this aquaguys are really hard to figure out. I had the same exact problem with 2 aquas. First few weeks, they are awesome, loving, caring, attentive, relentless in bed... and then boom, they are out of the picture. Then, they stop responding. They dont answer the phone, and if they do, they are short. They dont respond to the online messages. Its like they retreat to their own world, like turtles. It's worst when they dont tell us why they retreat or respond. I think its childish behaivor. I got fed up with it, now I ignore them both, and moved on to better things.
Dated an aqua man once and i would say they are very difficult to understand and they master in head games but remember this saying when dealing with an aqua guy "if you can't beat em join em" that is soooo true (i'm an aqua girl) so if he doesnt call for a week you don't call for two, if he is being contradictory or sarcastic, laugh it'll burn him up!!! Eventually you will have him trying to figure you out and then thats when he's hooked cause we aquas never leave a puzzle unfinished. GOOD LUCK and may the force be with you!!!! (smile)