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Jan 27, 2019Comments: 2 · Posts: 1548 · Topics: 27
So, allow me to kill some time lol
Aquarius Man from my past (he was my friend, saw him as coming to be my best friend, fell in love w him, fell out of love with him as I let him go) whom I no longer speak to, purposely parked his car next to mine today. Yeah, I noticed. Started to pull off but stopped because he saw me coming. Came up with some not-so-important questions to ask me I guess to get my attention AGAIN.
We haven't had a convo since December.
We used to talk on the phone for hours and laugh and he loved my inquisitiveness. He also used to love my nickname for him which was 'moody baby' 🤦amongst other things.
Funny though, he was actually in my dreams last night 😩
I spoke about him in a previous post here. Very detailed. First Aquarius experience and quite a handful lol
Maybe he misses me somewhat?
Again, this is for entertainment purposes so don't get all serious about my simple questions 😝
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36321 · Posts: 40810 · Topics: 321
Aquarius men are like boomerangs.....they always come back
Yaaaayyy! 🤓🙃