Aquarius Venus

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by heliumfiasco on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 and has 7 replies.
What are you all about? Interested in learning more! How do you love? Who do you usually love?
I'm straight to the point. On a dating site, after intense deliberation, I would pick someone out of thousands and stick with him, ignoring the rest. Once I picked a guy who wasn't active anymore. I dug him out, based upon his user name. Chatted with him and found out he was just leaving to work in a different country! Phoned the airline(s) pretending I'm his wife and surprised him with a first meeting at 2 am at the airport! He was speechless for about two minutes.
I would say I'm the craziest at the beginning of a relationship, partly because I feel high (novelty and excitement, not drugs), partly because I want to know their tolerance limit.I test those tolerance limits from time to time. For example, I recently took my Aqua for a walk in the middle of a raps flower field. Very pleasant, except that he had a business meeting afterwards and was wearing a dark, elegant suit.It got completely covered in yellow pollen, lol, but he enjoyed it anyway! That's my type of guy.
How do I love? Maybe too cool for some taste...I can even make an aloof aqua sun wanting for more!
I don't like changes in behaviour. I expect similarly romantic gestures from the beginning to the end of a relationship. And yes...I do expect relationships to end. Nothing wrong with it, as long as they end beautifully, we stay friends and......sheeet......just remembered my ex-husband wants to visit me soon......better finish re-decorating my house before he comes.
Man oh man am I picky!! My venus in aqua is why I've been single forever! It takes a lot fo rme to commit to a person. I will like a person. I will flirt with a person and I will go as far as the person keeps my interest, which is usually couple months. The first obstacle is finding someone attractive. I don't find that many men attractive. You could say that I have a type. I find men who look similar to Robert Downey Jr. to be attractive. Not into Brad Pitt types. Once I find someone attractive, then I look for wit and intelligence. If they can carry a conversation and be witty, then I'm sold. That man can keep my interest. As for love, it takes a lotttttttttt for me to fall in love with someone. Never happened thus far.
Engaging in light bantering will keep my interest. A man who is oozing with confidence and self assurance turns me on!
Seeks a partner who is mentally stimulating, vivacious, adventurous, independent, with a a cup of kindness and a gallon of integrity. I enjoy a partner that just shares himself you know what i mean? My current partner, i love him, but we don't share the same ideas of love, therefore loving him is very hard. The way we communicate is like from different cosmos. This being said, it brings my next point...Why stay together? because when i "feel"loving emotions for someone it means to be accepting of our differences while maintaining MY individuality within the relationship.
a man who is dishonest with himself will be dishonest with me. I compartmentalize men in different categories:
the distraction: the ones I treat as friends talk and act friendly with them. Knowing they are interested doesnt bother me, call me a cold-hearted treetrunking leaf, i dont care. I play mental games with. These men are usually the ones i have very little respect for as a lover, but like as a friend. E.g. they have good mental rapport with me.
The Sex Dildo: The guy that just has so much sexual appeal, that i wouldn't mind fantasizing about. Though we are just friends :-) its fun to have eye candy around.
The True guy friend: This guy is someone i put between best friend box and lover box, its usually when im confused with my emotions and unsure of him yet. I put in the "oh your my best friend in the whole wide world" box so that i may get a better grasp on my feelings for him
The Potential: Self explanatory
The BOyfriend:Cringes..this takes a long time for me to accept. He would have to be someone ive thorouhly examined and my conclusion has to be that he is my best-friend, sex dildo, distraction, plus more. A therapist, a partner in crime, and all of the above traits i mentioned.
I become fussy and moody, when everyday is the same ol routine, when my partner is bland and bores me. When they are suffocating not because of being around but knowing i have a responsibility to make them happy and always be there for them. I hate feeling any pressure or even sense that the other person depends on me for everything in their really streses me out. NOt that i dont care about the other person, i just dont want to be conscious during the process of it hahaha

IT kills me inside. AHHH tramples off a cliff ...pulls parachute, lands
Rgh1, I firstly thought you were going to claim that your relationships only last a few weeks!
Then you mentioned your...... 23 years long marriage!!!!
I don't know anybody from our generation who was married for that long! Congratulations!!!
LOL candi3bb...just one word: self-sufficiency!
I've got an Aqua Venus and I'm pretty picky as well.
A man that can keep/hold my interest is being a good comeback/bantering (so long as it's friendly)
Intellect always gives me a "mental boner", however, if you are arrogent about it, it's an instant turn off. Also, be a bit mysterious, I want to work for your time/affection....being too much of an open book leaves no room for imagination (I have a heavy Aqua influence, mental stimulation is HUGE for me)
"Seeks a partner who is mentally stimulating, vivacious, adventurous, independent, with a a cup of kindness and a gallon of integrity. I enjoy a partner that just shares himself you know what i mean?"
^^^ Could not have said it better myself Candi3bb! Don't be afraid to show me/tell me how you long as it's genuine and sincere. If you lie to me or play games, forget it!
Please be exciting and spontanious (especially in the bedroom!)....routine drives me CRAZY!!! I like to keep things light and fun. smile
Above all, just be yourself...I'll know if your genuine before you will Tongue

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