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Mar 08, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 171 · Topics: 11
Hello fellow aquas! Taurus here needing your opinion on this Aqua that I find wooing me in the right direction lol His chart is unbelievable! Almost EVERY planet is Capricorn!I'll also include mine for comparison
Him 02-05-90:
Sun- Aquarius
Moon- Gemini
Merc- Capricorn
Venus- Capricorn
Mars - Capricorn
Jup - Cancer
Saturn - Capricorn
Uranus - Capricorn
Neptune - Capricorn
Pluto - Scorpio
Me 05-10-91:
Sun- Taurus
Moon- Aries
Merc- Aries
Venus- Cancer
Mars- Cancer
Jup- Leo
Saturn- Aquarius
Uranus - Capricorn
Neptune - Capricorn
Pluto- Scorpio
So we're complete opposites in Venus and Mars, and our moons to me looks like supporting roles. So far I have really found out that he has really aloof moments, almost to the point of feeling like I'm talking to a rock lol But has anyone dated a Taurus and it not be a total flop or ended platonic? So far we've been saying the right things to each other, but every once in a while we have to explain what we mean since we get lost in translation (even though we're both speaking english lol)
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
I've heard if it's guy/guy, girl/girl, the venus should be compatible.
For girl/guy compatibles, it's the venus the man looks for in a woman (cafeastrology and astrologyzine says this, among other many many sites)
and for the girl, it's the mars, but it's also the combination as well.
Your venuses are opposites, so there's definitely opposites attract.
to make it short, he's going to be quite a workaholic. That's alot of capricorn. But his moon is in Gemini, which makes him long for intelligent conversations. You've got strong Aries in you, and Aries /Gemini energy seem to really LOVE eachother I've noticed.
Your Jupiter Leo loves his Aqua sun, and his Jupiter Cancer loves your Taurus sun. It looks pretty good but be prepared too for the negatives. He may have moods, due to strong Saturn, and then seem chameleon, because of the strong air mercury moon. That's all I got for now.
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
*Moods as in dark moods (saturn)
but mercury air moon can hopefully lift it out of the clouds so he may have some tendancy to be two people but it's just his personality perhaps. And your cancer placements need a strong stable partner, especially one to nurture.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
He's going to seem aloof and cold at times. That capricorn mercury will be blunt and likely to hurt your feelings at times, but it will be honest. The capricorn venus is going to be slow and cautious. Don't expect a whole lot too soon. Move fast and you will scare him away. He will have a fear of rejection so don't expect him to tell you how he feels anytime soon (he will need to be sure of your reaction before he goes out on a limb) and he might have second thoughts about making the first moves. Then again, he will be ambitious and if he sets a goal to get you, he will get you.
Remember, the cappy in him will need reassurances occasionally, those capricorn placements can be a bit insecure. Though he may not be willing to reassure you (aqua sun). That will be important for you to understand. He will need you to be independent, confident and self sufficient - this is very important for you to realize. You will need to have your own life. Not only to make your life seem interesting to him and bring new experiences to his life, but to occupy yourself when he's working or distracted.
He will insist on maintaining control of his emotions and will appear controlling at times to you. Also, he will appear so in control of himself that he could seem boring - however, the aqua sun could override that aspect. Capricorns are very stoic emotionally and we like to get our way. Capricorn mars will work a lot and you will have to accept that work will come first, afterall, that is his livlihood.
Once he does decide to trust you and be comfortable (it might take a while), you will get the most loyal, honest, trustworthy partner there is. You will probably need a lot of patience and understanding. There is a lot of passion buried deep down and the closer he gets to you, the more evident this will be.
Of course, I could be wrong. I'm not going to claim to be an expert, but I am a cap with cap mercury and my bf is aqua with cap venus. I'm just not sure where the gemini moon will play - he will probably seem wishy washy (to you) about what he wants because the gem part may never be able to make up its mind.
With your placements, I'm sure you can handle all this.
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Mar 08, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 171 · Topics: 11
Thank you lisabethur8 and truecap for that!! So far EVERYTHING y'all have said has surfaced in a conversation: the things we value the most (loyalty, honesty, mutual respect), as well as the aloof, rock-like personality AT TIMES, but I believe his gemini moon brings out a playful personality too. So far he's been the first to tell feelings which is amazing (since I've dated a few cap heavy charts before), so I really appreciate it when he does and me being a nurturing cancer, already give him reassurance without even trying lol He is also a workaholic, sometimes working 12 hour shifts with little days off.
lisabethur8- that's the first time I've heard the venus/venus combo working more for same-sex couples! Thank you for that, and also I already have seen the sudden moody change (only once) that kind of caught me off guard, but now that I have this, I can understand why and learn to see where he comes from now.
truecap- yup! I've already felt the blunt honesty a few times, which is funny because I am the same way. But we both really appreciate that we are able to give each other that and not take it too personally. We already promised each other to give each other nothing but the cold truth!... well with a little sugar on top lol
Again, thank you both! Y'all are awesome!!
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
hey that's awesome! I hope things are wonderful for you this summer and keep it balanced, work, play and rest. ^_^