Aquarius/Virgo...his friends are approaching me...

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by BreathBreather2SoulLover on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 and has 5 replies.
I am trying to figure out our compatibility as far as astrology goes. I have included our charts but I am a but confused...can any one help?
A guy that I used to see, stopped communicating with me. He was going through some serious matters which I on my own backed off because in reality he needs to focus on himself. I last ran into him a few days ago and we chatted a little. I told him he doesn't have to feel weird around me, he says that he doesn't and I believe him. But he would have his moments of just looking into my eyes and smiling, but not saying much as if he had a lot to say. For a Virgo, I am extremely laid back so I don't worry like others would. So later that night I went to hang out with friends and a close friend of his was there. After a few hours, his close friend walked up to me and asked me who I was. He said, "I know everyone, but who are you? Because I know you and my friend used to see each other but not anymore and I don't know why." I was surprised that he knew this because the guy I used to see knows how private I am and he always said he was private too. Then his friend starts to express that "my guy" is going through a rough time and can't focus on women, he's in a phase of getting things together. But maybe when things are settled and blow over, we could continue from where we left off. That comment there threw me off, I don't understand what is going on and why his friend would express to me what he knows and why he'd mention "Maybe when this get settled and blowover you two can continue from where you left off."
Why would his friend approach me about this? Why didn't "my guy" say something to me when he say me earlier? Below I have our charts together for compatibility. Can anyone tell me if there is a shyness trait or something. I was well on my path of letting this play out how the Universe would let it...but now I have this curveball of his friend approaching me with this information to deal with.

Hi, well his friend definitely didn't seem drunk. This whole thing has be totally confused.
I am also confused about his sign, because many forums state that he's an Aquarius and other state that he's Capricorn. I have no idea which his because of he date that he's born.
Even on this site it state sthat 1/20 is an Auqarius, so does the compatibility chart.
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Well I agree about the cusp. I have a long term relationship with a Capricorn on the past and a long term with a Aquarius. He has tendencies of both, but he's unique.
Yes, he's special...I only want him to be happy in life no matter where that leads him and I have made that clear to him.
I am not worried, I was just confused. Personally I made my decision some time ago to just step back, as I am a very laid back person. I like my space a lot and I am sure he can enjoy his own. It's been a LONG time since a friend of someone I have history (at any duration) approach me about their friend's issues/feelings. To me it was just a bit immature, but perhaps I am just being too much of a critic. I saw the good and bad in this.
I am actually going to ask to meet with him in person to discuss this, but I want to give him time to take in all that has happened to him personally. Seems a lot of the negative stuff that was going on has been relinquished which is great. I am sure before we chat we will end up crossing paths because it seems we know a great amount of the same people.
Thanks for the feedback, but are you god at reading compatibility charts? Have an idea of out "match" from the link I posted in my initial post?
Ooooh yes I agree, people are people. If I based my relationships on this stuff, I would of really missed out of the good ones I've experienced. I'm just going to do what I always do...let the Universe take it's role and keep my positive vibes flowing. Life is grand. Thanks!!

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