Aqua man...pisces woman - advice please??

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by AutumnWolf1965 on Friday, November 13, 2009 and has 9 replies.
Hi everyone - I've spent the last several hours reading this entire message board looking for something that might help me. I started doing some research on Aquarius men and that's how I found this forum. Here's my problem, and I'll try to keep it short. I am a 44 y/o pisces woman who has just recently become attracted to a 49 y/o aqua man at work, just recently being probably the last 3 months or so. We've worked together (different shifts) for almost 15 years - mainly barely acquaintances, you know - just saying "hi" and that sort of thing. Nothing special. But all of a sudden I became very aware of him - noticing him as an attractive and sexy man. About this time, I noticed him going out of his way to talk to me, tease me - and even ask me questions like "I forgot to ask you - how was your vacation with your mom". I had mentioned that I was going on vacation in passing. I've caught him looking at me when he thinks I don't notice - then look away when I catch his eye. He was really flirting with me. When I thought about it, that type of thing has been going on for some time. So I started flirting back and purposely trying to talk to him - only to have him back way off and completely ignore me for about 3 weeks. So I backed way off too and pretended that I wasnt watching him when I really was smile
Anyway, my question is - do aqua males like to be asked out? Or will that completely turn him off? And if he does like me - why would'nt he just ask me out? Are these signs that he could possibly have an interest in me or am I just living in a fantasy world as we pisces tend to do so much? As you can probably tell, its been a very long time since I've been interested in anyone - more than 11 years in fact. I really feel like I don't know how to play this game anymore. Any feedback or thoughts on this subject would be greatly appreciated.
My Pisces girl made alot of the first moves, I got the number she handled the rest.
She played it cool while we started dating while adding the right amount of charm minus the clingy smothering stuff.
now look at me SUPER AQUA MALE (according to my chart) in a relationship after years of being a bachelor.

The point is:
I wasn't looking for a girlfriend......she found me and made me want her using her charm and not her attention.
Posted by airbender
My Pisces girl made alot of the first moves, I got the number she handled the rest.
She played it cool while we started dating while adding the right amount of charm minus the clingy smothering stuff.
now look at me SUPER AQUA MALE (according to my chart) in a relationship after years of being a bachelor.

The point is:
I wasn't looking for a girlfriend......she found me and made me want her using her charm and not her attention.

ur girl is awesome! that's because she got to know me in another life and i showed her the ropes! Winking
ya dont wait for the aqua to do something you make the moves, just dont be too aggressive.
He sounds timid in the love arena. I'm not sure how you should come at him but he's def scared or at least surprised you're responding. Maybe just holla back gradually.
Hi everyone and thank you for all the feedback. Its been several more weeks now and my Aqua guy has been acting pretty lukewarm. Although he will occasionally stop me to ask me a question as I walk by - the thing I notice most now is how awkward everything is between us. I feel all tongue tied when I talk to him and most of the time the vibe that I pick up from him if and when I approach him just to talk is that he does not want me to and he wants to be left alone. I'm not quite ready to give up, but I am definitely not going out of my way to talk to him....
Well you said that you haven't been interested in someone for over 11 years. Maybe this Aqua guy picked up on that. Maybe for the duration of your time spent together as co-workers, there was an air about you that said you were unnapproachable or involved with someone else. Aqua men are very gifted at picking up on this & they are good at this b/c they don't like to tread into unknown and/or someone else's territory. It seems by coincidence that the minute you started to notice him & open up a little bit, he started returning the love. Maybe there was something you were unconsciously saying, doing or how you were carrying yourself that was different & that he noticed. One thing I can say though is that if this Aqua man was generally interested, he'd make it known but in his own way. Now that he's noticed that you're sending out signals, he's probably just sitting back & observing. He started to flirt with you & send you good signals in return as his way of trying to find out the most he could about you & where this all of the sudden change come from. BUT he did this with the intention of doing his "research," & not so much so b/c he wanted you to take those signals & run with them, thus that explains the sudden distance the minute you became comfortable with continuing to show yourself to him.
Who knows, he might like you, he may not. He may just be observing you. Trust me, he's noticed just like you did that for the past decade, you didn't show any signs of interest, so it shouldn't be any suprise that you've sparked his curiosity now that you let him notice that you're noticing him smile If I were you, I wouldn't be so analyzing of everything he says & does to you b/c you'll drive yourself crazy. Aqua men, when they're unsure of someone or something don't ever wear their personalities on their sleeves, & when they do it's only for 5 minutes (thus this is why alot of women that are attracted to them get confused). Aqua men are like any other men. They love to be chased BUT he might be a little skeptical as to why you're showing SO much interest in him all of the sudden when you could've done so a longgg time ago. Plus, there's always the chance that he was involved with someone too the whole time that you were, which explains why he never seem to take notice of you either until now
If I were you, and just to be safe, I'd play his game. Don't get your feelings all attached to this situation & don't let your Pisces need for immediate answers scare this guy away or make the situation more than what it really is. Don't try to play mind games or hard-to-get with this Aqua guy b/c trust me, he'll pick up on it & depending on why he's being so distant, could actually hurt your chances of ever finding out what his deal is. Do you know if he's involved with anyone or if he recently ended a commitment with someone? Do you know anything about his personal life? Who knows, maybe he was just as emotionally unavailable during the same time that you were, & now that he's finally emotionally free, he might be game for looking for some new prey. And if that's the case, him being so distant the minute you decided to start chasing him is actually very normal. Men love to chase after women for different reasons than we love to chase after them. Aqua men sometimes feel that when they're chasing after a woman, they are learning alot about her & they love this, b/c they can get all the answers to their questions about her, by doing things their OWN way. While we as women are giggling & basking in their affection & attention, they are secretely gathering mental notes on us. Plus, some men chase women they are only interested in 1% b/c as long as there's 1% , they fully investigate to make sure that there is/isn't the possibility of more. BUT when the tables are turned (when we start chasing them), they lose control & their way of getting the answers to their questions & accurately observing women changes. Women often don't chase what they don't want. Women will first let a man chase them, let themselves build up interest in someone & THEN they will in return chase after the man. But men are different. They can see 1 thing in you that they like, STILL NOT be sure that you're even worth it & yet still chase you (in others words, they are masters at leading others on) & what happens is, we women are stuck feeling confused when the guy all of the sudden gets distant, b/c we thought the only time someone shows interest in someone or chases them is when the interest is actually THERE & ready to take off into whatever it allows itself to turn into.
get his number, call it and proceed to breath heavily into the reciever.
aquarians are air signs so it only makes sense......just like throwing a bucket of cold water on u would get ur waters gushing
You've waited for 15 years and u just started to notice him?........relationships in the work place get awkward when it doesnt work out.
where u work?