Could someone drop some pearls of wisdom?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Rambo101 on Monday, May 1, 2017 and has 2 replies.
Hey, could I seek some advice on Aqua women or woman.

Current situation or lack of is; we dated for 3 months things went swimmingly, she was really forward in letting me know how she felt very heavily, in return I did because I did. She became very distant after starting a job and after an evening out and apologised for it, stated that she needed a break to focus on her. That happened.

We still spoke and occasionally bumped into each other on the way home from work. Spoke laughed. Though she wouldn't commit to meeting up. I got her some gifts, Christmas birthdays. She's accepted. We've had contact since and recently I've seen her in the mornings on route to work again. Same things big hugs, laughing talking. She's known my feelings for her for a long time, but I have to admit I've been very tag happy on instagram and Facebook. To which she blocked me on. She hasn't blocked me on WhatsApp.

Over the weekend she told me she'd met someone else and posted #datenight though, as a Gem I examined the picture annnd it just didn't sit right, before blocking me. If I'm totally honest I don't believe she has BUT I have to go with that. With that in mind wouldn't you completely block someone? Had that previously with an aqua. I'll admit I never completely backed off as I always felt she left the door open, was that the aqua thing of being nice?

Would my best bet for there to be anything just back right off? I was thinking off blocking her on whatsapp but that might seem childish?
Well, she blocked me the morning after she posted that. To be honest I believe it was because I tagged her in 2 things that evening, but I won't ask so can't be sure. As a gem I push it, I even liked the post she made about the date. The reason I don't believe she did was because when we went out she tagged me and her in things also pictures with her and I. But this was just a table of food. Something is quite fishy but maybe I'm OVER analysing it.

But I get about the lurking part, which will naturally occur. I kind of made a bad move by wishing her team luck and sending a selfie with it. I know, thinking back makes me cringe. I also sent a playlist, via whatsapp, yesterday and today. No reply, but also still not blocked. Which strikes me as weird on her part, yes as much as mine. I'm probably pushing my luck but I'd have thought if she really had he enough and wanted nothing then I'd be blocked across everything. TBH I'm quite impulsive with sending things so in all honesty she knows in time she may get a whatsapp from me. I just have to back off hah.