Confessions of an aqua!

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by VenusLady on Monday, August 6, 2007 and has 10 replies.
I get a call on Saturday night from my aqua (if you don't remember he went AWOL on me a couple months back and I have been given him semi distant treatment ever since)?so anyway he sounds real down, almost like he had been crying or was about to?he starts telling me how much he misses me and how much I mean to him (at this point he sounds almost suicidal)?he then takes a deep breath (I hear it cuz he almost sucks me in through the phone line) and blurts out ?If i've never told you before...I love you?!!! ok so I'm left speechless! He tells me that he can't stop loving me and even admits that he's tried to. I so want to tell him that I love him too but I'm scared this is just another act or another way for him to win me back. Even though in my heart of hearts I believe he meant what he was saying to me, how do I know? When an aqua confesses they mean it?
I'd say he was down, I'd say he was drunk, I'd say alot of things about your Mr. Aqua's behaviour and declaration .... but the bottom line is, I'd say he truly did mean it only on a very rare occasions, like blue moons and shooting stars!!!!, your gonna get an aquarian speaking from the heart and telling it like it really is amd saying the L word....but naturally Venuslady, your going to make him prove it...actions speak louder thans words and all that...if he wants to romance you, wine and dine you and make you feel special, that's his choiceWinking and be with you now "on your own terms", give him a second shot...if he doesn't.....the you'll know for sure that's it all empty words, empty speak...
Best of luck.....VL
A x
i think he meant it.
the funny thing is,that intake of breath,shows how difficult it is for us to say these 3 words,because we don't take it lightly at all,its so tough to utter those words,as we feel they should not be wasted and thrown around carelessly to anyone we care about.
love is something which is taken lightly.
we aquarians will make friends on the drop of the hat,we can even sometimes refer to our enemies as friends,as friendship is something this sign is made we are naturals in friendship.
but when it comes to love,it is a little strange territory for us.the comfort level of friendship goes when we start to fall in love with a person.we miss this comfort level,and hence we sometimes hesitate to declare the love,as it might take away the friendship comfort level with it.
i say,give him a chance,like alana said,but keep your
he meant it.
Well said Devil:-)'ve just "encapsulated" very articulately the comfort level thingy about friendship to love for us aquarians......and why the L word can be so so difficult for us to utter and s-t-utter!!!!......cuh!! why do we have to be so complicated about something as natural as day and night! when it comes to love.
Alana x
WOW Pluto's Pride.....another so wise and profound insight and sharing on the aquarian and their hearts and minds, time for me to go way and digest and incorporate what you have said into my own life and loves....some posts, not many, seem to have divine intervention behind them, they appear just when one needs them most or is lacking in a certain arena of one's life.....yours did that for me thank you again.
Alana x
Thanks guys!
I spoke with him again last night and we managed to both get a few things off our chest. He admitted that even though he loves me, his fear is he can't give me what i need emotionally or financially even though we got the physical down! lol Anyway i told him that right now i just want to be his friend, we both have so much to learn about each other and even though my heart tells me i love him, my mind tells me he is not ready and with that said I can no longer offer anymore of myself emotionally to the relationship. We came to an agreement to start over and learn more about one another, we have a lot of work to do and that work starts with just being friends! He ended the conversation telling me he loves me even more now! lol!
Very funny collier! I had said in another post that i thought i liked you...i'm not so sure now!
*Venuslady scratches head while pouting*
Thanks colleir for being so nice to me...i'll be sure to return the favor one day!
What sign are you? You don't have to tell me, I'm just curious. I'm on the Saggie/Cappie cusp smile