aries proposed....

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by eliza0012 on Saturday, September 9, 2006 and has 19 replies.

i didnt know he was that serious about me coz he proposed today and i was shocked.... hes the unwisest man on the planet... sooo darn rash...he freaks me out with his rashness....
But when he proposed i was honest and told him im not ready for committment and marraige..NO WAY... and his reaction: he said he can understand and can wait till i feel the same and he still wants to be friends and he loves hanging out with me....
i was kindda surprised he said that, and i was like 'but they say a guy and gal can never be friends? coz one of them will be hurt in the process coz he/she may be in love'( branh0913's thoughts).... and he said thats nonsense... he wants to stay friends always.... but i still dont believe him when he says so coz its obvious.....BUT im sooooooooo relieved
coz atleast i've been honest about my feelings for him and hes free to go and date others smile
Yeah I've noticed these traits in a few aries guys. One is in work and although I don't fancy him he always makes a point of talking to me and getting my attention and asking me what am I doing this weekend etc etc. He even asked me for my number but I told him I didn't want to give it to him which I felt a bit mean about but I really didn't want him texting me and phoning me because I wasn't interested. Now if only I could find an aries guy like that whom I am phyically attracted to Winking
Don't know how it sounds on your end, but in my end something says: "This guy is an idiot. Just like all other Aries guys are."
LOL @ Archer and GL,
I have a weird chart ... I'm on a cusp ... I have aqua and saggie in relevant places and I have tons of active but my capricorn sun allows me to control it Winking
Congratulations, eliza! I hear it was a beautiful wedding! A beautiful as it can get, in city hall...
wedding?? and mine?? do i look that stupid to get married?? Tongue

"This guy is an idiot. Just like all other Aries guys are."
yes hes rash....hes impulsive and childish but he aint an idiot....hes just weird Tongue
Yeah he's just excessively passionate! Haffo you're such a drip. Do you ever try to flirt with the opposite sex or are you "above" all that? I kinda like this guy in work who's the 18th March. It's just an attraction because he kinda mysterious and doesn't speak much to me. But I think he's a lovely young man and very deep very different fromt he typical aries guy anyway!!

March 18 makes him a pisces... not an aries?? right???

he's just excessively passionate!
ya thats what he always says 'i need lots of cuddling and lovings'...

Haffo you're such a drip. Do you ever try to flirt with the opposite sex or are you "above" all that?
ya haffo tell us??? your one of the sweetest guys on dxpland... love you pisces men
Haffo just has a lil strange sense of humor to most people here. I think he's cool.. smile

I think he's cool..
o ya hes super cool.. i was suprised when someone said hes sooo mean coz hes such a sweetheart...
"archer, I share your pain, about the sexual energy. Ah, but what fun!! "
So, thats whats causing it..hmmm smile
Eliza yeah he's a 18th March pisces and he's also 2 years younger than me, born in 1978 so I feel weird liking him because I normally prefer older guys. He is very mysterious and that intrigues me and attracts me.
I agree with GL- BEWARE OF ARIEs. He is definitele plotting. He will find someway to make you think you NEED him. They are very good manipulators and they CANNOT STAND if someone else takes control. RUn!
archer: yeah I guess but I want a man to make more moves to get me. I wanna feel like a prize to be earned and won! And there's not much to go on with this pisces man. If I was certain that he is the type of guy who prefers the woman to initiate romantic matters then yes I might try to do something but the way it is he gives me no signs at all. Having said that neither do I because I'm kinda shy and perhaps it's the aqua way to seem nonchalant so that I don't look like a fool if my feelings are not responded to and/or returned.

He is very mysterious and that intrigues me and attracts me.
im attracted to mysterious men too Tongue

He will find someway to make you think you NEED him.
They are very good manipulators and they CANNOT STAND if someone else takes control.
awww thats sooo true, hes sooo darn controlling, we were hanging out the other day and he mentioned golf.. he loves golf and i was like 'wow, i wud love to learn how to play golf' ( coz i've never played it..have no clue how u play that).. anyways later he called and told me hes fixed an appointment with an awesome golf coach for me and i should meet him... and when i said im not sure if i want to take golf lessons coz im way busy with school .... his response ' o come on, u have to make a decison, if u cant then i will make it for you... u have to take it'...
i was like what the heck????? hes crazy.. he insists on meetin EVERYDAY and if i dont meet up he shows at the uni....
but i dont know sometimes when im with him i feel sooo safe and he always wants me o be happy....i really respect him although hes wierd and controlling at times coz hes got a heart of gold.. hes very generous and considerate and his actions speak louder than his words....

My assessment stills. He's an idiot, just like all other Aries men are.

Congratualation getting married..
cap im NOT getting married yet....

My assessment stills. He's an idiot, just like all other Aries men are.
hahahaha haffo, i always thought aries/pisces get along great... my bros best budd_ is a pisces smile