'cool sex toy

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by CallMeAlienRobotOrWhatever on Friday, July 28, 2006 and has 23 replies.

look like real
about $ 7000/unit and aprox $ 850 for shipping
i'll post another pic later

REAL??? no it looks VERY PLASTIC smile
wow, that's hot. Could develop into some weird addiction! lol
"Is that one of those living dolls? "
no...its no a robot
japanese version
the Jap version looks better... Really...
why are you posting naked sex dolls?
hahahaha... yes alienrobot???
"the Jap version looks like she's 12-years-old....disturbing."
NO KIDDING!!! It's this for pediphiles?!!
"why are you posting naked sex dolls?"
lol...bcoz mostly are naked pic
it probably make you sick, but men like a younger look

O MY GOSH... the male doll looks soooo mcuh like my X scorpio.....
i dont think that one looks like 12 years old...they looks like 16 - 20 in asia
they have an episode of real sex on HBO all about those dolls
lol eliza, so why dont you buy one?

lol eliza, so why dont you buy one?
NO thanx... I dont DO dolls smile
Yeah they look too young and that's sick.
Yeah they look too young and that's sick.
ya i guess they r for pedophiles Tongue

WOW prime... this one is kindda cool .....

LOL... naaaa... im not into body piercing and all... but it looks cool on the doll