Aquarius: Deep Love?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by sherob on Thursday, April 30, 2009 and has 20 replies.
To all Aquarius',
i am curious if you have experienced a "healthy" deep love for another. Not just a caring love ... but a deep passionate, respectful love. Or, would you agree that Aquarius people are too cerebral to experience that?
yes im an aquarius and i have experienced deep deep love..mayb becuz my rising is scorpio but i do form attachmets to people...i also know how to cut people off and oftentimes...i wont look back....the future is pleasent if u believe it can be
Right now, I am experiencing the kind of love that I, myself never thought was fully possible. We all claim to know what "love" is but we don't really know how many levels of love there are until we're at the next level.
Aquas love very hard, but even in their regular relationships, there's always a wall up somewhere (even if we don't know it). There's always a limit. And half of the time, how much love we put out depends on much love our partners are giving. Alot of Aquas aren't necessarily always looking for their partner's to do wrong, but then again, we always have that fear of being "fooled" or being abandoned. And even the most lovey-dovey Aqua will never hide from this fear when it's just them & themselves in the mirror.
But I think that DEEP love means that you are willing to put 100% in & not let that 1% fear in you to stop you from putting in even if the other person isn't. It's the ability to be completely self-less & be able to become your best through love even at it's worst, versus the regular leaving or distancing from love when it's at its worse. It's the ability to step out of your own body, out of your own beliefs for once & actually feel that you are one with the other person & that their believes, morals, opinions & actions (even if different than yours) are just as good as your own. And that's a very hard thing to do with Aquas b/c all of our lives, we have a way of thinking inside the realms of our own heads, our own intutions. We are very self-teaching. And when an Aqua experiences deep love (if that ever happens), it's the type of love that even suprises the Aqua, him/herself
I have. Twice. With my ex, who was my first love, and the guy Im with now. My first love was a cancer and I expected us to be together forever, it was an odd feeling, especially because we were so young. We were together for 3 years, I learned a lot from that relationship. Now Im with a virgo and the love I feel is much more mature and Im not quite as naive. Our relationship is healthier than my last one. He's not clingy and he's more respectful and he's not selfish at all. I feel like Im recieving as much as Im putting in and more for a change. I would give my life for him and I don't know what I'd do without him. I trust him 100% and he's one of the few people that I can open up to and be myself around. Id do anything to make him happy. Sorry for rambling. haha. smile

"This is exactly true for where I'm at too. I always thought I'd wind up alone because thats how I've been happiest. But I'm in love with someone who is VERY different from anyone I've ever known so his actions are hard for me to understand and I don't get NEARLY as much back as I give...but it doesn't matter. It actually feels better for me to give than it always did to receive. Its not only beyond almost seems like its out of this world or dimension or something."
Exactly. Deep love is the ability to love the other person "just because." The ability to love that person even harder when we normally would start to question whether we made the right decision in loving that person. It's the ability to come out of our own minds & personalities just for the sake of not being selfish & stubborn to & for our partners (normal people NEVER get this treatment or have this priveledge).
Anyone is capable of a 'deep love' it just takes the right person to click and bring it out.
Oh course I have! There are millions of Aquas on the planet and I'm sure there are many like myself smile
Are u kidding me? My mom's aqua. I doubt she ever loved someone truly. All she does is make connections with people that are beneficial for her and with whom she would look good. As for parents, aquas want their kids to represent them and that means that they will try from the very early childhood shape a kid to their wishes. They see people as other signs see handbags or shoes- to add some spice to their appearance and make people admire them more for that.
Posted by QueenOfPentacles
Are u kidding me? My mom's aqua. I doubt she ever loved someone truly. All she does is make connections with people that are beneficial for her and with whom she would look good. As for parents, aquas want their kids to represent them and that means that they will try from the very early childhood shape a kid to their wishes. They see people as other signs see handbags or shoes- to add some spice to their appearance and make people admire them more for that.

Posted by krysrenee7
Right now, I am experiencing the kind of love that I, myself never thought was fully possible. We all claim to know what "love" is but we don't really know how many levels of love there are until we're at the next level.

Aquas love very hard, but even in their regular relationships, there's always a wall up somewhere (even if we don't know it). There's always a limit. And half of the time, how much love we put out depends on much love our partners are giving. Alot of Aquas aren't necessarily always looking for their partner's to do wrong, but then again, we always have that fear of being "fooled" or being abandoned. And even the most lovey-dovey Aqua will never hide from this fear when it's just them & themselves in the mirror.

But I think that DEEP love means that you are willing to put 100% in & not let that 1% fear in you to stop you from putting in even if the other person isn't. It's the ability to be completely self-less & be able to become your best through love even at it's worst, versus the regular leaving or distancing from love when it's at its worse. It's the ability to step out of your own body, out of your own beliefs for once & actually feel that you are one with the other person & that their believes, morals, opinions & actions (even if different than yours) are just as good as your own. And that's a very hard thing to do with Aquas b/c all of our lives, we have a way of thinking inside the realms of our own heads, our own intutions. We are very self-teaching. And when an Aqua experiences deep love (if that ever happens), it's the type of love that even suprises the Aqua, him/herself

stamp. Well said.
Posted by QueenOfPentacles
Are u kidding me? My mom's aqua. I doubt she ever loved someone truly. All she does is make connections with people that are beneficial for her and with whom she would look good. As for parents, aquas want their kids to represent them and that means that they will try from the very early childhood shape a kid to their wishes. They see people as other signs see handbags or shoes- to add some spice to their appearance and make people admire them more for that.

There's gotta be something else thats overriding her sun sign. Maybe some Gem, Maybe some Sag, Maybe Leo, I vote Leo or Gem.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by QueenOfPentacles
Are u kidding me? My mom's aqua. I doubt she ever loved someone truly. All she does is make connections with people that are beneficial for her and with whom she would look good. As for parents, aquas want their kids to represent them and that means that they will try from the very early childhood shape a kid to their wishes. They see people as other signs see handbags or shoes- to add some spice to their appearance and make people admire them more for that.

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Amal has a Sag Moon. More importantly, her Merc is in Capricorn which turns her Aqua nature of collecting people into a darker intent where those relationships have to mean something.

Kinda the same thing as my Virgo ex, he has a LOT of Cap placements in some unstrategic places, so he attaches added value to relationships that directly impact and benefit him in a positive way.
Also, Amal's Asc is Gemini
Posted by Gennie
Also, Amal's Asc is Gemini

astrotheme does NOT have her rising.

and why gemini???

i would go more for virgo.
ooh they put Amal CLOONEY on there at astrotheme...

how sweet.

i notice that those who dont have rising, dont have dominant houses.

because it's not known.
Posted by lisabethur8
ooh they put Amal CLOONEY on there at astrotheme...

how sweet.

i notice that those who dont have rising, dont have dominant houses.

because it's not known.

Some are using 12 noon as a placement. Highest birth percentages are between 8 and 9am and 12 to 1 pm which gives us a choice of Pieces, Aries, Gem. I'm still voting Gem.
Posted by Gennie
Posted by lisabethur8
ooh they put Amal CLOONEY on there at astrotheme...

how sweet.

i notice that those who dont have rising, dont have dominant houses.

because it's not known.

Some are using 12 noon as a placement. Highest birth percentages are between 8 and 9am and 12 to 1 pm which gives us a choice of Pieces, Aries, Gem. I'm still voting Gem.
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well....she attracts aries an leo energy and capricorn (taurus George Clooney has capricorn moon, aries venus and leo mars)
but he is also pisces rising..

wow Amal Clooney has Cancer lilith.. interesting. lol

and her marriage Juno is in Capricorn. interesting!! George Clooney is a Capricorn moon.

hm George has Juno Pisces in the 12th house.

Is Amal Clooney very Piscean?? Her Neptune Sag is so close to her moon in sag. It could give off that Neptunian vibration. oh well, it's hard without the rising sign.

Aquas definitely do love deeply. As was said before, it depends very much on the partner. But I think, from what I've observed in myself and other aquas, the partner needs to really break down our walls, push us past that breaking point, to make us realize that we can allow ourselves to feel this deeply.
I am experiencing this kind of love at the moment (and have been for the past 1,5 years) and it completely swept me off my feet.
I have a Cap Venus, so that might be it too. I am not very lovey-dovey but I can truly say that what I look and strive for in life is real, deep, all-consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love.
Posted by Aqualovestaurus
Posted by krysrenee7
Right now, I am experiencing the kind of love that I, myself never thought was fully possible. We all claim to know what "love" is but we don't really know how many levels of love there are until we're at the next level.

Aquas love very hard, but even in their regular relationships, there's always a wall up somewhere (even if we don't know it). There's always a limit. And half of the time, how much love we put out depends on much love our partners are giving. Alot of Aquas aren't necessarily always looking for their partner's to do wrong, but then again, we always have that fear of being "fooled" or being abandoned. And even the most lovey-dovey Aqua will never hide from this fear when it's just them & themselves in the mirror.

But I think that DEEP love means that you are willing to put 100% in & not let that 1% fear in you to stop you from putting in even if the other person isn't. It's the ability to be completely self-less & be able to become your best through love even at it's worst, versus the regular leaving or distancing from love when it's at its worse. It's the ability to step out of your own body, out of your own beliefs for once & actually feel that you are one with the other person & that their believes, morals, opinions & actions (even if different than yours) are just as good as your own. And that's a very hard thing to do with Aquas b/c all of our lives, we have a way of thinking inside the realms of our own heads, our own intutions. We are very self-teaching. And when an Aqua experiences deep love (if that ever happens), it's the type of love that even suprises the Aqua, him/herself

Oh my goodness! So accurate. I'm in the midst of plucking up the courage to tell my first love that he is the one I truly love. I broke up with him, stemmed from the whole "abandoned" "being fooled" thing you mentioned. Thought I'd get to him before he does me 😱 That sounds terrible!!
Scared to the high heavens that once he knows he will take advantage....working on the old self teaching things we do. I should be more confident since we broke up 10 years ago and he's been trying to maintain contact ever since most of which I ignored (not on purpose) but he still persevered ( not surprising for a Taurus)
I almost don't know what to do with myself. I thought after a while it would just go away...its been almost a year and no change in feelings. I love to hate the fact that it can not be rectified cerebrally. I'm just so worried about being vulnerable. It is such a beautiful feeling though once I get out of my own head every so often!!

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You are not going to hurt any less now than later, so you might as well go for it. *rubs hands* Stratego time!
Posted by Aqualovestaurus
@gennie I realised the quotes were getting too long!
I know, you are quite right. Hmmm to be fair it's not like we haven't spoken about whether we would be in a relationship before, just the whole "I must make sure" thing....need to get a grip. Sucking it up as we speak haha!!

I'm Aqua sun, moon and everything else so it's hard to shake lol!

I get the cautious thing, what I'm saying is, spend your life going "oh well" instead of "what if".