Aquarians Fall Hard

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Tornadoday16 on Saturday, November 9, 2013 and has 20 replies.
Ok so Aquarians have a reputation for being independent and logical right? At least thats the stereotype, and when they are at their best I give it to them, they are that way. But when Aquarians do get rattled, man they come apart.
I only become rattled when someone does something I wasn't expecting or don't have time to logically analyze.
Ooh I fall VERY hard, not often but when I do, it's bloody & emergency room status. I honestly do not know how to handle my feelings when I'm inlove. I do a lot of breakups so I can centre myself.
It takes a lot for me to surrender to Cupid in a relationship, but once I do, I fall hard!! Hard is an understatement. Prior to falling in love, I have a lot of inner conflicts as I'm always getting scared to get attached to someone and always questioning issues I have with my love interest. I even run, hide and have quite a lot of disappearance acts when I'm on the verge of coming to terms with my deep feelings for someone else. I guess it's the fear of handing the keys to the castle to someone else who would then have power over you since you'd be vulnerable to them. I absolute despise being vulnerable to someone.
We are primarily logical & independent. That doesn't mean though that we don't have the ability to be anything else lol
We've been telling people for a million years that we can be just as emotional, devastated & rattled as every other human being, but people refuse to believe that until they see us coming unglued.
If people went into it assuming that we Aquarians are both extremely emotional & extremely logical (b/c that's the truth), they perhaps wouldn't be as surprised to see us when we're being extremely emotional.
For me to come unglued, something big would have to happen b/w me & something/someone big that I value...It takes a long time for an Aquarius to attach to something b/c doing so requires having lots of hope & expectations on them. When we finally give in to you, we're expecting you to understand just how hard it was for us to attach. Others may not get this b/c attaching to someone might be natural & easy for them.
Kind of like "You break, you buy." If it takes an Aquarian 5 years to invest & be able to fully pay for their dream home, yes they will be like out of control missiles when someone comes a long & burns it to the ground lol
But does it ever get to a point where it is not just purely logical. I mean, like when an aquarius is crying in front of me, how can I be sure that they are really as weak as they seem?
Posted by aquarius09
It takes a lot for me to surrender to Cupid in a relationship, but once I do, I fall hard!! Hard is an understatement. Prior to falling in love, I have a lot of inner conflicts as I'm always getting scared to get attached to someone and always questioning issues I have with my love interest. I even run, hide and have quite a lot of disappearance acts when I'm on the verge of coming to terms with my deep feelings for someone else. I guess it's the fear of handing the keys to the castle to someone else who would then have power over you since you'd be vulnerable to them. I absolute despise being vulnerable to someone.

+10000 million!
Posted by Tornadoday16
But does it ever get to a point where it is not just purely logical. I mean, like when an aquarius is crying in front of me, how can I be sure that they are really as weak as they seem?

First, crying is not a weakness, we all do it. I can only speak for myself but if I cry in front of another person that is HUGE! I hate to let others see me vulnerable. Sure there are times where everyone is crying, funerals etc. but I still don't like it and try to hide/mask it. Take what you will from that.
LoL if an Aquarius is crying trust me they are weak at that moment FOR DAMN SURE!!
Big Grin
It's not weakness dammit!!
Posted by size zero superhero
In my observation/experience, Aquarians are prone to "fall hard" so to speak, though not in an exclusively romantic sense.
For instance, in blossoming friendships I've known Aquas to be observably intrigued with new figures in their social lives. I suspect this happens due to initial curiosity, first and foremost.
The challenge is STAYING on their radar. If one can accomplish this feat as a friend(...or more!)then you've proven to be a rare find.
(Furthermore, I view the above theory as being synonymous with most air signs; the same principle is equally applicable with Libras & Geminis IMO.)

making sure I understand what you said-
Aqua's meet new people are intrigued and then grow bored? if I am wrong on what you meant disregard my next bit..
I see it as we meet people and evaluate/determine if they are worthy of friendship (not trying to be harsh but it's what I do) and go from there. My time and energy means everything and I want to make sure when I invest it's for the long haul not just some superficial friendship. As I am sure other signs feel the same but go about it differently.
@ Everyone.
And just know I really respect Aquarius as an energy and a lot of friends and family of mine are in this sign. It just is the case that a few of them have been breaking down lately. Their sadness just seems to be rushing out of them in this really pitiful way... Im wondering if the moon in Pisces may be causing it?
Posted by Tornadoday16
@ Everyone.
And just know I really respect Aquarius as an energy and a lot of friends and family of mine are in this sign. It just is the case that a few of them have been breaking down lately. Their sadness just seems to be rushing out of them in this really pitiful way... Im wondering if the moon in Pisces may be causing it?

That could explain a lot with me. Haha. I rarely cry, especially not publicly. When I cry, I'm really hurting or really mad and don't know how to control it. And if I am in love, I'm psychotic. I stay stuck in my head for too long, over-analyze, and then emote everything i've over-analyzed to where my partner doesn't know what is wrong with me or what he did wrong.
Posted by size zero superhero
Posted by justagirl
Posted by size zero superhero
In my observation/experience, Aquarians are prone to "fall hard" so to speak, though not in an exclusively romantic sense.
For instance, in blossoming friendships I've known Aquas to be observably intrigued with new figures in their social lives. I suspect this happens due to initial curiosity, first and foremost.
The challenge is STAYING on their radar. If one can accomplish this feat as a friend(...or more!)then you've proven to be a rare find.
(Furthermore, I view the above theory as being synonymous with most air signs; the same principle is equally applicable with Libras & Geminis IMO.)

making sure I understand what you said-
Aqua's meet new people are intrigued and then grow bored? if I am wrong on what you meant disregard my next bit.

Sort of. More to the effect of, there's a temporary sense of excitement upon clicking with somebody you've recently met. Familiarity reveals whether said connection is substantial & stands the test of time or conversely, if the appeal was merely momentary.
click to expand

gotcha smile
Posted by Tornadoday16
@ Everyone.
And just know I really respect Aquarius as an energy and a lot of friends and family of mine are in this sign. It just is the case that a few of them have been breaking down lately. Their sadness just seems to be rushing out of them in this really pitiful way... Im wondering if the moon in Pisces may be causing it?

might be.. I know when I break, watch out it's a dang waterfall or a dam breaking! But once i'm cried out, I wipe my eyes, put a smile on & go back to being my happy go lucky self!
Are there Aquarians who put on the fake tears as a means of manipulation or gaining sympathy so that a particular situation will work in their favor? Yep. There's always that 1 who goes against the grain
However, my experience has been that the majority of Aquarians won't use tears as a means of doing anything other than showing their vulnerable side. If we're trying to gain your sympathy or turn a situation in our favor, we wouldn't use tears to do it; we're much more creative than that lol
So yes, when an Aquarian cries in front of you, that sh**t is real!
"You break, you buy" is the ideal slogan for describing Aquarians in love. It takes us forever to buy the product after having window-shopped forever! But the minute we buy it, we love the hell out of it until/unless something/someone strong enough comes along & completely nukes it to shreds! It may take a lot for us to break, but oh boy, when we actually do O_O lol When you break us, you buy! lol You're stuck lol j/k
Piscean influences can definitely affect it. I like to say I'm neither a thinker or a feeler, so as a lunar piscean it's more like how I feel is what I think and what I think is how I feel. In certain light yeah I agree it would be viewed as a weakness but honestly there's just those times where letting it all out seemed like the better option.
With me...If I'm in love & my love is not appreciated...I get hurt very badly & very deep...the pain inside me is horible.
I rarely cry...never in public, but when I cry, I can't stop.
I cry at home unless all the pain is long it takes, it depends on situation.
Posted by sunnydiamond

I only become rattled when someone does something I wasn't expecting or don't have time to logically analyze.
Ja hey we don't analyze nonsense
I don't cry in public, and I don't like sympathy from people,

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