Aquarius Women = Indescribable & Amazing =)

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by 2BlackIndian3 on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 and has 34 replies.
Well i made this thread because i love Aquarius women. I think some in my 2 different history classes i have are Aquarius. Idk lol, it's an feeling i can't describe. I find Aquarius women very attractive, & i'm a Cancer. I like them because they are different & have they own style . Aquarius women are mysterious in their own good way. Who else find these women amazing? I sure do smile
Posted by 2BlackIndian3
Well i made this thread because i love Aquarius women. I think some in my 2 different history classes i have are Aquarius. Idk lol, it's an feeling i can't describe. I find Aquarius women very attractive, & i'm a Cancer. I like them because they are different & have they own style . Aquarius women are mysterious in their own good way. Who else find these women amazing? I sure do smile

Thanks! That good to hear! smile
Also i have a small crush on one. But i ain't here to complain & whine lol. I just came to show love since there aren't many appreciation threads for y'all. That's all i wanted to do
Thank you!
Blarg on you Gandolf! Tongue
how are cap women better?
I'd say they are just (very) different, and it would depend on someones prefrences.
Cap women are kool too now, it's that i always tend to meet air signs, especially Aquarius sometimes. It really don't matter as long as the lady is nice
hmmm intresting smile
I know unromantic, no matter how hard I try, its so difficult to be emotional and/or show emotions.
My sister is a Cap, so its funny to see a comparison, cause it fits, we are sooo different and have such different ideas about how things are, should be, etc. Tongue
and the world peace thing, idk its so deeply rooted in us, its hard to not be a hippie Tongue
Wow! That's super sweet, honey! I attract a lot of cancer men, but that's because they sense the hopeless romantic in me and they see me playing with kids.
Hugs to you
Well if a Aquarius woman is unromantic, i could teach her if i was in a relationship with one. They don't have to be emotional for me to like them either. I already got those traits lol. I don't think things would be dull & romance is very possible. Cancer Men have what completes an Aquarius i think. As they are kind to me
Hummm so would you say although astrology labels conjugate signs compatible that there is really no stability in it for completion of self? Do we need to try other signs i'm always caught in whirlwinds with air signs lol.
Well look at it this way, you'll know you found someone who completes you; if you can be yourself & they accept you as you are. If you like someone, go for it. You shouldn't have to force things either. I wouldn't 100% listen to astrology compatibility. You can use it to learn about you & your partner. But never use it to determine how your relationship will turn out. It'll have you paranoid as hell lol.
@LivingOnPorpoise & yeah some of the so called "compatible" signs have the most problems lol. Maybe because they are too much of the same or bad egos lol. I've seen lots of incompatible signs do great. Even better than the compatible ones.
haha they are very congruent but wavy at moments, and very well said I focused on it some due to my dad (virgo) constantly telling mom (gemini) on being incompatible and stuff and why people argue. I was very much intrigued to know more lol. I think its 2 of the same, I've never met someone like me before people tell me im too nonchalant or dont listen and respond to their problems. I am distracted but im not inconsiderate. But wow that's amazing i will be taking notes and applying your advice. Winking
No problem!, i'm glad i could help & show love to Aquarius women. You gotta take the good with the bad with people. That's how i was raised. Have a Bless one, Porpoise smile
Posted by 2BlackIndian3
Also i have a small crush on one. But i ain't here to complain & whine lol. I just came to show love since there aren't many appreciation threads for y'all. That's all i wanted to do

that's so sweet. I like hearing your stories of your crush.Laughing
it's so cute!!!
this song came up. lmao
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@lisabethur8 Lol you a trip Winking. Right now the lady in question is just a crush. I have to find out if she has a bf before I tell her that I like her. We do speak to each other in class and if we run into each other outside of class. So hopefully she don't have a bf, but I saw her walking with some dude last week. I see her staring at me more than once sometimes. So we'll see. Regardless of what she says tomorrow, ill still be friendly but keep my distance too. Hope you have a Bless Day!
Posted by 2BlackIndian3
@lisabethur8 Lol you a trip Winking. Right now the lady in question is just a crush. I have to find out if she has a bf before I tell her that I like her. We do speak to each other in class and if we run into each other outside of class. So hopefully she don't have a bf, but I saw her walking with some dude last week. I see her staring at me more than once sometimes. So we'll see. Regardless of what she says tomorrow, ill still be friendly but keep my distance too. Hope you have a Bless Day!

uh oh! there's competition. Tongue

maybe the dude she's with is her brother or cousin.Laughing
You too! have a great day tomorrow. and i bet she sees you eyeing her too. ^__^

@lisabethur8 lol im not going compete with no one. IF she likes me, ill be the only option. But you probably are right, he might be her cousin or something. Regardless of if she say no or yes, it wont hurt me too bad. I normally don't make the 1st move unless I know for sure a lady has some kind of interest. Anyways, thank you for the positive thinking smile. I won't be alone in the end of my story. She probably has seen me looking. I think her whole presence is amazing. SHe's that pretty in my eyes. Thanks talking with me about this. You be Safe
Adorable guy. Mwaaah
@WaterCup Thanks for the online Mwaah Kiss lol. See!, Aquarius women can be very sweet
Posted by 2BlackIndian3
@lisabethur8 lol im not going compete with no one. IF she likes me, ill be the only option. But you probably are right, he might be her cousin or something. Regardless of if she say no or yes, it wont hurt me too bad. I normally don't make the 1st move unless I know for sure a lady has some kind of interest. Anyways, thank you for the positive thinking smile. I won't be alone in the end of my story. She probably has seen me looking. I think her whole presence is amazing. SHe's that pretty in my eyes. Thanks talking with me about this. You be Safe

that is VERY smart, *nods* i wish more men thought this way. Getting "cues" from their actions.
even IF she's the flirty type, you just 'know'....if she's not interested. And some are wall flowers and shy, but you can still know. and that's good that you won't be hurt by it too bad. ^__^
virgo moon today, it got serious.Laughing
@lisabethur8 Well to update you on this situation, she told me she is talking to someone right now. I did tell her that i liked her, & i respect her answer. I'll still be nice if i run into her again. But i'm not sad like i would have been in the past. It takes a lot for to do what i did today. But i feel great, because i don't have worry about the what if's with her anymore. I'm sure i'll meet someone who will like me tho smile. I'm just glad i was able to see her twice today.
But despite that situation, i had great day today. I'm even going to see that new Captain America movie tomorrow. So this weekend won't be too bad. @lisabethur8 Thanks for your help. I hope you have a Bless Day or night if you see this
aaawww. we finally get some love on here. Thank you Big Grin
No problem! smile. The Aquarius board is soo peaceful. I had to show some love
Posted by 2BlackIndian3
But despite that situation, i had great day today. I'm even going to see that new Captain America movie tomorrow. So this weekend won't be too bad. @lisabethur8 Thanks for your help. I hope you have a Bless Day or night if you see this

hey it's nice that you know this ahead of time.
(the girl you were eyeing) Enjoy the rest of your weekend and the film with your buds. smile
Posted by 2BlackIndian3
No problem! smile. The Aquarius board is soo peaceful. I had to show some love

lol not always. If one of these so-called annoying Aquarius women get on my nerves, it's not peaceful at all.
@lisabethur8 lol Thanks, Well i wish i was like an aquarius, & could turn off my emotions for a few days. Think about how awesome that would be lol. But i guess that's why i love aquarius women. They are very unique. I'm feeling good tho.You enjoy your beautiful day ok smile. You sure know how to calm a Crab down & keep it at peace. I appreciate it!
Posted by 2BlackIndian3
@lisabethur8 lol Thanks, Well i wish i was like an aquarius, & could turn off my emotions for a few days. Think about how awesome that would be lol. But i guess that's why i love aquarius women. They are very unique. I'm feeling good tho.You enjoy your beautiful day ok smile. You sure know how to calm a Crab down & keep it at peace. I appreciate it!

i'm a very emotional person, so i can't turn it off even if i wanted. if a person has bad intentions, i can feel it, and it irks the hell out of me so i start raging. Wouldn't you?
maybe you need to have an aquarius moon. They're the most unemotional from what i read, but it depends....even in an 8th house moon, it might have that "square" problem.
lol well i'm very emotional, but i can control them better now that i'm older. I have a Scorpio Moon by the way. But you are right, we can easily spot a "Snake" a mile away. I say embrace your emotional side tho; because emotions are a great thing. Maybe that's how you were able to calm me in that situation the other day. I wasn't worried at all. You are awesome @lisabethur8. But i love who i am even more now
yes aqua woman are Gods gift to everyone that meets being an aqua lol smile
Posted by aquariuslove14
yes aqua woman are Gods gift to everyone that meets being an aqua lol smile

i like
Posted by aquarius09
Wow! That's super sweet, honey! I attract a lot of cancer men, but that's because they sense the hopeless romantic in me and they see me playing with kids.

I bet you are a secret hopeless romantic ^.

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