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Mar 07, 2017Comments: 16 · Posts: 487 · Topics: 93
Hi All,
Virgo woman here talking to the most sweetest Aqua man. He has expressed how much he likes me, and also has already given me a pet-name (I find very cute). Our connection is wonderful - physically, mentally and emotionally! We're fairly new which brings up my concern... He mentioned to me that he does not like when girls he is interested in, talks/dates other men. He wanted my full attention and focus on 'us' so we can develop. He said he does the same thing, so right now all of his dating apps have been deleted and has only focused on me.
I told him that I wanted him to be able to talk or even go on dates with other girls... Reason being, I'd want him to be able to make a decision on if I was the one or not... Anyways, it just so happens that I did away with the other guy I was talking to and now just talking to my Aqua man...
So going back to my question, can Aqua men be possessive?
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May 08, 2016Comments: 11 · Posts: 1063 · Topics: 51
Most definitely. Me, for example.
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Dec 17, 2013Comments: 372 · Posts: 6468 · Topics: 165
Yes. But they get squirrelly and debate you if you call them on it.
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Feb 25, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 1058 · Topics: 9
For sure they want exclusiveness! Even during the dating period, before commitment, they give you the freedom to do whatever you like, only to study you. This is how they know if you are suitable for them. Not by comparison. They have already compared before deciding to see you. They may like freedom, but freedom is not to see other people, but to feel free of chains, to feel comfortable with you and totally themselves. If you can give him this freedom, you will have the most devoted man on earth by your side.