Coolest accents?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Yama on Thursday, September 21, 2006 and has 33 replies.
I'm voting Irish/Scotish.
Just soooo fecking cool. cute
Australian's and British people. I honest to god love their accents. Italians too when spoken low and soft... smile
I've been told I have a cute/cool accent. Whenever I go visit family in Georgia, I come back with a TexPeach accent...Texas mixed with Georgia. Here's my list:

Southerners -particularly Georgia and Alabama - there's a difference in dialects among the southern states.
Italian NY'ers (my Aqua fiance')
Boston Irish
lol...not everyone in Texas are hicks...
what a misconception.
oh, and not all of us ride horses to work.
No, GL...some of us ride mules and donkey and NASCARS. Winking
What was the name of the cat that Pepe LaPew was in love with? like boston accents??? i can't stand them...
my fave would have to be a southern accent, on a man...mmmmm, yummy!!!
i'm not really into the european accents (except irish), since my dad is hardcore italian so i grew up hearing it all my, i am not a big fan of euro trash!
i don't know...maybe it is b/c i grew up on the east coast and the people kind of bother me...also, a lot of guys i know from boston are a bunch of massholes!!!
was it Penelope?
oh there's branh....
I'm going with Geminilover on this one:-)
Scottish - so lilty:-)
Irish - so Oirish:-)
Spanish - so sexy:-)
Transylvanian - had a lover from there:-) so I would have to say that wouldn't I! Hey Glover, you know someone from there?
I believe it is spelled "scottish".
Well Gemlover.....they do say that Dracula emulated from Transylvania...perhaps that's why your neck got bitten:-).......seriously though I know cap guy from there.....what a man!!!!:-) and he has invited me to go there on fine may never happen but then again, knowing me, it will:-)!!
a x

"'I believe it is spelled "scottish".'
And I believe that's called being 'anal.' "
...It was a joke...
"'I believe it is spelled "scottish".'
And I believe that's called being 'anal.' "
The technical term is "a joke".Tongue
DXP is being a dick.Sad
"Really? Didn't notice... Oh, come on, Yama, didn't you notice my winking smiley? Does that mean being serious to you?"
I thought you were using it so you wouldn't sound harsh.

cool accent ?? ofcourse MINE york accent rockz Tongue....
i aso love the way germans speak english... how cute smile
Scatish, maybe?
I think this is how they pronounce it.Tongue
Perhaps even Scotchish.
Spanish. smilesmilesmile
South African.
French (ooh la la).
"NYC and upstate accents: Talk becomes tawk. They run words with low sounds together. Like Whatyutawkinbout? Come here becomes come e're. The most famous is "hey you" being tranformed into "a yo". Upstate accents are similar, but they incoporate some of Canandas fuckups of the english languge."
Upstate accents aren't like city least not where I live...
Although, we do still say "tawk" and "'ere". Also, people don't tend to pronounce the "t" at the end of a contraction...for example, "can't"...the t is basically inaudible, although the word has a weird sort of rounded end that suggests the t. I'd say our accent is more like the mid-west's.
GL, I hail from Southern Upstate New York, closer to Binghamton, if you have any idea where that is (although my family is from Queens). But my accent isn't country (and trust me, I have HEARD country Tongue), and it isn't city. It's......smallish city upstate New York? hehe.
notso, why were you scared?
I just got off the phone with a gentleman originally from Johanessburg, South Africa. I kept him on the phone for longer than I needed. smile
"Because I've been told...(by Binghamton alumn)....that the surrounding residential areas are reminiscent of ghost towns. Like the ones you see in the movies. Where the total population is 493, and everyone looks the same b/c your grandmother is your 2nd cousin; and your sister is also your great-aunt."
That's a bit exaggerated Winking.
I've stayed at the Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast. And the Winchester mansion.
Yes! And he was adorable in person. I met him to deliver some insurance info to him yesterday evening. OH, and he's a baseball fan. My heart fluttered. LOL...not really.

Well, yeah it kinda did.
think theres too many to choose from.. depends on if its a guy or a girl speaking.. few selection for me.. i do like the southern accent and the british.. although i am told i have the southern a bit.. dont see it.. :p
When I visit family in Georgia, I can mock their accent very well. Overall, I don't think I have much of a Texas accent. A few people have asked me if I was from the midwest before. Not sure if I would know offhand how someone from the midwest talks unless they were from Chicago I suppose.

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