Are Aquarians difficult to figure out?
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
I'm wondering this because I have been told a number of times, especially by guys that I'm not easy to read. I've even been told I'm like a butterfly that someone just can't reach. It's like the more they try, they tell me the more difficult it is for them to reach me. I don't find myself at all hard to read or catch. I am, however, cautious in who I involve myself with due to some previous bad experiences. I am more on guard and I'll admit that.
For me, a guy has to catch my interest which isn't so easy. It's not like I don't give people chances because I do. I believe in the good with people until proven wrong. If I was wrong about the person, I have a hard time forgetting what was done even though after a while I can forgive. Forget, absolutely not.
At times I feel like I'm so different than everybody (maybe it has do with I'm an Aquarian) else. Sometimes the way I think about a certain matter will give gazes from others like where did I come up with that. Don't get me wrong, I like to be different and original but sometimes it's odd. When I'm with friends I can be very sociable and yet feel out of place. It's a mystery to me.
Anyway, if anyone can answer this topic it would be great.
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Thank you for your response, Primegen. Glad I am not abnormal. I'll go along with your scenerio saying you and I were at a party and you were thinking of asking me out. I would at first be friendly towards you since you more than likely would be the same towards me. I would not be overly caution to begin with because you would be a new person and I believe in being fair. When I'd be cautious, is not to let out too much personal details about myself. This is at least in the beginning because sooner or later if things progressed you have to get to more about me and I you (I'm talking in general now). I'm not the type to give out my phone number to all different guys either. Then the question might be well how would the guy be able to contact me if he was interested in getting to know me. This is where I'm cautious. Let's say I met a guy at a party or something in that matter, there is a chance I probably wouldn't see them again but and there is a big BUT here. If I was at the party and had talked for a good while with a guy and he seemed interesting I could consider wanting to have further contact with them. If he made me laugh that is a good sign and a great personality works wonders with me. I'm more of the observer and looks at what is going on around me. If I like someone, I will observe them from a little distance and if I get a gut feeling this is something worth pursuing I go for it. Not always has this been successful but I learnt a lot from each experience which is what life is all about.
I have no plans on growing old alone. I'd like to get married and have children, in that order. Although I see I like the rough and ready type guys and I am more reserved. I guess it has to do with opposites attract. The nice guys I like very much also and I have seen they aren't so pushy as other types. I can't stand it if a guy comes on too strong and tells too much information about themselves. I like mysteries and don't need to be told so much in the beginning stages. I have been told guys feel comfortable around me because I'm not clingy and very independent. I don't sit by a phone waiting for them call. I'm not the jealous type either although many love to tell me how many they've been with and all sorts. It's not something I do purposedly with guys with not being jealous, it's just I do my thing and they do their thing.
I do think, if I care for someone, there will be a little jealousy but I would never let him know it. Why, you might ask? Well, because I wouldn't want him to have some control over my feelings which may want him do other things just to get a reaction out of him. If he does something I don't like, I will, of course, speak my mind. If it comes to other girls then I won't let on if I'm jealous. My feeling is if the guy truly cares for me, he wouldn't want to flaunt about other girls to me. I would also respect him with not talking about other guys also.
I also believe in being friends first and then see how things go. If I can't have the guy as a friend it's hard for me to imagine anymore with him. I've just had a roller coaster experience regarding a Virgo male I have encountered. Never saw him anymore than a friend. I've written about it under the Virgo forum also. He and I have been friends and nothing more. He had said he was sorry he hadn't fallen for me and I hadn't fallen for him. This took me for loop as I never thought he had ever thought of me like that. Now all of sudden he has a girlfriend which is totally cool with me. What I don't like is he would stay in steady contact with me but now since he has a girlfriend I wouldn't hear from him as much because he has a jealous girlfriend. I don't understand this as he and I are friends. I'm not after him or anything. He would be too much for me anyway. Therefore I had to cut my loses with him and end the friendship with him which he didn't understand. Although he said I would hear from him, I'm not holding my breathe. I do have a g
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
To Branh:
I completely understand your opinion. When it comes to me, I take a little time with getting to know others. I observe them from a little distance. If I see it's worthwhile in pursuing I go for it. Unfortunately, in the beginning I can be seen as cold but that is a defense mechanism which I have gotten better at letting go. I have gone through so many changes and experienced a great deal in this life time (who hasn't) that I lost something (not sure exactly yet) years ago. I'm coming back and I've finally opened up more. Thankfully, people have no problem in reaching out to me and I've learned over time to not be so cold. It's not been easy but I've been working on it. Once I like someone I like them for who they are, until proven different. Thanks for your input.
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
You are very good at stating your opinion and being direct. I think that is great because I really do appreciate honesty. You are right regarding the Virgo male. There was too much thinking and mind games. I'm finished with that and I'm glad.
You are absolutely correct when you write a girl will sooner or later show her true colors regarding most things in life (for example about sex). It is so important in today's society to find out about the other person if you are interested in them. In regards to myself, I find if I'm comfortable with someone, like a guy, then I'm easy going. There is no stopping me but I'm not the type who jumps quickly in the sack. I think basically it's a trust issue. If I feel free and not trapped by the guy then everything goes smoothly. I have experienced that guys want to smother me and then I get mad because I feel no one has the right to do that. I don't do that to them so why should they do it to me? I'm not asking you, I'm just making a statement.
Yeah, I know when it comes to giving out my number that has been a bit of a jugsaw puzzle. I have done it though but that was because I liked the guy. If you (I don't even know you but I'll continue) and I had talked for a while at this party (I know parties can last for hours), we had similar interests and you had asked for my number I wouldn't hesitate. I say this because we both took the time to get to know each other. It wasn't like you just came up to me and asked for my number and I'd like give it over. I've seen friends be like that. I like to talk to guys to find out a little about them, not their life story. It might sound strange but I get along great with guys as long as they are friends of mine. Have had a few that were more than friends and we still are friends. I value friendship very highly. I've always done that.
When you ask what I mean by the rough and ready type, I mean like guys that do crazy things. The ones that party a lot which is something I don't do much. I've surprised myself by falling for bad boys (not the criminal types) and I who is reserved. I just don't get it. When I was younger, I always attracted the most popular guy. The most popular guy would have all the girls around him but I wasn't interested in them. I didn't want to get into the catty fights over the guy. I find that to be very silly. Then I moved to another country (I'm an American by the way living overseas) and the culture shock was a bit overbearing. Everything I had learnt was the opposite here. I felt totally isolated as I didn't even speak the language. All I knew was English. Since moving to another country at a young and tender age and not knowing the language, I think that might be where I put up a wall that has taken me years to tear down. I've made a lot of progress in the recent years, though. Strangely, even in the country where I live I have no problem with guys, it's just when they get to pushy is where I go cold.
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Sep 20, 2005Comments: 7 · Posts: 3855 · Topics: 41
u guys do work on your own systems. Find a casual Gemini, he won't demand anything from you except excitement or wierdness...not hard for an Aqua to provide.
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Thanks GEM*TWO for your comments. I totally agree with regarding Geminis. I find them very fascinating and interesting. They love to talk and so do I as an Aquarian. I always think of two when I think of Geminis because of the way the star sign is made. Geminis are very easy to get along with. Besides I like excitement and weirdness because I'm the same way.
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
I just wrote to you under Thanks.... To GeminiLover. I can tell you are very fond of Geminis. I like them to. Very interesting characters.
You are very observant asking what country I am in. Typical Aquarian you are I see (meant positively). Well, as said I am an American living overseas and I live in the great country of Norway. You wouldn't think there is much different between Norway and America but there are some major differences. Although Norway loves to act like it's little America. It's a great country and very pretty. Where I live it's a small town here in Norway. I'm born in New York City and lived there for years until we moved to Norway. I didn't even know the language when I came to Norway. You can imagine how frustrating it was for me as a New Yorker not to be to communicate with others. Now I can speak both English and Norwegian fluently. I love speaking in English though. I'm amazed I was able to keep my English in tact as it's been said when someone learns another language they can forget the other language. Not me. I wanted to make sure I had both. I'm a fulltime student and I also work part time. As an American I am not lazy and will work hard to get to where I need to. I'm very goal-oriented and sometimes stubborn (but in a good way).
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Thanks again Primegen. Oh, it would be very interesting to meet you one day. Unfortunately, that will never happen since I live in Norway. I just wrote a little more about me in the post above. Maybe you've already read it.
I know what you mean by bad boys. I am 29 years old. My birthday was in February. Remember, I wrote I like bad boys but I never go with them. Just because I like them, my type is the ones who are responsible. I do not have children yet. I'd like to get married first and then have kids, in that order. I know bad boys are bad news but they are exciting. I could never handle them, though. That is why I stay away from them but some of them have caught my eye without me doing anything about it. I like guys who have goals in mind. I'm a fulltime student and work part time on the side. Therefore I would like my future boyfriend (whenever that is) to also have something he is working towards. Here in Norway, I am looked upon as crazy by going fulltime to school and work on the side. They've been waiting for me to give up but I'm stubborn. I'm going to show anything is possible if you believe.
I like when people are honest with me so I didn't find what you wrote as bitter. People are different with different points of views. Some find what you write as bitter. I found what you wrote as honest. I'd rather someone be honest than going around the bush. Can't stand that. Sometimes I don't like it when someone is honest but it does get me thinking. Thinking is something I do a lot of. Sometimes I think so long about something and then I forget what it was in the first place I was trying to get to. Thankfully, this rarely happens. I always try to view the pros and cons of a situation.
You are very right about if a girl can hold her own then you are interested, if not, your not interested. I'm the exact same but towards guys. The guy has to be able to talk about basic topics and hold his own with me. If he's too clingy or whatever I lose interest. Great to see Aquarian guys are a lot like the Aquarian gals.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Sorry about it has taken some hours to reply to you. There are about 6-7 hours time difference between here and America. We are ahead you so it is already afternoon here. I went to bed very late last night as I don't like going to bed early. I've also been at school. Had to present a group activity regarding ethics.
Have you ever been to Norway? Where do you normally travel since you have a travel list?
You asked what I am studying in Norway. Well, I'm a nursing student. I've always wondered if I wanted to take nursing. After some thought, I applied and to my surprise I got in on the first round (didn't hurt I had good grades). Nursing is very popular here in Norway but it doesn't have the status as in America. I know nurses are looked highly upon in America. Here in Norway when you say you are a nurse, it's like alright no big deal. I've always dreamt of how it would be if I worked in America as a nurse since I know the language and everything. Besides, I'm both American/Norwegian so I have every right to come back to America with no problem. Also I have heard that Norwegian nurses are very popular because of their ways with like smiling all the time. Nothing wrong with that but I couldn't do something like that all the time. I don't know, I really do miss America so much. I still remember so much there even though it's been years ago I have stepped back in America. My first love happened there (even though I was young) and he I'll never forget. I've tried to find him. I called the number I found on the internet where it said he lived. When I asked for him, his name is Chris, the person told me he didn't live there anymore. I would love to see him again. I know his life has moved on and so has mine but it would be a dream come true. It's so strange, many people would do just about anything to get into America and I can just walk right in and haven't done it. Maybe one day it will happen.
You also worked your butt off while going to school. Well, good for you. I feel the more one does the one more learns about life. You also partied on the weekends. Well, that is something I don't do. I'm more the sober type. Whenever I'm at a party I drink soda (pepsi). No alcohol for me. Therefore I am the only or one the only ones sober at the party. I can have guys come up me so drunk and they want to hug me. I don't understand all the hugging but I give a hug back out of respect. Mind you, it's a friendly hug and nothing more. I don't let it go any further. Although I notice the people who are drunk are so friendly and they love to talk. Unfortunately, the next day they will be hung over and sick but that are consquences regarding drinking.
Yes, you are right that Norway is a socialist. Norwegians have it pretty good here. Especially when you have children you get paid. Can you imagine getting paid to have a kid? When women are expecting they get a good amount of money before and after the kid is born. Then they get child support from the state up the kid is 18 years old every month and that is for every kid they have. Lets say there are 3 kids in a family, the parents get child support for each child so you can imagine the more kids you have the more money comes in. This also means more expenses but that's beside the point. It's a great system I have to say. There is also free health care here. You can go to the hospital and have an operation and it won't cost you anything. However, there can be long waiting lists because of this.
I have noticed the life style here is like it was in the 80's in America. It's like 20 years behind America. The level of crime is easily becoming more and more. Also since Norway has the oil, it's like money flows around like no tomorrow. Although not always is the money spent on the people because politicans make so many different decisions it gets people confused. Everyone is taken care of and has at least a place to live. There are some who do not have it so go
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Great to see you wrote back. You are very clever regarding The Chief Opinion Officer. I actually had to go back and check what COO meant. So you have humor. Well, in this life you have to have that otherwise life can be quite dull.
Thank you for your input about Chris. I will have to check this out. Nowadays with the internet it is easy to track people down if you want. In a way it's scary that someone can do a background check on you without your knowledge. I'll see. I haven't seen him in years, though. I knew he was the one I was going to marry at a very young age. Girls think about their prince when they are young. Then I had to move to Norway and we couldn't keep in contact. I know the one who'll capture my heart isn't far away now. Sometimes I think I can picture him but then I forget because it is so blury.
You are right that people who stand out are not popular in Norway. I've experienced this first hand. You know how Aquarians can be unique, well I was told at a young age at school I couldn't do this and do this and you might be able to get away with that in America but you are in Norway now. This went totally against my grain and I resisted any attempt on them trying to change me. Eventually, I became very much on the defense because I wanted to be the way I am and not who they wanted me to be. I think that's when I built up a protective wall which I have slowly but surely started to break down. Don't get me wrong, Norway is very pretty, the people are so what friendly but it was the opposite of America. No one can top America so everything is bigger and faster there. Things go a slower tempo in Norway which can have it's good points but sometimes not.
You wrote you want to come to Europa. Where in Europa are you interested in relocating in, if you could?
You are right about there are shortages regarding nurses. I would love to be able to when I'm done as a nurse, I'm not finished yet, travel to America for just 1 year to see how things would be. I haven't been in America for a very long time and it has changed completely since I was there last. I do follow with the news. Thankfully, we get FOX NEWS, but do to the time difference it doesn't go on here until 10 o`clock at night and goes through the night until 4 in the afternoon the next day. Not the most ideal times to watch when I have to go to bed early and be at school and/or work the next day.
Hope you still have a nice day. It's already 7.30 at night here. Bye.
Signed Up:
Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
"Are Aquarians difficult to figure out?"
TC says No
I've got everyone figured out the moment I sense their precense aaahhh ha haha jk if I can't get a feel for them then I just assume they have dark motives lol Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
To Tauruschic
Thanks for your reply. Your lucky to have everyone figured out the moment you sense their precense. I also sometimes have that ability and it's scary. This is because I don't want to think the worst of someone because sometimes what I thought of them comes true. I'm the type that plays fairly but I am reserved in the beginning. I'm not out to hurt anyone but if someone deliberately does something purposedly to hurt me then I'm not too happy at all. Also I keep a cool front until I get to know the person. Once the ice is broken, I'm pretty easy to deal with.
Signed Up:
Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
Not that I have anyone figured out just like that but I do get a feel and it's always pretty right on. I'm not interested enough to find out why I don't want to deal with someone or why they give me an odd vibe although everyone else seems to trust them but I WILL keep my guard up and an eye out.
And I get what you mean about not wanting to believe the worst... sometimes you like the person but you just know or you feel that you really shouldn't trust them. You almost try to ignore your inner thoughts but it drives you insane. I imagine a red light flashing inside my brain lol I've said to my friends before 'warning warning stay away stay away' (as in joking) and they ask why and I just don't know why until I actually observe the person. Once you observe the person you understand why, behavior, body language, reading between the lines, their jokes, experiences, hints at what they really think... all will give you an explanation. No one can hide their true self, they ooze what they are, you just have to be able to catch it without being influenced by others opinions.
It's always a slower process to figure out reserved individuals but you still get that feel... good or bad or in between, above or below lol
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
To Primegen:
Congratulations on finding the answer to what was puzzling you in business matters. I know how you feel when you want an answer to something and the answer isn't easy to find. It's a big relief to finally get the answer and off to the next puzzle which will arrive. I love puzzles and usually don't want to rest until I get it solved.
I'm sorry I wasn't more clear about regarding Chris. When I was younger, he and I were always together. I liked him at once and he I. Our parents had it figured out he and I were made for each other. If I had stayed in America, I know I would have married him. He would have the one I went to the high school prom with (we don't have high school proms so I missed out on a lot growing up), graduated with, married and everything that goes with that. Unfortunately, when I moved to Norway nothing of this was ever going to happen. I haven't seen him in so many years. I do think of him often. Have plenty of pictures of him and I together. I'm not the type who lives in the past because that would be silly. Although it would be a dream come true if I ever saw him again. When I mean the one who will capture my heart isn't far away, I mean sooner or later I will find the one. Or maybe he will find me. I'm not looking at the moment. So busy with everything but if I met someone I definitely would make sure I spent time with him also. Besides, love never appears when I'm looking for it, it always appears when I least expect it (already this year alone it's happened to me with two different guys but nothing has ever happened since we are friends). It's not lust either. I've had a few guys be very interested in me and I found that interesting. There has been two here in Norway I really liked more than others. Another one asked me to marry them but I didn't take it seriously. I actually thought the guy was joking with me and laughed. Not a nice thing to do. I wasn't expecting it at all. He and I are still friends though.
We also have CNN here too but very much to my annoyance it's the International CNN. Not the same as the American CNN. I'd much prefer watching American CNN because it's more flashier and happy go lucky than the International CNN. It's not the same. I love watching FOX whenever I can.
Are you traveling around Europa during the summertime this year? Maybe you can make some connections.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
I totally agree with both of you, Tauruschic and Primegen. My antenne is always tuned in and I'm usually on guard for anything. I sometimes do get bad vibes from people and then I watch and observe how they are so I can test the waters. I usually go with my intuition which never fails me. I'm a strong believer in gut feelings because, in my opinion, that is my brain telling me to either watch out or this is safe. Might sound strange to think that way but it's the way I am.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Hey, hey. Aquarians are always on the go. There is no time for getting fat. Boring is not a word in the Aquarian vocabulary because we are so busy with so many projects going on our minds never rest. I'm coming with a little motivation to inspire you.
Anyway, it soon Easter can you believe it? When Easter comes, I have a little more chocolate than usual and not feel guilty about it. Normally, I'm not that much into chocolate but there is something with Easter that it's alright.
Finally, I'm free for Easter vacation. I've been looking forward to this vacation very much. When I come back to school after Easter break there will be plenty do. Then there is the homeexam in June. Oh boy, I better enjoy this vacation.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Just keep your mind occupied with many projects and you won't be bored. There is too much to experience in life to get bored. Yes, there are people who are all work and no play. They are no fun and haven't experienced life, just work. What's the point? I don't see it either. I work hard for a while, then I take a very small break and right back ready to go. Nothing is stopping me. Also when I have my mind set on something I will do whatever I can to achieve the goal I have set. Usually it goes very well but not always.
You are absolutely right with a home exam regarding cheating. I don't get it either. We have a week in June to do this home exam on our own. We have to find literature to answer the questions that are asked of us. Now imagine over 90 students who are taking the same home exam with the same questions looking for the same material. It will be chaotic and first come first serve. I'm sure the library will be very busy then. I don't see the point in a home exam either. It seems silly but that's the curriculum at the end of the semester. You can't copy from books and write everything in your own words. You also have to make sure you have copied your home exam from anybody else because that is cheating. It's a strange situation.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
I fully agree with that home exams never work but the college makes it part of the curriculum. After you deliver the home exam in then there is 3 week wait to find out the result. Last year when I had the first home exam, those 3 weeks felt endless with the waiting. I thought we would get the results within a week of delivering the home exams in but no. We had to wait the full 3 weeks and thankfully I did well.
Maybe you would be good at owning you own company in anything you desire. I don't know what your interests are but maybe if you have a passion about something you can come upon something unique that hasn't been thought of yet. It's not easy coming with suggestions when I don't know what you normally do as a living or what. I always try to be helpful and come with ideas. Not always can I come upon something at first, but given a task you can be sure I will be thinking of a solution. I'm always thinking anyway so that is nothing new. Besides, I'm an expert at doing many things at once. Just found that out since the New Year. Have learnt such much the past 3 months at times I find it amazing. Like I have a different way of thinking than like let's say just 6 months ago. Anything new fascinates me.
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Mar 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 657 · Topics: 30
pirgrem, why are u so damn clever!!!!!!!???
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Mar 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 657 · Topics: 30
sorry spelt your name wrong
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Dec 31, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 585 · Topics: 81
"I come up with things that are unique all the time, i have that Aqua curse, nobody listens until it's too late."
Nothing like those "I told you so moments though"
"I'm always solving problems and coming up with ideas, that's what I do, just need the right place to implement them, that's all. It certainly isn't here where I am now!"
I'm sure you'll find. When this happens for you Prime, would you care to donate to BA's Charity? im jk
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
What a unique way of thinking, Primegen. Never thought of having the ability to come up with new things all the time as the Aqua curse. Well, if it's a curse, I'm glad to have it. I think it's great to have this type of ability. Looks like you think so also. Aquarians are always on the go looking for something new to fix or conquer. I find it amazing all the different ways I can do the same thing. Others might do the something like everybody else. I have to do it differently to stand out because I don't like to follow others.