So there's this aquarius guy who's a neighbor of mine. He's friendly in general, but a womanizer. My roommate really likes him and never stops talking about him. Whenever my roommate and I hang out with this aquarius guy, he's nice to her but a complete jerk to me. I've TRIED to be friends with him, but he's aloof when it comes to me and doesn't treat me the same I guess. I just don't get it. Any opinions would help! If it matters I'm a gemini.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
He likes you, not your friend.
You and your friend should steer clear of known womanizers.
WHAT?! How or in what ways does he like me?! He texts and talks to my roommate WAAAYY more than he does with me.
Lady_M is right he likes you.
your friend he wants too. lol
but I'm guessing you two banter and debate back and forth.
am I correct?
and being Aloof is what we do especially if we are trying to figure out another person before they can figure out what is going on with us.
Its true we get tagged as Womanizers because we get bored easily with current love interests
not when we have destroyed them physically but when we have conquered them mentally.
wow that does sound jerkish oh well I can only be me.....anything less would be a crime against nature. lol
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Oct 24, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 246 · Topics: 10
I agree with M and airbender
" being Aloof is what we do especially if we are trying to figure out another person before they can figure out what is going on with us."
I don't argue or banter with my rooommate. There's no point in doing so with a guy like this. I just don't get why he's acting this way is all.
Fine. So if he likes me then why is he paying more attention to my roommate than me? It doesn't make sense.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
"I don't argue or banter with my roommate."
Not with your roommate, with him.
He pays more attention to you her, as to deflect his actually feelings for you. Speaking, texting, more to your room mate is a cover.
AS a Gem-girl, they can be flirtatious and sometimes unaware or refuse to accept the truth since the other side only see's it as something else. This is obvious, and pretty much old school, put gum in your hair, talk to you friends and but really likes you. it could be that you actually find him attractive and its sexual tension that's building. however, the matter is, he likes you and if he is a jerk and a womanizer than don't both with a guy like that. they give the good ones bad names, but apparently some girls like that kind of stuff, or at least the sex part. lol!
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May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
She soooooooooooooooo knows he likes her..isn??t that that what you learned at a young age?? Little boys are meanest to the ones they like best..
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
Yeah I think she knew too, just needed some confirmation.
It is a cover, him paying more attention to you friend. He's watching you with the side eye.
Yes, when I'm around him we banter or debate. But thats who I am, idk about him.
And no. I'm not being oblivious about him possibly liking me. I usually know when a guy likes me, and this Aquarius dude isn't showing any sign of interest. If he liked me, wouldn't he at least ask me how I'm doing if he doesn't speak/see me for a few days? And it doesn't help that whenever I am around him, he sometimes talks about how many girls he slept with and where. If a guy likes a girl, why would he gloat about his sex life?!
Totally agree. Your falling for it.
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Sep 18, 2008Comments: 1 · Posts: 4899 · Topics: 99
I have a venus in it. And I'm super mean to boys I like LOL
I thought Aquarius's didn't like being chased? I'm only curious if he likes me or not because I'm tired of his "games" or attitude. I think it's immature. Should I bluntly ask him if he does?
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Sep 18, 2008Comments: 1 · Posts: 4899 · Topics: 99
Sure, if he says yes it may be as a friend but it could move into something else. Friends first that's how it starts with an aqua.
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May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
"Why does he boast about his sex life"
Having known a lot of men, i would interpret that as a definite LACK OF sex life..he??s probably talking about someone from way in the past or something he saw on TV!!!!
Of he likes you he??ll do something about it..of he doesn??t, you??re boring.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Well being a jerk & being shy/standoffish (playing the Hard-to-get-role) are 2 completely different things. If this guy is just a known jerk to you & not to your friend, it has nothing to do with his Zodiac. It's just simply b/c SHE'S (your friend) the one he's trying to impress, thus he's putting on his "sweet" face for her & not you. He's probably being mean to you b/c that's how he REALLY is & if your friend can't see that, then hey, she's just as bad.
But on the other hand, if this guy's trying to test you to see how you respond, how you tick & how you carry yourself, then just be yourself. Don't ever beg or seem desperate for someone's friendship b/c at the end of the day, he's an Aqua & if he really saw that YOU were the prize, he'd make it known very quickly. Some Aqua men play the "chase after me" game b/c they are testing a woman's loyalty & true colors when she's in an unpleasant environment or around people who are unpleasant. And regardless of WHY he's being a jerk to you, a jerk is a jerk. If he's such a jerk then there's no reason why you should even care why he's being mean to you b/c after all, he's after HER and not you. You should be more focused on trying to get her away from him & making sure that she doesn't fall for his sneeky smile & not instead focusing on trying to get his friendship or his attention towards you.
I don't think this situation has anything to do with him being an Aqua. If he's a jerk, then take it how you see it. What you see is what you get.