Aquarius ways....things that make you go Hmmmm

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by PetiteSadge on Sunday, June 16, 2013 and has 3 replies.
Hello Aqua folks,I need a favor from you all. Can you explain to me what thought processes would go through an Aqua's mind when my Aqua guy acted this way? So he has been on vacation this whole week, sent a few pictures on his first day on the island (Monday). Then nothing (no email/text) until Thursday when he sent me an empty email with nothing but the link to a song (the song was "Remember When" by Alan Jackson). It's Sunday today and nothing since then. I don't have a problem with this because I know he's on vacation and don't expect him to contact me everyday, I do want him to relax and do his things (I'm a Sagittarius so I really don't have a problem with space). is where I don't understand: he won't contact me yet he still post pictures on his Facebook. I'm not on his FB friends list (by choice), but why would he post stuffs on his FB instead of contacting me? Shouldn't I have somewhat higher priority than his friends on FB? I know and understand him quite a bit over the years, but there are times I still just don't get what's on his mind or his thought process when it comes to our relationship. I'm not jealous or have problems with this really, just trying to understand so I don't get so hang up the next time it happens (which I'm sure it will). smile So please help out this Sag girl if you can. Thank you in advance.
It only takes a second to post something to facebook, but it takes a lot more time to have a text or phone conversation.
I wouldn't take it too personally. I know its hard not to, though.
The thing I know about sags is that they love to use their phones a my boss's daughter is a sag and she calls work every single day even though they live together.....I'm an aquarian guy and I hate phones I haven't owned one for 4 years because it makes me available to anyone who has my number and people feel the need to call me at all the wrong times and It gives me anxiety.....with face book you can be on or off without people knowing so its a valuable piece of social media!!....its a photo album and even plans events and is clearly you BF's favourite site to maybe you should add him as a friend ??....