Posted by cheekyfaerie
Lucky you.
Posted by lildolPosted by cheekyfaerie
Lucky you.
NOT! He's missing his front teeth lol
I'm really not superficial, just to expand
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
If your curious... we can't be all that bad!
Posted by aquapiscescusp
what if he were to fix his teeth?
Posted by cheekyfaeriePosted by lildol
There may be some desperation in there... lonely more like it. He lost his fiance last year to a heart attack, a few years prior his wife to a stroke. Dry Cap humor on my part - I told him I could never get involved with him as it might mean my demise. I wasn't trying to be insensitive, it just came out.
Cap Merc, right? Totally sounds like some shit I'd say. lolclick to expand
Posted by tiki33
LOL lildol you kinda dense too.
Posted by PurrHisss
I understand dark humor. I was just wondering if you had that kind of relationship with him where he's used to your type of humor, is all. You've posted a few things on here that have made my jaw drop, and come across as one of those jokers with somewhat sadistic undertones. I could be wrong, but that's just the vibe I get from you. Do a lot of people get offended by your jokes IRL? Just curious.
I would be stunned if an acquaintance felt comfortable enough making jokes like that around me, and I have an Aquarius moon. If HE said it, I can understand....could be his way of coping. Kudos to him for not jabbing you in the gut with a pool stick and throwing an 8 ball at your head.
Calling him desperate, dense, and talking about his missing teeth on here seems a little cruel. Maybe he's grieving and possibly neglecting his hygeine/not thinking as clearly as he normally would, because of this, leading him to believe you were more than an acquaintance.
If he can be understanding enough to realize you blurt out insensitive and inappropriate things without malice, it's only fair that you understand that he misread you without assuming he's stupid, no?
Posted by PurrHisss
I understand dark humor. I was just wondering if you had that kind of relationship with him where he's used to your type of humor, is all. You've posted a few things on here that have made my jaw drop, and come across as one of those jokers with somewhat sadistic undertones. I could be wrong, but that's just the vibe I get from you. Do a lot of people get offended by your jokes IRL? Just curious.
Posted by PurrHisss
I would be stunned if an acquaintance felt comfortable enough making jokes like that around me, and I have an Aquarius moon. If HE said it, I can understand....could be his way of coping. Kudos to him for not jabbing you in the gut with a pool stick and throwing an 8 ball at your head.
Posted by PurrHisss
Calling him desperate, dense, and talking about his missing teeth on here seems a little cruel. Maybe he's grieving and possibly neglecting his hygeine/not thinking as clearly as he normally would, because of this, leading him to believe you were more than an acquaintance.
Posted by PurrHisss
If he can be understanding enough to realize you blurt out insensitive and inappropriate things without malice, it's only fair that you understand that he misread you without assuming he's stupid, no?click to expand
Posted by lildol
There may be some desperation in there... lonely more like it. He lost his fiance last year to a heart attack, a few years prior his wife to a stroke. Dry Cap humor on my part - I told him I could never get involved with him as it might mean my demise. I wasn't trying to be insensitive, it just came out.
Posted by PurrHisss
@ lildol
No, I got it. It's not a difficult joke to understand at all. I was just asking if you had a relationship where you knew you could safely joke about something like that, because you called him an acquaintance. This story didn't make my jaw drop, but some comments you've made to strangers on this site when you weren't even provoked have been pretty cold. I just get the feeling that there's a lot of underlying hostility you release through so-called jokes. It doesn't seem as innocent as you make it out to be.
Posted by lildol
Are ya Aquas all dense or would you describe it as just optimistic?
Posted by lildol
Ah, just have this Aqua (male) acquaintance who knows clearly I'm caught up in someone else yet informed me yesterday that he told his family about me, about the girl he's "seeing". I never realized pool partners constituted anything but just that, maybe I'm the dense oneclick to expand
Posted by BlueSandCacoonPosted by lildol
Are ya Aquas all dense or would you describe it as just optimistic?
Not very optimistic. Dense, maybe.
Posted by lildol
Ah, just have this Aqua (male) acquaintance who knows clearly I'm caught up in someone else yet informed me yesterday that he told his family about me, about the girl he's "seeing". I never realized pool partners constituted anything but just that, maybe I'm the dense one
You sure he's talking about you? Has he told you directly?click to expand
Posted by lildolPosted by BlueSandCacoonPosted by lildol
Are ya Aquas all dense or would you describe it as just optimistic?
Not very optimistic. Dense, maybe.
Posted by lildol
Ah, just have this Aqua (male) acquaintance who knows clearly I'm caught up in someone else yet informed me yesterday that he told his family about me, about the girl he's "seeing". I never realized pool partners constituted anything but just that, maybe I'm the dense one
You sure he's talking about you? Has he told you directly?
Did you miss the part where he got me flowers?click to expand