Aquarius Natives (Not Being Liked)(Sometimes I Dont Like Myself)

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by katrinaepps94 on Thursday, December 15, 2016 and has 1 replies.
hey so i'm new here and i was just typing on google the other day and i typed Aquarius being mean and ended up here it's pretty interesting the things people have to say about us and hurtful like wow...

well i'm not a good storyteller or anything like that in can get on topic easily so back to why i ended up here.. so my mom told me i was mean and that my grandmother told her i was mean as well and i was going to be mean towards my kids since i'm now pregnant with that has been bothering me i'm not great at a lot of things and i can be a lil mean at times but i thought not to the point where you would so i was mean..but idk anymore but i constantly try to change for the better and try not to force my beliefs on others or anything..i'm just a trying girl honestly could try harder and do better...