Aqua, when how where what? I need your sex secrets

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by ladyscorpio91 on Monday, February 9, 2015 and has 60 replies.
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Boyfriend: Aqua sun, Taurus moon, with Capricorn in mars & venus.
Me: Scorpio sun, Taurus moon, with Scorpio in mars & Libra in venus.
We are having PROBLEMZZZZZ. Fuck man, since I met this man my mind is on OVERLOAD. I am so exhausted lol..
Our sex life is hopeless I swear! He has the horn-dog typical male hornyness to him, but the actual act happens maybe once a week. Yeah I have done my research and confirmations - their focus is elsewhere, I get that. But when we start inching closer to the actual ACT, bring on the awkwardness and misunderstandings.
Im an expert at sex, this one I CAN NOT crack Sad
On this topic only thing I was able to get out of him was that he really likes when we "play" which we wrestle and he loves being aggressive and really rough (which I fucking LOVE) but when we have sex its so boring and the same thing.
I am so confused and anytime I try to initiate he has an excuse or looks at me like I am totally crazy. He also said he doesn't get how I can just be turned on?
Sad I feel like dying lol, as a scorpio, sex is literally everything, my world is shutting off I HATE IT.
Of fucking course... Before I accepted this aqua as a boyfriend I was getting laid like 6 times a week, but by fucking assholes. His love is so nice I don't want to let him go, I need help. I am a complete nympho, this isn't working Sad
i thought you scorpios (in general) are super secretive, even with sex.
you are an odd one. O_O
they are more into mental stimulation type of beings LOL
That's what it says everywhere
maybe instead of strawberries, dip scrabble tiles in chocolate
LMAO i'm j/k
Posted by thisiscrap2
they are more into mental stimulation type of beings LOL
That's what it says everywhere

telepathic powers!!!
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Stalone as Dredd: sex with you??
Bullock (aqua moon): Great! be right back. (and gets 2 head visors) We'll begin in a few secs.
Stalone as dredd: with what??
with sex of course.
Quality trumps quantity. Every. Single. Time.
I would rather have quality, scrumptious sex once a week than mediocre sex six times a week.
Don't get me wrong, my scorpio venus wants quality, scrumptious sex three times a day, but that's never going to happen. smile
Step away from the Aquarius. They are not as sexual as Scorpio or Taurus. I was miserable with my ex Aqua, I was sexually starved all the time and attention starved.
Believe me, the sexual activity with you two right now is at the so called honeymoon stage when it is supposed to be the most. Goes downhill from here. RUN unless you want to explode from the sexual tension.
You have no idea the crap that guy put me through, lady.
Posted by AquaMermaid
Attention starved people get away from us!!!Laughing

my man gets what he needs all the time.
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by GuardianAnu
You have no idea the crap that guy put me through, lady.

Would like to hear his side of the story until then not believing it.
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I don't need to prove anything to you. We are divorced. You won't hear his side. He's not the most communicative anyway, and certainly wouldn't share his side, not even with his family.
Posted by GuardianAnu
Step away from the Aquarius. They are not as sexual as Scorpio or Taurus. I was miserable with my ex Aqua, I was sexually starved all the time and attention starved.
Believe me, the sexual activity with you two right now is at the so called honeymoon stage when it is supposed to be the most. Goes downhill from here. RUN unless you want to explode from the sexual tension.

i dunno man, Hitler was even quoted, "Ms. Braun is the ONLY woman for me."
and Clooney just married Amal. Perhaps just cuddling and snuggling with attorney papers.
they talk about human rights and the bs that's going through. SOOOOO STRESSFUL.
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by GuardianAnu
You have no idea the crap that guy put me through, lady.

Would like to hear his side of the story until then not believing it.

I don't need to prove anything to you. We are divorced. You won't hear his side. He's not the most communicative anyway, and certainly wouldn't share his side, not even with his family.
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plenty of people divorce, and scorpios/taurus also divorce's not rocket science.
we hope that people stay together forever, though.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by GuardianAnu
You have no idea the crap that guy put me through, lady.

Would like to hear his side of the story until then not believing it.

I don't need to prove anything to you. We are divorced. You won't hear his side. He's not the most communicative anyway, and certainly wouldn't share his side, not even with his family.

plenty of people divorce, and scorpios/taurus also divorce's not rocket science.
we hope that people stay together forever, though.
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My point is, with Aquarius, sex can be take it or leave it. With the one I was with, he leaned more on the "leave it" side, which sounds like the OP's situation.
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by GuardianAnu
You have no idea the crap that guy put me through, lady.

Would like to hear his side of the story until then not believing it.

I don't need to prove anything to you. We are divorced. You won't hear his side. He's not the most communicative anyway, and certainly wouldn't share his side, not even with his family.

Then you can't prove he did crazy shit. Every coin has two sides.
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I am not getting into that right now. It's too loaded, and I don't have the energy to write about it anyway, I have enough to deal with right now and I don't have the capacity to deal with your shitty comments. I am trying to keep my anxiety levels low, I would appreciate it if you left me alone.
Posted by AquaMermaid
He must have been super pissed and uncomfortable to shut down like that with his own family.

His mother was a real piece of work and annoyed the hell out of me... she was a taurus, the oldest of her siblings, all male of which were 7 of them. I am sure she felt like she had to be the pillar through all of it, hence the control freakiness. I wouldn't be surprised if he was abused somehow in his childhood.
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by GuardianAnu
You have no idea the crap that guy put me through, lady.

Would like to hear his side of the story until then not believing it.

I don't need to prove anything to you. We are divorced. You won't hear his side. He's not the most communicative anyway, and certainly wouldn't share his side, not even with his family.

plenty of people divorce, and scorpios/taurus also divorce's not rocket science.
we hope that people stay together forever, though.

My point is, with Aquarius, sex can be take it or leave it. With the one I was with, he leaned more on the "leave it" side, which sounds like the OP's situation.
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hm maybe he was /is not into her?
if she posted her house chart (houses make a huge difference) we could see why. i see hers, but he didnt post his house chart.
i have noticed that even when i did my husband's grandparents charts (gem sun and pisces sun) they had a beautiful synastry and their houses fell into harmonious place.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by GuardianAnu
You have no idea the crap that guy put me through, lady.

Would like to hear his side of the story until then not believing it.

I don't need to prove anything to you. We are divorced. You won't hear his side. He's not the most communicative anyway, and certainly wouldn't share his side, not even with his family.

plenty of people divorce, and scorpios/taurus also divorce's not rocket science.
we hope that people stay together forever, though.

My point is, with Aquarius, sex can be take it or leave it. With the one I was with, he leaned more on the "leave it" side, which sounds like the OP's situation.

hm maybe he was /is not into her?
if she posted her house chart (houses make a huge difference) we could see why. i see hers, but he didnt post his house chart.
i have noticed that even when i did my husband's grandparents charts (gem sun and pisces sun) they had a beautiful synastry and their houses fell into harmonious place.
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Maybe she's not as good at it as she claims....
I was talking about the OP, not Guardian.
Posted by AquaMermaid
OP you both are Taurus moon and your Venus and Sun is square.That's a lot of stubbornness and friction I see.

i did read somewhere that if you're with a fixed sun, the other significant other has to have mutable rising/moon. AT the very very least.
which i notice even with Hitler/braun. Hitler had cardinal moon but fixed sun, and Braun had that Cardinal rising conjunct his moon. Virgo (mutable) moon, and a gemini mars.
i didnt know this until i got into astrology but the universe already KNOWS how to bring people together. there need be NO outside interference.
that's why many arranged marriages fail, and the spouse is having mistresses because it's not who they chose originally.
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by AquaMermaid
He must have been super pissed and uncomfortable to shut down like that with his own family.

His mother was a real piece of work and annoyed the hell out of me... she was a taurus, the oldest of her siblings, all male of which were 7 of them. I am sure she felt like she had to be the pillar through all of it, hence the control freakiness. I wouldn't be surprised if he was abused somehow in his childhood.

You said Taurus? Yeah I want to kill them in their sleep.
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I am a Taurus sun and Venus. I have met other Taureans and... well, I can see where you are coming from. I think I relate more to all the water in my chart, especially as my moon, rising and mars are all in cancer.
I don't know what her chart looks like. I don't remember her birthday and I am not about to go look her up to ask. One of the first things I remember about leaving my ex was "and I never have to speak to her again".
She caused me migraines. I never had migraines before her Sad
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by GuardianAnu
You have no idea the crap that guy put me through, lady.

Would like to hear his side of the story until then not believing it.

I don't need to prove anything to you. We are divorced. You won't hear his side. He's not the most communicative anyway, and certainly wouldn't share his side, not even with his family.

Then you can't prove he did crazy shit. Every coin has two sides.

I am not getting into that right now. It's too loaded, and I don't have the energy to write about it anyway, I have enough to deal with right now and I don't have the capacity to deal with your shitty comments. I am trying to keep my anxiety levels low, I would appreciate it if you left me alone.

If you wanted to be left alone then you wouldn't be here stirring shit in the first place. Just because your marriage went down the drain doesn't mean you have the right to tell everyone that Aqua is a monster. I am not buying that crap. You must be smart enough to know that not all Aquas are not cut from the same cloth. We're not manufactured at a cookie cutter mould factory.
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Yeah but you wanna kill all bulls in their sleep :p
I know you are not all cut from the same cloth. This guy pursued me pretty hard at first but then he just stopped after we got married. I even asked him why and he had this shitty little smile on his face and said "Because I have you".
Anyways I have a movie to watch with my Scorp. Maybe I will elaborate some other time.
Posted by Sugarfoot
Posted by AquaMermaid
My first love was an Aquariys man and he never refused sex. We had crazy hot passionate sex from 10 at night to 6 in the morning. I had to ask him to stop. He was gooooooooood. Treated my body like that of a godess. Licked me from head to toe and paid attention to every inch of my body. We both gave each other space and we had amazing chemistry. I would just look him in the eye and he knew I wanted him. I was crazy about him. And he was crazy about me. Unfortunately due to personal reasons I had to end it. He will always be my first love. We were totally into each other. Car sex, outdoor sex, underwater sex we did it all!

Yes girl....Same here. All of that!
@OP- how old is your guy?
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He is 22, I am 23. I am so sad guys :-/
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by GuardianAnu
You have no idea the crap that guy put me through, lady.

Would like to hear his side of the story until then not believing it.

I don't need to prove anything to you. We are divorced. You won't hear his side. He's not the most communicative anyway, and certainly wouldn't share his side, not even with his family.

Then you can't prove he did crazy shit. Every coin has two sides.

I am not getting into that right now. It's too loaded, and I don't have the energy to write about it anyway, I have enough to deal with right now and I don't have the capacity to deal with your shitty comments. I am trying to keep my anxiety levels low, I would appreciate it if you left me alone.

If you wanted to be left alone then you wouldn't be here stirring shit in the first place. Just because your marriage went down the drain doesn't mean you have the right to tell everyone that Aqua is a monster. I am not buying that crap. You must be smart enough to know that not all Aquas are not cut from the same cloth. We're not manufactured at a cookie cutter mould factory.

Yeah but you wanna kill all bulls in their sleep :p
I know you are not all cut from the same cloth. This guy pursued me pretty hard at first but then he just stopped after we got married. I even asked him why and he had this shitty little smile on his face and said "Because I have you".
Anyways I have a movie to watch with my Scorp. Maybe I will elaborate some other time.
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what were his placements?? hot and cold is usually a dominant air thing. Even Leonardo DiCaprio is hot and cold and commitment phobic and he's a Scorpio sun and venus AND mars.
Posted by Sugarfoot
Posted by AquaMermaid
My first love was an Aquariys man and he never refused sex. We had crazy hot passionate sex from 10 at night to 6 in the morning. I had to ask him to stop. He was gooooooooood. Treated my body like that of a godess. Licked me from head to toe and paid attention to every inch of my body. We both gave each other space and we had amazing chemistry. I would just look him in the eye and he knew I wanted him. I was crazy about him. And he was crazy about me. Unfortunately due to personal reasons I had to end it. He will always be my first love. We were totally into each other. Car sex, outdoor sex, underwater sex we did it all!

Yes girl....Same here. All of that!
@OP- how old is your guy?
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O_O lol
even i don't think of my first love like that. and i married him (Pisces sun/mars/merc/leo moon)
i can't imagine life without my husband. He's the love of my life.

Hopefully you ladies with your current man are super happy!!
i meant i married the pisces (ex husband) and he remarried also, but it was more that he helped her out. He's in prison now.
Posted by thisiscrap2
maybe instead of strawberries, dip scrabble tiles in chocolate
LMAO i'm j/k

Lol you never know it might just work!
The aqua I've been seeing for a year can go about 4-5wks. He seems to like the build up in between. As frustrating as it is for me as an Aries with Scorpio rising it's always worth the wait. Winking
i get what you mean. My first love and the rest helped me to get where i am.
but nothing compares to my husband.
width="420" height="315" ="https:"
(the song is about a man who has gone, but the song title means what's in the heart, nothing can compare. and yes corny!!! if i showed this to my man, he'd roll his eyes, and say not againn!!! sooooooo sappy and loveydovey!! but i know deep down he loves me alot. said it to me more than once. and his actions mean more.)
i mean nothing can take away the memory of each love. they helped me grow. they;re important in each way.

that's why people need to fall in love!!!!! stop being commitment phobes!!!
Posted by MadMarchRam
Posted by thisiscrap2
maybe instead of strawberries, dip scrabble tiles in chocolate
LMAO i'm j/k

Lol you never know it might just work!
The aqua I've been seeing for a year can go about 4-5wks. He seems to like the build up in between. As frustrating as it is for me as an Aries with Scorpio rising it's always worth the wait. Winking
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An aqua is perfect for me since I'm not like your average scorpio. I don't necessarily want it all the time either.
sorry but i NEED good sex too!!!Laughing
i can't be with a man w/out some GOOD LOVE.
ewww if there's no good sexual Chemistry, it just...omg NO. NO.

width="560" height="315" ="https:"
good thing i'm writing this wth a glass of wine. lol
i'm sure there's men out there that SUCK in bed.

Ok, you all have your work cut out for you if he SUCKS in bed.

if you all dont mind just company, and not being lonely, and bad sex. go right on ahead.'s harder on alot of you.Laughing
don't let me get out the NAUGHTY SONG:
width="420" height="315" ="https:"

ok i so played this for my husband,
and he was like O____O

width="420" height="315" ="https:"

well i won't tell.Laughing

you all need to get YOUR OWN MAN. and play some naughty songs.

btw she's an Aries sun/Cancer moon. (the singer) lol
actually he was pleased.

so maybe OP, you need to get him going. excuse the pun. men are visual creatures too. they LOVE to be LOVED. cuddled and snuggled.

every love relationship should have a healthy sexual relationship.
woops posted that image 2x lol
this is the one i wanted to post.
appropriate for the topic/thread:
Posted by CaptainPimp
I feel like sharing it with someone but idk who. Posting this on my FB main page might creep people out.

well it should only be between you and your girl.

the song is public but i dont know how that would go if you posted that on fb, you'd have to specifically point that out to your girl.
then everyone will KNOW you are horny for her for sure.
actuaully she should be the one posting it to you.
but you dont post it when there's family there.
i certainly don't want to see my sister and her man and think about them getting all horny.

or your parents or grandparents....

Posted by CaptainPimp
What do you think of people who say "sex is not that important?". I think they are full of shit :O.
How can it not matter? Must be havin suuuum bad sex.

You sure aren't like most aquas i know. They seem more detached about their loved one, almost like they don't care.
Hao to get you more invested ! (aquas)

lol it sounds platonic.
brother and sister.

i'm sorry but there has to be GOOD sexual Chemistry.
good emotional bonding, good physical Chemistry.
or else just stay single and watch porn.

Posted by CaptainPimp
Had a booring day at work, these days get me mental and feel like talking about anything with anyone.
>.> rather annoying really.
And yeah i will probably just PM her that song instead. I'm sure my male pals would get a kick out of it, but the gals will all be "eww".

damn those girl are PRUDES.

i bet deep down theyre going OMG OMG...

Liz Phair makes NO shame over her song. which i fucking LOVE. Don't be ashamed of sex if you have a loving, committed relationship.
even if she's singing. "GIMME YOUR HOT _____ C _____"
love that genius singerette.
Posted by CaptainPimp
PS: that isn't me i'm reffering to in the posts.
So did you jump your man the first time you met? Or had to hold in the urgesLaughing.
Curious about behavior, might be to personal question.
PSS: You have mail !

sorry. no mail.

please dont flirt with me. I am guessing you are not, but just in case.

i post these things, because i am not prudish about sexual songs. and i love them. and i do share them with my husband.
Posted by CaptainPimp
If i am flirting, i'm totally oblivious to it. Not intentional. am i?
I can't flirt when i want to, and i flirt when i'm not. I'm odd like that.
Just here for friendly chat. Ty for the responses.
Just in case, no i'm not.
Or am i? (.> ok i'm out, thanks again.

oh ok smile

just wanted to put that out.
boundaries you know?
it's a messageboard and we're all having fun w/ astrology and stuff, but some of us are really in a committed relationship here. smile
good luck with your aqua lady!!! I wish you luck.

there's a few pairings of this currently that I know of.
one is Princess caroline and her pisces husband
and William Baldwin and Chynna Phillips...
and of course the famous Oprah Winfrey and Stedham.
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by CaptainPimp
PS: that isn't me i'm reffering to in the posts.
So did you jump your man the first time you met? Or had to hold in the urgesLaughing.
Curious about behavior, might be to personal question.
PSS: You have mail !

sorry. no mail.

please dont flirt with me. I am guessing you are not, but just in case.

i post these things, because i am not prudish about sexual songs. and i love them. and i do share them with my husband.

bahaha that's what living with a Scorpio does to you. I have the same exact reaction to other men! "What are you upto? Go away!"Laughing
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i go out just to the grocery store, and if i'm wearing a summer dress, with some boots during the summer of course (this happened) some guy just go up to you, sidle up to you by the freezer, and he whispers, "You looking good, darling."
i'm kind of disgusted.

it's so bad when your husband is there. I mentioned once, during vacation, farm boys whistled while biking by and i just shook my head, my husband looked back and i said, "it's for you or your mother and her old friends back there"
i mean i'm NOT disgusted but more like, jesus christ. i'd rather wear a big poncho hat especially if i'm with my mother in law. big sunglasses and shit.Laughing
anyway, it's nice to have these experiences though i suppose. smile
you know what?? that might have been for my husband!!Laughing the farm boys swing the other way. j/k
the wine is making me say bad things. *smh*
I'm telling you the thought of sex is way more sexy than the actual act. They really weren't joking when they stated that lol.
Posted by AquaMermaid
Posted by lisabethur8
the wine is making me say bad things. *smh*

I love when you get drunk Big Grin
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well i only had one glass. but at least i dont have a stick up my ass when i comment (the capricorn mercury has to look good you know?) and then the glass of wine gets me in the feeling mood of Liz Phair/Peaches combination. GUTSY and sultry. Love them ladies!!!
anyway, for some fashion wear.Laughing
because i'm female and love fashion.

what's your fashion style??
maybe i should start a fashion thread.
hubby is watching the games while i look up fashion. lol
Posted by FreeAquarian
I'm telling you the thought of sex is way more sexy than the actual act. They really weren't joking when they stated that lol.

a fire moon saying that? lol that's bullshit. what's your mars??
and you can tell if a man is very sexual and good.
i dont know how....i knew with my husband.
just sixth sense.
i didnt even have to look down there. i just KNEW.