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Feb 15, 2014Comments: 28 · Posts: 193 · Topics: 14
Been meaning to make this thread for a while.
Cigarette thread is for those that actually smoke on a regular, guilt-less basis. Please leave your "gonna get cancer" crap out, this thread is a tribute to cigarettes.
Anyway, three (3) simple questions to smokers:
1) When/how did you start smoking?
2) What cigarette brand do you smoke, why?
3) Go 'head and list as many cigarettes as you've tried and rate 'em out of 5. Rating should be based on taste and smoothness. Now I am in no way a very experienced smoker, and thats why I'd like all of us to collectively share our insights about the cigarettes we've had. If anything I'd like some of you to recommend some other brands for me to try, for example, I hear Pall Mall's are good but have not heard enough for me to get a pack.
I'll go first...
1) I'm 24, been smoking for about a year and a half. The development of my habit grew gradually. Started out having an occasional cigarette when I'd get shit-faced and bummed off my friends, went on to smoke a few cigs while drinking in general, again bumming off friends, and then I eventually just got into the habit when friends got tired of me bumming off them hah.
2) I smoke Marlboro No.27s. For a lot of people, No.27s are a love/hate thing. I for one, love them, very much. Tasty cigarettes. It has that great Marlboro flavor and is smooth but not too light, has a bit of harshness to it which I like. When I'm feeling for a change I'll occasionally buy a pack of Camel Lights, but I'll talk more about that later.
3) Cigarettes I've had and what I think about them:
1)Camel filters - 2.75/5, Meh, strong Camel flavor, much too heavy and harsh, at least for me.
2)Camel unfiltered - 3/5, Yeah idk why I rate nonfiltered Camel higher than the filters. The Turkish-Domestic blend in its purest form and its darn good. I toke nonfilters very lightly.
3) Camel Lights - 4/5, Great tasting cigarettes, still pretty harsh but not as much as the filters, but for some reason not light as the unfiltered. With the Lights, I can really taste that nutty Camel flavor. Very yummy.
L&M regular/lights - 2/5, Not a big fan of L&M's, tried 'em and will probably never smoke em again.
Newport - 2.75/5, I don't like menthol cigarettes, I just think they're always too mentholy, but Newports are okay, wouldn't smoke them regularly.
Marlboro Lights - 1.5/5, Very nasty cigarettes, has a "chemical" taste to it when y
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Feb 15, 2014Comments: 28 · Posts: 193 · Topics: 14
Marlboro Reds - 2/5, Gahhhhh much too harsh. I dont think I'll ever get used to these.
Marborlo Blend No.27s- 4.5/5, Now here's a very biased rating for my regular cigarettes lol. I like them a lot, I just do. No.27s is some good-ass cigarettes.
Ok your turn. I'm gonna step out for a smoke.
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Feb 15, 2014Comments: 28 · Posts: 193 · Topics: 14
Regals are decent and fairly strong, reminds me of being home (grampa smoked in the garage when I was a teenager, 75+ and he still goin strong)
Heard so much about Chesterfields but too bad I cant get em here in Dallas.
I can probably get some online though lol, thanks for that.
Cant stand menthols, I stay away from them at all costs.
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
Port Royale or plain Winfield Blue tobacco. Started on Marlboro Reds as a kid lol. Somewhere a long the line I just started rolling my own and I prefer the taste over a normal cig. Burns slower and say if you're just ducking out for a quick one you can roll less of it etc. PLUS it's way cheaper here than a deck of smokes.
There's way too many I've tried to name but I'm way paste enjoying it for the taste now. If it has nicotine and it burns, I'm all good.
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Aug 17, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 237 · Topics: 41
Gotta Say:
Camel is a beautiful brand. The Turkish Blend is amazing and I really enjoy the unfiltered 99's. However, I like menthol kickers so now I'm on the Camel Crush BOLDS. Fairly decent taste when the ball isn't crushed. Smooth and rich when the ball is crushed with that stream of mint going throgh your lungs. and theyre cheap in the south.
Second rate would be the American Spirit brand. They taste awesome...almost every flavor. However, they;re TOO pricey and pull way too slowly. So, by the time your half way done, you are tired from trying to pull the smoke through. Could be good and bad I guess.
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 348 · Posts: 5328 · Topics: 266
Virginia Slims light menthol. i came a long way
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Oct 23, 2011Comments: 15 · Posts: 443 · Topics: 12
1. Started smoking at 18 party habit than a wall of stress hit you know the deal. After that it's been a habit.
2) Right now I'm smoking American spirit naturals. I like the taste and I like that they last long. I'm usually get about two songs in while I'm smoking and listening to music.
American Spirit Menthols 4/5 really good flavor just feels a little heavier than the naturals.
Marlboro Reds(cowboy killers)- 3.5/5 Don't really like them don't really not like them. They are pretty harsh only good for when I'm really tired and need one.
Camel Crush Menthol- 4/5 I was smoking these for awhile they went down super smooth and I would use the crush for when I was sick and wanted to smoke x)
Camel Crush Bolds- Pretty much the same thing except it tastes crazy good and makes me chain smoke. I got tired of the taste of both of these after awhile.
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
wow there's alot of air signs that smoke.
my husband and I don't smoke cigarrettes at all. In the past, he did a little, but not cigarrettes. I did as well a little.
too disgusting and gross smell and plus, it's bad around children, and another thing: i get very sick easily. Bronchitis and pneumonia history.
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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
I started smoking when I was 11 or 12 years old??_not sure how old I was in yr 7 but thats when I started ??_..I used to hang with the jocks and high achiever boys that i was friends with during primary school and then I started hanging with the hippy derro type folk who smoked in the outer bounds areas I always found them more interesting mind you I couldn't afford my addiction at the time so i used to steal mums Winfield blue and roll my own.
I've actually just quit smoking I've stopped for 3 weeks and its gonna be the first time in my adult life that I'm gonna have clean lungs so I'm pretty excited??_..Ive always had good lungs and I'm interested how much better they're gonna get??_
At first I smoked winfield tobacco then I for the longest time I smoked champion ruby or blue and then for the last 4 years I smoked Peter Styvestants classic because for some reason I thought taylor mades would be a step towards quitting