being over looked

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by JanuaryAquarius on Tuesday, December 29, 2015 and has 19 replies.
i noticed alot that me as Aquarius be over look but other signs come to me for advice like really tho
My family does that to me. They ask for my advice but they never take it. :/
A lot of people are usually just looking for a good ear or shoulder to cry on. They make the other person feel like they're looking for advice when in reality that's not the case. It is further proved by the fact that they don't take your advice.
U here they problems nd u give advice but when its u no one is around to listen to u
Different I'm glad to be different I care bout a lot of things even when people disrespect me or show they don't care I know its stupid to care that much its who I am
I felt this way for most my life till recently..
Far too much we have a habit of mumbling because we usually keep our thoughts to ourselves (oh no one will understand me.. lol)
Speak with clarity and confidence, you'll be sweet smile
Posted by AquaScorLeoTa
I felt this way for most my life till recently..
Far too much we have a habit of mumbling because we usually keep our thoughts to ourselves (oh no one will understand me.. lol)
Speak with clarity and confidence, you'll be sweet smile

I sometimes keep it to myself
I know Aquas, Sagi's, Pisces and some Cap's feel the grunt of this. Being the wisest of the zodiac. It is easy for people to come for advice but yet too stubborn to listen or take it.
Hi everyone by the way I just made an account smile
Posted by JanuaryAquarius
U here they problems nd u give advice but when its u no one is around to listen to u

agree this happens to me a lot but i do have a fair amount of potentially "toxic" ppl in my life
Posted by WaterBearerer
Posted by JanuaryAquarius
U here they problems nd u give advice but when its u no one is around to listen to u

agree this happens to me a lot but i do have a fair amount of potentially "toxic" ppl in my life
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it would be OK if it was hand and hand but its not
the sad reality is that most people in your life want to use you for something. most relationships are conditional
IMO this is where spirituality comes in. i use God, the Universe, etc to figure out my own problems. i believe that we can see "signs" to lead us on the right path.
it might seem a little cray to resign your life's problems to superstitions, but its better than trying to take from ppl who care to give you nothing
if i could suggest i would say pisces or scorpio is best giving positive reinforcement or a shoulder to cry on. the friends i cry to are of this sign. maybe it has something to do with water signs?

also as an aqua you have to become comfortable with giving more than you take. we have a higher potential for selflessness than most, and it was intended to be that way. we are intended to be givers.
That's why I go to the master the creater the teacher I live in the world I sometime do worldly things but I don't stay in it I go back to the father and I stay with the father everywhere I go
Posted by starwars
Posted by JanuaryAquarius
U here they problems nd u give advice but when its u no one is around to listen to u

its not a sign thing, i used to feel like that. found out later, its me. i put myself on the 'therapist' role and i seemed independent and i was private about my issues so that made people think i need no help or anything. its all about the vibes and the way you interact with people and the side of you that you let them see.
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its never u trust me people dont understand u i see u a virgo which makes u mother earth not many people understand u or ur ways
I 100% cosign with this! Most people either want to complain or have someone listen to them. I think for our sign, we look at a problem as something that needs to be solved and immediately start wanting to solve it. I have found that often people don't want their "problem" solved so it's best to figure out their needs ahead of time. I really like it when someone says they're just venting so I know they aren't trying to solve something but merely need support.

Posted by aquarius09
A lot of people are usually just looking for a good ear or shoulder to cry on. They make the other person feel like they're looking for advice when in reality that's not the case. It is further proved by the fact that they don't take your advice.

No one asks me for advice but EVERYBODY steals my ideas
Posted by JanuaryAquarius
i noticed alot that me as Aquarius be over look but other signs come to me for advice like really tho

i dont mind if loved ones come to me for advice.

sure ...BRING IT!!


i love that they can confide in me!!!! it makes me happy.

my cancer sun/pisces moon gf with leo venus used to come to me alot BEFORE she married, for advice and just general, overall getting her stuff out, and emotions out.

same here. We vent to eachother. And later, hours and hours later, we LOL and have a good time. I love it.

my sisters used to do that too

but they have their men, and their men are top priority.
i dont know. i love it when family and friends come to me, it means we BONDED. i love that alot.

looking back i didnt realize how TRULY special and precious that part is.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by JanuaryAquarius
i noticed alot that me as Aquarius be over look but other signs come to me for advice like really tho

i dont mind if loved ones come to me for advice.

sure ...BRING IT!!


i love that they can confide in me!!!! it makes me happy.

my cancer sun/pisces moon gf with leo venus used to come to me alot BEFORE she married, for advice and just general, overall getting her stuff out, and emotions out.

same here. We vent to eachother. And later, hours and hours later, we LOL and have a good time. I love it.

my sisters used to do that too

but they have their men, and their men are top priority.
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that's what I like to hear