My co-worker just gave me a recipe for a energy ball. Its oatmeal, peanut butter, chi seeds, flaxseed, honey and a bunch of other stuff.
Do anyone have any other healthy good food recipes? when you say it - he wishes to be right there at that moment and have his way with you...
Have some? ?
What situations do you consider to fit the levels below?
Level Green - Situation that makes you jealous but you can handle and doesn't worth a discussion.
Level Yellow - Situation that makes you doubt if you are right or wrong but worth a discussion
Our travel plans are quickly en route to being cancelled. Any dxpers in its path? Be prepared, be safe!
The Russian Sleep Experiment
Do gems and sagittarius go together ? If yes awesome?? if not...... imma still try!!
Feel without purpose and direction for most of my life and have had life long mental issues, I feel cursed having these aspects. I feel like I can't direct my will, ambitions, and energies into anything meaningful or long-term. I have no idea what to do w
I mean really feels like. That can be with relationships, friends, or family. Mostly relationships, cause I have given up on my family. What's it really like for someone to actually care?
I hate this so much it's like a bless and a curse because I can be aware but it's sickening to me. Even perverted ppl trying to be around my child! Like wtf is it?!?!? It has been this way my whole life even when I was in middle school I encountered a rap