Astrology and Parenthood

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Mamma_Roz on Friday, June 2, 2006 and has 5 replies.
I know there are always questions about personal relationships and astrology, but how about parent/child relationships and astrology. Do certain signs make better parents and do certain signs make for easier children and does the equasion of compatibility work with you and your child?
I am an Aqua mommy to a 2 year old Taurus and she definitly shows her bull nature. She is the biggest lover there is and loves to play mommy and take care of her dolls and other children in her daycare, but watch out when she gets mad. She can be the most stubborn little thing ever and she has a temper that threatens to rival mine. LoL.
I have looked up different things regarding children and their sign and I pulled her chart, but I don't find much on parent vs child relationships with astrology. I thought I'd pose it to you guys.

Sun Aqua
Moon Libra
Ascendant Scorpio
Sun Taurus
Moon Scorpio
Ascendant Gemini

If you have children do you notice an easier relationship with your children if your signs are compatable, or does it make no difference during the younger years?
"MAN is she one willful child! She can be soooo sweet and loving, and she loves hugs and cuddles, but when she's pissed, good gracious! I wonder how I'll handle when she has PMS"
That goes for my little one too!!!!! I am starting to dread the teenage years with my little bull. LoL.
I worry a bit with her having a Scorp Moon and Gemini rising. Kind of moody and quirky signs. I need to research a bit more about the rising and Moon signs. All I know is when my little one is happy she is the best little girl you could hope for and when she is not, get out of her way.
Let me ask you a question about your little girl GeminiLover, was she a Happy easygoing baby that only cried if there was a reason to? My daughter was the easiest baby I have ever seen, its only now in the toddler years that she is showing her true colors.
I do plan on more children down the road, won't be anytime soon as I am recovering from divorce and just recently started dating someone.
I am kind of expecting the jealousy thing. My little girl gets insane when I go to hold another child and one of her favorite things to say is "My Mommy". I'll drop her at daycare and if another child comes close to me she will scream at them "My Mommy". It's cute but it does kind of give me an indication of what will happen if I have more kids.
"she's possessive of me, and asks me quite often, if I like her brother better... For no reason!!"
Oh wow, I'm definitly going to be in for it when I have another child. I can see my little girl saying stuff like that.
My daughter doesn't like to share but that just could be a toddler thing. Its funny to watch. She will be happy playing with one toy and if another child is playing with another one of her toys that she is not using, she will stop what she is doing and go take the toy away.
Like I said it could just be a toddler thing, but on the other hand it could be the start of her possessiveness. I REALLY have to work on her sharing.