Aquarius quirks/perks

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by RollergirlOrc on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 and has 6 replies.
So.. knowing that Aquarius tends to be non-judgmental, what I don't quite get is the "shock value" humor of these guys n gals. Look up Tonetta for the classic "in your face but all accepting" dude. Some of his stuff is like Wtf. But hes a good guy. I mean...shock values? Aquarius, 'splain yo selves! Sorry. I'm a bit tipsy.
Oh, and include some perks or quirks about you all. Happy birthdays.
Oh they love it! The more shocking the better, hahaha. It’s just fun. You shouldn’t take them seriously. They just like to watch your reaction. It’s not that they always believe it 😂
Posted by alexscaries

Non judgemental when it comes to sexual habits. Easily offended if you have different values. I offended an aquarius because I said climate change was a myth.
Haha love it...😀
Posted by pisceswoman123

Oh they love it! The more shocking the better, hahaha. It’s just fun. You shouldn’t take them seriously. They just like to watch your reaction. It’s not that they always believe it 😂
Can’t handle it when you out shock them though 😬
I like Aquarius they’re so inviting and open to make new friends