He may possibly be beyond help, but he may have said the best things I have ever heard anyone say: Why he's suing: P
IN YOUR OPINION, what's a good moon placement for sagittarius and why? Also, which do you think is probably a more diff
I am unsure of a virgo man's intentions so I cut off all communications with him e.g. social network online. We were put
Hey I know we have a few Kiwi's on the board. Anyways hope you are all alright and didn't get wrecked by the quake
I really would appreciate to hear what you think. I need it lol. I've known this guy for three years now and we have
How do we delete topics on dxp .. I got few threads I need to get rid of :) thanks
At the start he made all the effort but the past few days he told me to text him and he would ring me as we work togethe
Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware, has been part of the English language since 1523, when it was used in connection w
Just recently this sag girl made contact with me out of the blue and started talking to me. Asking all kinds of questio