Aquarius Women:

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by AquaDash on Tuesday, March 25, 2008 and has 10 replies.
WinkingI was just wondering if an aquarius woman feels attracted to an older man 10+ yrs older than their age, or our cut off age would be no more than five years older than our age? I read somewhere that aquarians, women mostly, feel attracted to older men/people.
For me, most of my friends are older than I am, and I have better, interesting conversations with them. Especially with my family for some reason, when I was younger, I had never been interested in hanging out with my cousins at family get togethers, where as I would always sit with my parents, and listen to the discussions they were having with my aunts and uncles. Whenever I feel like "hooking" up with a guy, I always feel attracted to find an older man. Anyone women, who are aquarians, can relate to my situation? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. smile
Oh yeah, I heart older men (NOT OLD men, just older than me) cut off age is probably 10, but i did date a guy 11 years older for a brief period. Yes, it was definitely for the conversation...its much more diverse and interesting, IMHO. The older guy I dated briefly was a libra and it was definitely good conversation, diverse, interesting, witty,etc...I learned alot from the guy.
For the most part conversations with older people are always interesting. Like I said they have much more diversity with subject matter, etc. As well as I like the fact I can listen and learn from older people. Not to say you cant learn from people of all ages b/c I can and do, but I do feel wise beyond my years or as some would say too smart for my own good.
Not too mention older men have 'manly look' to them as oppose to boyish looks which I adore. Winking
Same here. I like them older, though 6-7 years tops. That usually puts them in the range where we still have tons in common, but they don't act quite as dumb as other guys my own age.
I feel the strong need to be a cougar in my formative years. smile
I've always kind of enjoyed the company of older ppl better than younger ppl, I enjoy learning new things and I've dated a guy 7 years older than me once and I was asked out by a guy who was twice my age, but he was too old for me to date, he was like 45 years old at the time, and I was like 21 or 22 yrs old. I don't usually date older guys, but I do find older ppl interesting, I guess I am old at heart.
Lady M: "Not too mention older men have 'manly look' to them as oppose to boyish looks which I adore."
AWWWW MANNNN!!!! Oh how long will it take for me to have the manly look I've been dying 2 have! If any one of you would see me today, you would've never guessed that I'm 22! Sad
I believe there is some truth to us Aquarian women tending to be attracted to older men but I think it's because older men always seem to have a better mental connection & conversation with us. Aquarian women are normally very careful when it comes to who to trust and who to keep distance from & for some reason we feel that older men (besides being more mature) seem to know themselves & what they want versus the men "our age" that usually get on our nerves. I never particularly looked for an older men when it came to the dating game, but I usually found the connection & chemistry stronger with older men (no more than 5 years older than me). One thing I can say is that I haven't and will NEVER date a man who's younger than me.
I don like younger men and its kind of a turn off when I know they matter how cute and interesting.

BigScared It takes you all so long to look mature (especially black men). It happens somewhere around 27-30 yrs old.
krysrenee7: "I believe there is some truth to us Aquarian women tending to be attracted to older men but I think it's because older men always seem to have a better mental connection & conversation with us."
Reading this krysrenee7, I just realized that I do like that mental connection...I like a woman who can wow me when it comes to their knowledge and life experience, you and Lady M are really on a roll with me right now lol smile
Lady M: "BigScared It takes you all so long to look mature (especially black men). It happens somewhere around 27-30 yrs old."
Yes I am a black man...and most of my black friends look young as well LOL but most of them look older than me...sheesh
Im still waiting for the other pics...smileWinking

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