but, i agree that with enough can be a very successful relationship and extremely rewarding for both people.
I totally agree too, we are so different but this also means that we can learn so much from each other. Its not an easy combination but if there is a deep love there this match can last a lifetime. My grandparents were Aqua/Cancer and were married over 50 yrs before my Grandpa sadly passed away. They had many ups and downs but there was a great love between them which bonded them for life.
was your grandpa the aqua? and what is his bday? and hers? just curious...
my grandma is a cancer (july 16) and my grandpa is an aqua/pisces cusp (feb. 21)
my aqua and i are very, very different but our love for one another runs very deep... i hope it will last a very long time for us...
My grandpa was the Cancer born 25th June and and my grandma the Aquarius born Jan 27th, she is still alive at 98 years old. She doesn't really know whats going on these days but in her prime was a formidable woman..she really did rule the roost i have to say !
well, i think it is different when the woman is aqua and the man is cancer because you have more of a feminine male with a more independent female and it works well...
it is harder with aqua male/cancer female...b/c the aqua male is not in tune with his emotions and the cancer female is overly emotional.
Yes i have never thought of it that way, but i do agree. I really do try not to be too emotional with my Aqua because i know they find this hard to deal with.Most men do but Aqua men even more so! I have Gemini in Mercury and my Rising is Gemini too so there is a bit of air there in my chart which helps me detach from time to time..still not easy though.
yeah, i don't have any air in my chart...i don't think. but i have a LOT of leo in my chart, which may help. and his rising sign is scorpio as well...
lunarlady...what is your aqua's bday? and what is yours?
My Aqua is Feb 9th and my bday is July 5th...i really wish i knew his rising sign but will never be able to find out b/c he is adopted and doesn't know what time he was born. I think we click so well because of the air in my chart, i know Gemini and Aqua are pretty compatible so i think maybe my rising sign has a lot to do with it. I have always been attracted to Aquarian men all my adult life...maybe its because they keep me on my toes !!
I have to dash now Moonchild, Aqua is cooking me a roast lamb dinner at his place (I'm on England time) and i'd better not be late!! I hope we can catch up v soon i think we are going to have a lot to talk about !! Take care.
Im feb. 9 and my rising is Aries...
But I think rising depends on time eh...?
Tell your boyfriend I said Happy Birthday Twin!!!!!
my time: 10 am approx.
I must say my male cancer EXTREMELY observant and seems to get me so well in terms of relationships...scary!!!. He's still a little confused about my personality smile just the way I like it... was nice talking to you! you can PM me anytime to talk...
Lady M, you share the same bday as my boyfriend then.. i think i understand how Aqua's tick b/c my mom is one and i have known her since i was born!!
Ps Moonchild the lamb dinner went very well last night, wish i was such a good cook as him, he really puts me to shame , sigh...
Sigh what you've reminded me lunarlady. I was good in cooking dishes that were successful if you used imagination and a procedure to produce an impressive outcome (to the eye). But nothing to compare the tasty dishes she made. She did like it though and at some point onwards she tried to make me cook them all the time by taking this mincing smiles that I loved. I was spoiling her but she still prefered to go away :\
Sorry to hear it did not work out for you Tas, are you still on friendly terms with the lady in question ?
Come on, how could I be friends now with the love of my life. I could only be if I knew it may bring her back at some point but the distance and her sharp words didn't leave me any chance. I only emailed her expressing some feelings that my aloof (grrr) nature did not let her see. And I attached the URL of this forum, hope I did well. For some weird reason I can't believe it's over. Not because I still love her but because I'm seldom wrong on my judgment on people and how they aCT/think...hmm
Yes i agree, its really hard to be friends with someone you are still in love with, it's too painful. If my current bf and i split i would find it very very hard to be just friends. We socialised in the same circles and had mutual friends before we got together so i really hope we will never find ourselves in that situation because i would find that just way too difficult.
"Come on, how could I be friends now with the love of my life."
-WOW! so, i guess not all aqua guys stay friends with their ex's???
so, you think that eventually you will be friends with her over time, or will it just be too hard to ever consider being just her friend since you say she is the love of your life?
"I only emailed her expressing some feelings that my aloof (grrr) nature did not let her see"
-Tas...that is so aqua of you!!!
i know that my aqua loves me tons and i know how he feels about me...but the only time he has been really vulnerable with his feelings, is when we got back together after being broken up. then he seems to pour his heart and soul out to me...ahhh, i wish he could be more vulnerable at times...i love seeing that side of him!
oh, and tanya...NEVER say NEVER!
My Aqua boyfriend is still friends with almost all of his ex's.
This seems to be a common thing with Aqua guys.. i just think they like to be everyones friend. I read somewhere that Aqua men call everyone buddy and my Aqua does, its really uncanny !!
All, ya got to do is, ask him for sex, and have him to eat you out, and have his girlfriend, baby momma, or wife see it, some kind of way, and lie your ass off, that you don't know how that happen. Tell him, ur mad too, cause ur real man got sent a copy, and your boyfriend too. And then leave him alone. You'll be happy then. The worst that could happen is he hit you, and most Aqu are punks, so he's not going to hit you. If he does call the police and he'll be jailed and have a record. But if you don't want to do the above. Gets some friend to call his job, and say he smoke weed or something. I have a million get back tactics, with plans A, B, and C.
Bizarre advice !!!

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