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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
Ok it's no secret that Aquarians are the pioneers of all fashion trends purely because the shit we wear at the time is often misunderstood by our current audience. I'm often misunderstood by my friends when I decide to wear a look out on the town and although I do second guess myself and become a little self conscious something in me says "No, people need to see this"
So I was just wondering from one Aqua to another, what have you been wearing lately that people haven't been approving of lately?
I wore an oversized shirt out in drag the other night that I made myself, it was tailored and I just wore my boxer briefs underneath, was super comfy just like walking around the house in my undies. You should have seen my friends faces when I showed them what I was wearing
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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
I'll put what I wore as my profile pic