So this aquarius girl that Ive been conversing with makes plans with me,calls me and initiates everything.This girl even called me and told me she was on the way to my trying to figure out what the hell is goin on because i get effin stood up!This happened las friday and i havent talked to her since,she didnt apologize or anything...what could be going through her head????
P.S Im a Leo
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Jun 10, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 966 · Topics: 54
HA! i got stood up by an aquarian GIRL also. And nooo explanation, nooo apology NOTHING.
@Nat yu still speak to her at all?
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Jun 10, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 966 · Topics: 54
yea i do i didnt bother to blow her phone up with calls or texts as to what the fk happened so i just let it go. Didnt speak to her for about a week or so then we started talking again and she was all like i miss u etc etc and then i never mentioned it and like a month later i brought it up and i was like so what happened to you that friday night etc etc and she was like which one?? "acting" confused etc and i refreshed her memory and then came up with some story which im still to this day not sure if its belieavable anyway she got heaps shy and stuff and started giggling and she was like dont look at me like that i was like.. look at you like what? and she just did a shy smile and hid her face in her arms... and i just shook my head. lol.
anyway yea i still talk to her now.
@Days22 yea i noticed that too,whatever is in the moment is what their gonna do
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Jun 10, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 966 · Topics: 54
sirsmoke wats your sun sign??
i still talk to her because i dont know theres something about this girl i just cant let go of. she fascinates me because i cant understand her or the way she is.
I think she made the first contact after that happened
but anyway im over her sh*t and i think today will be the last day i see her and even if it isnt im going to act like it is and just get over her quick fast.
Maybe aquas really arent for me and hey were supposed to be astrologically the BEST together but guess it didnt work out this time! shes just TOOO detached for my liking.
im a gemini sun
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Jan 06, 2010Comments: 4 · Posts: 1697 · Topics: 71
round when he was in the area. Now he's always popping round unannounced which i dont mind. I like spontaneity more then cancelled plans lol
well its been lik 4 days now,i unfollowed her on twitter but shes still following me and i think she sent me a subliminal tweet saying shes sorry....what would happen if i continue to ignore her???
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Jul 21, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 665 · Topics: 52
God, that DOESN'T sound very Aqua, to be honest. Cancelling, sure, but not outright standing someone up. Aloofness is a trait, but not rudeness to that dismissive extent.
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Sep 07, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1176 · Topics: 8
Oh geez, I'm SO guilty of making plans and breaking them before hand. I swear, I think I do that more than I follow through. I'd RARELY not say something about it though. There was one time that I just blew off plans without letting the person know (there were others involved too though). I think I did it because I was tired of my own excuses! I didn't want to hear another one.
Its a terrible trait...the making plans and then backing out. Everything seems like a good idea until I have to get up and go.