So there's this guy who I been interested in for a year , and he gave me his number some time back , and I texted him a couple Times like a few months ago but no text back , and everytime I see him in person he acts to shy and is always staring at me , and like he didn't even get my text , but then I decided to text him 3 days ago and he texted me back and we had a little conversation, when he wrote me it was always more then 2 sentences. But then he just stop texting me. And so I waited 3 days to text him , and he didn't reply back. But he's a Aquarius with moon in virgo, venus in Pisces , mars in Gemini , I'm a libra female, libra moon , venus in virgo, Scorpio mars
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Doesn't seem like he's all that interested. Dont make the mistake of using his shyness as an excuse. You tried and reached out. Aqua men dont mind initiative but they dont like to be chased either. Maybe wait and see if he takes any initiative since you opened the door. Of course, its only my opinion since I'm not an aqua.
Thank you , im kind of sad now lol