aquarius ladies i need your help

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by v s o p on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 and has 12 replies.
so i got a crush on this aqua lady we never went out but i been wanting her since 1994 she always gave me her number but she never let me take her out i need help i will love to settle down with the aqua woman but i dont know know how to get her lately i been txting her and she dont even know its me so where do i go from here??? ps ive been wanting to be her man since 1993
lol v s o p - you're really really funny! Tongue
i txted her she dont know its me texting her i want to tell her its me but i think she will disapear again
i don t what i like about her but i know she had some drug dealing boyfriends one of em pistol whipped her i guess i fill sorry for her and she look good to me she dont smoke drink i know a whole lot of things about her i got a crush on her u could say
guess u right
Well, I don't mean to bust your bubble but one thing about Aqua women is that even though we can be very standoffish & slow to make the first move, it's not like we will see what we consider a "good thing" and actually watch it pass on by us as if we don't see it passing. It's 2009. If this woman gave you her number & really was looking forward to you calling then she would've made a conscious effort to make sure she atleast knew who you were when you decided to finally call. And after all this time, and if you've called her more than once since 94 & yet she STILL doesn't even know who you are, then I think you know the answer to your own question better than anyone else will.
This lady is clearly not interested. Why you've held on for this long is beyond me, but hey it happens & I've heard stories similar to this but then again, it's not your every day commonality when both people STILL won't talk or make amends to start something (friendship or more). I think you just need to let this one go.
I don't think your issue with her is a matter of her being an Aquarian. I think it's much deeper than that bro
no combating my gemini sister! just looking for love
yea i think im in llllloooooovvveeeee aagain!!!!!!!!! *(outkast)
its a CRUSH!!!!!!!!! FOR REAL but whats funny and this gone trip you out but YOU LOOK BETTER THAN HER ms XoKissesXo im like wow yo pic !!
stand by me !! (john lennon)
i love that song and yep she left !!! Sad
VSOP, Love will come when you are not looking for it or working too hard for is the nature of the beast! LOL
you need to chill, go w/the flow,enjoy and keep open doors and walls down so that when it is there, you will welcome it and not run into a push pull cave of hiding and loose it.

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