I recently cut off an Aquarius, before I even let it be known that the predicament that we were in is done (FWB), he felt a way and mentions that "we haven't talked in a month" as a response from me telling him "If you would've "cut me off" you could've at least told me, but you're not so upfront." I do not understand, it's like for this Aqua, he wants to live up the bachelor life and do not like clinginess. So when I stopped being clingy and do my own thing, it's a problem!? It's like I care about the dude, and he did open up to me some heavy shit from back home which is odd for the fact of how detach he is...but it really doesn't give you the right to disrespect me. Yes, I know we were FWB, I get it...don't remind me the whole "you knew what you signed up for" bull. I was a victim of catching feelings. I know he's at a position where he is still hurting because someone he loved (same sign as me, Capricorn) doesn't love him and is in love with someone else. And he uses sex and substances (weed, alcohol) as a getaway. However, I've tried to tell him that I just preferred him not to make these girls catch feelings towards him knowing that he doesn't care about them because it's only going to make things worse. Ironic? But who knows, the kid's feelings will remain a secret. But he did admit that he did liked me. Whatever, I'm overall bummed and confused over this situation, but I just rather for him to deal with shit himself. (Yes, he is blocked on every source of communication because I am infuriated of how he responded "fuck off then jesus") when I end what we had.
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Move on and don't look back.
As killerwhale stated, self is priority.