Hi, well his friend definitely didn't seem drunk. This whole thing has be totally confused.
I am also confused about his sign, because many forums state that he's an Aquarius and other state that he's Capricorn. I have no idea which his because of he date that he's born.
Even on this site it state sthat 1/20 is an Auqarius, so does the compatibility chart.
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Well I agree about the cusp. I have a long term relationship with a Capricorn on the past and a long term with a Aquarius. He has tendencies of both, but he's unique.
Yes, he's special...I only want him to be happy in life no matter where that leads him and I have made that clear to him.
I am not worried, I was just confused. Personally I made my decision some time ago to just step back, as I am a very laid back person. I like my space a lot and I am sure he can enjoy his own. It's been a LONG time since a friend of someone I have history (at any duration) approach me about their friend's issues/feelings. To me it was just a bit immature, but perhaps I am just being too much of a critic. I saw the good and bad in this.
I am actually going to ask to meet with him in person to discuss this, but I want to give him time to take in all that has happened to him personally. Seems a lot of the negative stuff that was going on has been relinquished which is great. I am sure before we chat we will end up crossing paths because it seems we know a great amount of the same people.
Thanks for the feedback, but are you god at reading compatibility charts? Have an idea of out "match" from the link I posted in my initial post?
Ooooh yes I agree, people are people. If I based my relationships on this stuff, I would of really missed out of the good ones I've experienced. I'm just going to do what I always do...let the Universe take it's role and keep my positive vibes flowing. Life is grand. Thanks!!