Posted by tbird
I'm not a man yet alone an aqua man. So I can talk about men in general which may not help you much sorry...but I'll try
I would say it depends on the guy. Some guys like to chase and when they got what they want they are done. Kind of like the cat that catches the mouse, pads it around a bit then lets it go about it's business. Some guys chase get what they want then are done because they don't like what they see after all then they are done.
Some like the chase get it and keep it, they know how precious this little mouse is and not letting any other tom cat get what they claim as their own.
Some get bored of the chase (or doesn't want to chase or used to have the mouse come up and say eat me... wait that sounded bad, oh well) and lets the mouse run around just looking then just walks away and find the food bowl or goes take a nap. They really don't give a piece.
So I'll say it's more about the guy. I'm sure aquas and aqua males will have some more concrete info for you luv. I hope you get the answers you are looking for.
Posted by Trucapigirl73
Do they like a challenge when getting a girl, most men do i'm just curious what Aquarius men feel about it? and when they conquer the quest of getting her are they done, time to move on?
Posted by Aqualad
I agree with everything here and from what I have seen we enjoy the chase or being chased I guess it's part of that mental stimulation we love.
Posted by tbirdPosted by Aqualad
I agree with everything here and from what I have seen we enjoy the chase or being chased I guess it's part of that mental stimulation we love.
Is there a way for a woman to know if the lad prefers to be chased or not? Just wonderingclick to expand
Posted by Trucapigirl73Posted by Trucapigirl73
Do they like a challenge when getting a girl, most men do i'm just curious what Aquarius men feel about it? and when they conquer the quest of getting her are they done, time to move on?
I should add he is a very cocky eh hum confident Aquarius (he has his life together good job,money)who i believe think's all girls want him and he usually get's them anddd he's only soon to be just sound's dangerous to me for anyone to want to try to be with someone like that???click to expand
Posted by krysrenee7
I'll say this though...
If you're the one chasing the Aqua, don't do it aggressively.
1. It'll turn them off simply b/c men prefer to be the more aggressive ones
2. Aquas will be suspicious of anyone who seems to be TOO interested in them too soon
Aquas don't mind a challenge b/c they respect people who won't put all their cards on the table for them.
Aquas themselves hold their trump cards & won't reveal everything until they're for sure, so we naturally respect when others are like us in that way b/c it makes us want to know more.
Most women who do all the chasing with Aquas normally lose an Aqua's interest very quickly.
Plus, people have to understand that an Aqua's definition of 'chasing you' may be completely different than yours.
An Aqua may think to themselves that the mere fact they always initiate contact means they're chasing you whereas another sign may not even see it that way or allow that to count
Posted by AliCar15
I think it goes without saying, that an the other planets (Venus & Moon) in the Aqua's chart are very important in the "courting" process.
I do agree with knas- an Aqua likes a strong woman who knows who she is and what she wants. And if that strong woman likes the Aqua, she will typically be the one who does a lot of the chasing- especially in the beginning.
I think for an Aqua, most women are mysteries that need to be figured out- whether they are chasing the Aqua, or not.
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