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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
They do have good qualities though. But they usually f-ck up at the end. It's like they bring 99% greatly to the end, but f-ck up at the last 1% which kills everything that's being done so far. The result, nothing.
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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
My Leo aunt has told my mom to fuck off from her house when she offered to give her last 25 $ for help. She had no other money to give her, so she told her (her own sister) to get out from her house and never come back. My Aquarius cousin seconded her.
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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
Hey Vanessa.
I'm fine. I was in Moscow with my relatives. My aunt (not Leo one, this one is another) who is a Taurus, we got along extremly well. Her husband a Virgo male, my sister cousin who is a Pisces and the other one who is Capricorn also got along with me extremly well. Can you imagine; a family full of Earth signs and a Pisces sister among them. She actually got along with them very well. It's Capricorn sister who has some family issues, but I think thats because she's a young one (only 15). A Virgo male (contrary to half-man theory) got along with me best than the rest of the family. Btw, he's also 46, just like Qbone. We agreed on almost everything. Pretty similar thinking style . Taurus aunt was way too foul-mouthed. It was odd, but I liked it. She also had lots of brains. I could engage with her into any kind of conversation without feeling misunderstood. She had very strong reasoning and I liked it as well.
Pisces sister was way too high strung. It was quite interesting how she was bossing around over her mom and dad. Pisces are perceived to be easygoing etc, but what I saw was the contrary, she actually tossed them around the house quite alot. She kinda whipped them all into right shape and kept them in check lol. Didn't work with me, since I saw her imperfections and tossed her around the
Well anyway.
The Capricorn sister was way a bit negative towards me. It's because of my brother. She thinks my brother was right because he listens to rock and has long hair....I was shocked to hear her poor judgement system, but I think I can understand that because she's only 15. We also had alot of fun together. Her dirty mind caused me to bite her serveral times. Once in her arm, the other her leg and finally her ass. She feared my this behaviour and whenver she was getting into dirty mind, I just showed her my teeth. That was enough to stop any kind of Altough my Pisces sister was showing herself as a high strung person, this kind of outfit not always saved her from my teeth.
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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
Maybe. But I have to say that I dont have problems with all my relatives. Maybe 50% / 50% . Those who has problems with me, usually have problems with the other relatives as well. For example, my Leo aunt and her Aqua son are disliked among every relative of her that I know.
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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
I know that my Leo aunt is an idiot. But when my Aqua cousin seconded her (agreed with her) and since I know how strong he can reason with situations, his behaviour is just stupid. He always seconds what his mother says. Like a parrot. Whatever his master says, he seconds that. But when he's outside of his mothers zone, he's qute reasonable. But now, what he did, is very stupid, and he lost any kind of respect in me. I don't think I will talk to him ever again.
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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
who's roof is he living under?
Actually everything that they own is aunts. 3 houses, and shop. My Aqua cousin has worked his arse off for a year and bought that shop, and made it officially aunts'. I told him why he did that, I got no proper answer. He said that he trusts his mom etc, but my belief is that "what I buy with my own money, should be mine. If relative want's to use it, it's just fine, but they don't have to officially own it for that".
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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
You are right, there are always people in family who annoy you. But the difference for me is that they annoy me only once. After that I cease contact with them.
I don't give same amount of credits for strangers (people who are not my relatives) so I don't get betrayed by them. Relatives, they are limited in numbers. They will make shit once, they will lose me. When all of them pass the test, I will feel fine.