Aquarius woman distant

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Gw3n514 on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 and has 16 replies.
Could any aqua women tells me the signs an aqua women likes/loves u?
What is the Aqua girl's chart looking like?
I’m an aqua with cap venus and sag mars.

Always look out for her venus and mars.

Cap venus = I’m reserved but my passion and dedication runs deep. I’m not showy until you show genuine interest = consistency, effort and if you stick to your words. Once you do the first steps emotionally and verbally then I’ll open up and reassure you that I feel the same.

Sag mars = I’m fun and I give little flirty hints, I’ll be spontaneous with you and will spend a lot of time with you.

Good luck
Well her venus is in aquarius and her mars in pisces!!!

by the way im a pisces venus in pisces and mars in taurus
An Aqua venus needs to be intrigued by her subject. Like breadcrumbs....but if she volunteers to help you take better pictures for your tinder profile, shes not interested.
Thats wat her chart looks like

Asc node-leo
Posted by Gw3n514
Thats wat her chart looks like

Asc node-leo

Going by her chart, I'd say she would be pretty direct and overt with her romantic interest in someone. She's not a shy one. She would tell you straight up that she likes you or at least pursue you.

My ex had an Aries moon and he was pretty direct in things he wanted.
Well she did told me something !!!! Shes pretty shy when its about dating someone etc shes more the type to look from far away n wait for the other persons first step!! she then said i shouldnt be the one chasing its actually the females that chases u !! Im pretty confused now
Posted by Gw3n514
Well she did told me something !!!! Shes pretty shy when its about dating someone etc shes more the type to look from far away n wait for the other persons first step!! she then said i shouldnt be the one chasing its actually the females that chases u !! Im pretty confused now

Are you a male or female?

And she said that it's actually the females that chases you? What the hell am I reading?!
I swear to god !! Im a guy !!!!! She really said that i was a lil confuse wen i heard it ...i dunno how to read her mind properly cuz of that!!! So yeah all i can say right now is she really distant n last time i spoke to her was only saying yeah or ok lol
Posted by Gw3n514
I swear to god !! Im a guy !!!!! She really said that i was a lil confuse wen i heard it ...i dunno how to read her mind properly cuz of that!!! So yeah all i can say right now is she really distant n last time i spoke to her was only saying yeah or ok lol

This aqua is a weird one. There's definitely some self-esteem issues if she feels that women should be chasing men. I don't think either gender should be chasing each other. If you like someone and the feeling is mutual, you get together. One party shouldn't be chasing the other. That's desperation.

Anyway, I think you should just ask her out and see where it goes from there.
Well thats exactly where it got tricky !! I asked her out a lil while ago n she been a lil distant and never answered concerning that matter!! She was nice n cool for a minute after that and since last week she been mia
Posted by Gw3n514
Well thats exactly where it got tricky !! I asked her out a lil while ago n she been a lil distant and never answered concerning that matter!! She was nice n cool for a minute after that and since last week she been mia

How did you ask her out and what was her response?
I was a gentleman and pretty straightfoward at the same time without pushing too much !!! She acted like she didnt heard anything but subtile!!! so i played it out cool n didnt pushed further !!
Posted by Gw3n514
I was a gentleman and pretty straightfoward at the same time without pushing too much !!! She acted like she didnt heard anything but subtile!!! so i played it out cool n didnt pushed further !!

What did you say to her is what I'm asking you.
If you've made your interest known and she's interested she'll act as such. Like any female.

Speaking for myself i'll probably flirt a lot or make little comments then take it back, make it seem like it was just a joke. Especially if its a somewhat emotional comment like I've missed them. I'll also become a little touchy. Look out for that because i'm not one for affection. But a touch on the arm or back or just being in their personal space is me saying yes I dig you. Make a move

But beware we are cautious. We observe and analyse you to determine the type of person you are. We see a lot of you that you may not see for yourself. And this can lead to us taking a while before we respond the way you would like