Aquarius bf has lost interest in me while in treatment/away and we have 2 kids and one OTW....

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by libralover2 on Friday, February 8, 2019 and has 15 replies.
obviously dont want to force someone to be with me. IDK how to go about the situation. I know his freedom has allowed other women in his life I feel like he's using this time to be single and then come back to his family when he's done with his treatment. he questions if teh baby is his even though theres been no one else on my end but i feel like its his guilty conscience. i wont keep his kids from him for not wanting to be with me but idk how to go about this to not make it worse. also dont want to be a doormat and wait around like a dumb girl lol any aquarians have any advice on what hes thinking by telling me i no longer excite me but doesnt want to break up but has completely seperated me from his life as far as not even telling anyone about the baby or making it known that he has a gf....he even made a whole new fb and wont even add me lol like idk i feel stupid.

wait to let him get this out of his system or completely let go and not let him back?
Maybe see if he's open to family counseling before throwing the towel in?
He sounds horrible. Do you really deserve this?

Do you really want to stay with him?
What kind of treatment??
You have two babies and another one.

He is a loser

You and those babies deserve to be respected and loved.

I went through this exact same situation with my sons father when I was pregnant and my son’s whole first year. Yes it is sis go to counseling legit because pregnancy can make you either very clearheaded or not clearheaded at all.

He clearly doesn’t respect you or doesn’t remember that he used to it’s almost like he has said well shit she ain’t going nowhere now I can do whatever I want. You also have to ask yourself do you still want to be with him or are you trying to stay for your kids ?

but @bae is right you got to go get some counseling girl . But in my honest opinion if you do decide to leave him just be clinical and Be businesslike like forged steel I’m talking about. You really need to set up some boundaries. You made it sound like he’s sick or something and he could be having a crisis of life if that’s the case, but it’s not an excuse to treat you shitty as well so protect you mind body and spirit and if that means saying “I’m sorry no sex, I feel you are clearly doing what you want at this time and have decided that this is what is best for the both of us so I have to take my own liberties to protect myself” then so be it.

I know you are worried about him but focus on you and those babies that sounds corny but I’m legit so serious about that. Count him as a lost cause for now so that if that’s what happens you are prepared for that. In my opinion he has no place in your spirit when he doesn’t want to protect your spirit and the one you are carrying.
Move on and make sure he pays you child support.

He may not want to leave you because of child support. I notice the one that cares more always gets hurt. When you literally stop caring that's when they care but by that time u won't have any feelings for them and there is nothing to go back to. He's not worried because he knows u have morals and will not sleep with anyone else because of the child so it's like he has you locked in and able to control. He see's value in u in some weird way that benefits him especially if something else he thought would work out and it doesn't and he has a home base to come back to. Further more life gives u decisions and the one he just made u should make urs and leave for good Bcuz I feel that if someone really cares they wouldn't go to that extent to hurt u or choose someone else over u when given the opportunity. Have u ever notice unless ur very sexy that when u are not in a relationship u rarely get suitors but as soon as u get a man or woman the hoes flock out of no where? That's a test to see how much u really want what you have or will you give into temptation. If he does it once he will surely do it again because u r his BM & lets face's cheaper to keep her. Hope this helps this is just something I've learned from experience.
we live together technically and he pays the rent so im not really worried about the child support aspect or think hes trying to get out of helping me financially. currently hes in treatment for opiates from a pain pill addiction that started out as a legit prescription. so hes living in a sober living house during that time. Yeah i understand what all of you are saying. youre right i have basically lost my backbone, not to give excuses but i definitely was the person mistreating him verbally in the beginning of the relatipnship which is why maybe i feel like its my duty to now endure something and continue to try, and this is my "punishment" but that in itself is just toxic. but yeah i think at this point i def need to set boundaries and go from there because if hes entertaining someone else and just holding on to me to see if it works out not going to be someones second choice and now at this point i basically would be regardless because of how hes clearly not choosing to commit to me publicly.
Posted by libralover2

obviously dont want to force someone to be with me. IDK how to go about the situation. I know his freedom has allowed other women in his life I feel like he's using this time to be single and then come back to his family when he's done with his treatment. he questions if teh baby is his even though theres been no one else on my end but i feel like its his guilty conscience. i wont keep his kids from him for not wanting to be with me but idk how to go about this to not make it worse. also dont want to be a doormat and wait around like a dumb girl lol any aquarians have any advice on what hes thinking by telling me i no longer excite me but doesnt want to break up but has completely seperated me from his life as far as not even telling anyone about the baby or making it known that he has a gf....he even made a whole new fb and wont even add me lol like idk i feel stupid.

wait to let him get this out of his system or completely let go and not let him back?
aww this is so sad


you deserve better
Posted by Jade_Alexander

You have two babies and another one.

He is a loser

You and those babies deserve to be respected and loved.

Posted by peachy06

Posted by libralover2

obviously dont want to force someone to be with me. IDK how to go about the situation. I know his freedom has allowed other women in his life I feel like he's using this time to be single and then come back to his family when he's done with his treatment. he questions if teh baby is his even though theres been no one else on my end but i feel like its his guilty conscience. i wont keep his kids from him for not wanting to be with me but idk how to go about this to not make it worse. also dont want to be a doormat and wait around like a dumb girl lol any aquarians have any advice on what hes thinking by telling me i no longer excite me but doesnt want to break up but has completely seperated me from his life as far as not even telling anyone about the baby or making it known that he has a gf....he even made a whole new fb and wont even add me lol like idk i feel stupid.

wait to let him get this out of his system or completely let go and not let him back?
Sounds like a douchebag.

Why would you want someone lie him back ? Don't you have a pride ?
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let's not beat her up

but yeah she has to realize her worth
i hear what everyone is saying but does anyone have any input as to what his thought process is about all of this from an aquarius perspective? thats what id truly like to hear
Posted by libralover2

i hear what everyone is saying but does anyone have any input as to what his thought process is about all of this from an aquarius perspective? thats what id truly like to hear
I'm Aquarius and I don't know what to say to cheer you up on this one.

He's crazy.
Posted by libralover2

i hear what everyone is saying but does anyone have any input as to what his thought process is about all of this from an aquarius perspective? thats what id truly like to hear
You seem to be grabbing at straws - he's messed up all around and should be focusing on himself and pull himself up by his bootstraps but messing with other women and putting you down is not a good indicator that he is going in the right direction. What is your rush anyway you got a bunch of kids to take care of. As well as yourself. Settle down and stop worrying about him and take care of yourself. What I mean is - you don't have to rush into some other man's arms. You need to focus on living arrangements, support, etc. and to stop letting him walk all over you and the children.