Someone, anyone, please help me figure out my Aquarius friend.
I think he may have developed some feelings for me, however, he’s giving off these wishy washy vibes. When I go to ask him how he feels, he goes completely silent or is very vague with his answers. He’ll say things like, “I care for (or about) you” and “You’re always on my mind.” He’s constantly complimenting me and asks to see me all of the time. When we do spend time together, we don’t have sex. We hang out, talk, snuggle and kiss. However, he’s disappeared on me a few times. And that’s where it gets confusing for me. I’m not used to a guy being into me one minute and just vanishing the next. The longest he’s been MIA was 9 months. A couple of reasons he gave me were he was dealing with depression and needed time alone and he gets so caught up in his personal life that he often forgets to reach out to people. I give him his space when he up and disappears, but I can’t help but feel that he’s just using me. I do really like him, which is the reason why I keep allowing him to come back after he has disappeared. I guess I just need some advice from other Aquarius men on what this situation might be. Does he actually care? Is it worth continuing?
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Mar 27, 2017Comments: 1330 · Posts: 12920 · Topics: 29
Let me guess, another confusing Aqua with Cap Venus?
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
today I learned that Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin married last September. They dated briefly in 2015. two months or so.
in love everything is allowed. but Hailey had a bf in between. Justin dated tens of girls in between.
real life is like comedy at time. is like drama at times. he might be using you. he might suffer from depression or a broken heart (because of a Fixed sign girl). too many possibilities and uncertainties. you can only decide for your own part. wether you feel you are tremendously in love and need to wait for him. or you prefer to date somebody else. until time shows what it was all about.