Are Aquarius Men Typically Distant?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by LeoLady0724 on Tuesday, December 29, 2015 and has 12 replies.
Hey everyone =)
Thank for stopping by. So, yes....Are Aquarius men distant? Do they have a tendency of disappearing and returning?
I was talking to one for 2 months, but I never did anything with him. He used to ask me out each time we talked for about a month almost everyday. He'd ask me out for coffee, ice cream, to work out with him at the gym, etc. They tended to be short notice, which kind of rubbed me the wrong way. He used to text me each day.
I told him I could not go out with him right now. I want to be a complete person on my own and I am not where I want to be right now. He's established and has a Masters degree and I am still earning my Bachelors. I only have an Associates degree. I didn't tell him that reason though.
Then he started drifting away, but it's odd because we never had deep conversations, just superficial ones. Then after 2 months of just talking, I send him a hello text...and he never replied. He just disappeared. I know he received it, but I didn't text him asking what happened or why he was ignoring me. Three weeks go by and he pops up and messages me 'hi my love'. I haven't replied bc I'm not sure he's really interested in me. Should I reply to him? I like him, but what if he leaves again?
I remember your earlier post...and I think tje consensus was that a) you should probably initiate contact more, and b) you need to be more direct.

If that were me (in your situation), I would've just come out and asked him point blank if he wanted a serious relationship or not.
He's not being distant. He gave up.
Thanks for your insights =) Much appreciated.
Truecap, why do you think he contacted me again after 3 weeks of silence?
Posted by LeoLady0724
Thanks for your insights =) Much appreciated.
Truecap, why do you think he contacted me again after 3 weeks of silence?

Because 3 weeks is probably 2 days in Aquarius time.
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by LeoLady0724
Thanks for your insights =) Much appreciated.
Truecap, why do you think he contacted me again after 3 weeks of silence?

Because 3 weeks is probably 2 days in Aquarius time.
click to expand

Ahahaha! THIS.
No thats Taurus time! He was bored.
Posted by aqualady0118
No thats Taurus time! He was bored.

Lol if this is implying Taurus are clingy.

Major disagreement if this isn't !!
Aqua men are not distant, it's you having no clue.
Posted by truecap
He's not being distant. He gave up.

Yeah...I gotta go with this. Aqua men do have a reputation for backing off in a hurry when they feel they're getting too close to someone or start experience these weird things called "feelings," but it sounds like there was zero opportunity for either thing to happen in your situation. Like any man of any sign, I think he just figured you weren't interested and moved on to the next shiny object.
Posted by LeoLady0724
Thanks for your insights =) Much appreciated.
Truecap, why do you think he contacted me again after 3 weeks of silence?

Curiosity? Boredom? Friendship? Who knows. It's definitely not because he's interested in being rejected again.

This is not the same scenario as an aqua being distant in a dating situation. You never accepted any of his invitations. You had your chance. If an aqua makes and effort and it's not reciprocated, they will back off rather quickly. They are not going to chase you if they're not getting anywhere. They will walk away. They aren't willing to be rejected over and over. Aquas are more sensitive than they let on.
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by LeoLady0724
Thanks for your insights =) Much appreciated.
Truecap, why do you think he contacted me again after 3 weeks of silence?

Because 3 weeks is probably 2 days in Aquarius time.
click to expand

lol Sassykiwi. That made me laugh =)